NATIONAL GALLERY OF IRELAND MINUTE BOOK 1880 TO VOL 2 1880-1896 1 National Gallery of Ireland Minecte Book N. Trour 1886t Thursday April th 1886 A meeting of the Boaid was summioued for this day at 20.O Clack resent is Geace The Dake of Lunated in the chair Viscount Lonescount H.P. Viscount Lought Sir obert ave Thonal Davell Esq . H. A. A. athind Esq. E. A. The Dentor. The Rigiation was aldo in attendance the inted of last ecting were read and signed The Director announced that through the death of Dr Lordsell on the the Lettimo a racaney had accured on the Boved and he was desued to prite to the under entary of is prace the Lord Lieutenant asmouncing 2 the corcumstance and stating that the appointment to the nacaney is reated in is Eraie The initor stated cinenstances under which the suall inature of Richaid Burke by Bove had a fee days prieniously been stolese from the Gallery four secesly which it was fartened to one of the cieis in the intermediate Gallery having been entracted, the lasd was discouned withen ten Minutes of the thect ared full paticulars wee at one communicated to the cheip of the pleteture department at the cantle No tidugo have however it been heard of it The picutor submitted two pintened by Lorge han t. A purchased repectively for 2n and 1 ainear at chusts and ther pechase was appioved by all the Governors present the cicitor auggeated that when nut in London he shoued endeavoon to abtaice for the Portrait Gallery, atts fure portrait of the late Lord daurence appriviced and anthorived to yo as for for t as 10. allot be alahede 3 Thursday June 3rd 1880 at Meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 o'Clock. Present The Lord Talbot de Malahide, in the chair, Sir Robert Kane, P.R.S. Sir Thomas A. Jones, P.R.H.C. B. Collis Watkins Esqr. H.H. Thomas Farrell Esqr. R.A. The Director. The Registian was also in attendance. The Minutes of last meeting were read and seemed. compondence read appointing in Arthur Edward Tunness, Bart, a member of the Board. Dublin Castle 19th April 1880 Sir, I am dicuted by the Lord Lieutenant to transmit to you, for the information of the Board of Governors and Guardians of the National Gallery of Ireland. His Graces warrant, appointing in Arthur Edward Gumness, Bent, to be a member of that boards in the room of the late Very Renced Charles Russell D.D. I am Sir Your Obedient Servant (Signed, J. Barke. The Registrar National Talley of Ireland. The Ductor notified that the time for which Messrs Watkins and Lawill were elected to represent the Royal Hiberman academy on the Road, having expired. He was desired to notify the same to the Academy, with the view of their taking steps for a celution. The Dictor was selected to present the Board as a judge under the Taylor bequest The Ductor reported that in accordance with the solution came to at the last Meeting he had sought an interview with Mr. Watts who declined to entertain any proposal for the purchase of his portrait of the late Lord Lawrence. first chain 11180 5 Thursday July 29th 1880 a Meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 Oct Present Sr George Hodson, Bart J. Calvert Stronge Esqr Sir Robert have Thouses Farrell, R.S.A. The Director. The Rigestion was also in attendance There not being a quorum present no business has transacted. Camar No. 111000 Thursday November 11th 1880 a Meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 oclock. Present Viscount Powerscourt, R.S. in the chair, Viscount Cough. Sir John Crampton, But Sir Bernard Burke C.B. Ulster. Sir Thomas Jones, J.R.S.A. Thomas Fane Esqr The Director The Registian has also in attendance The Minutes of the last meeting here read and Signed A letter near read from the Suntary of the Royal Heiman Academy, notifying for the information of the Board, that Mr B.C. Watkins and Mr Thomas Farrell, had been selected to represent that Board on the Board of Governors. Also a letter from Mr Sladstone to the Dentor announcing to him that he had been nominated a C.B. which letter was Ordered to be manted on the Minutes as follows: over - 8 7 Thursday November 11th 1880. Harmarden Castle, Chester, Dear Mr. Doyle. I have never heard of you as a solicitor for honours, but I have not forgotten you as the energetic and effective head of a public establishment, and I have to propace to you, with the Sanction of Her Majesty, that you should receive a Companionship of the Bath, This I have it will be agreeable to you to accept. I was sorry that on my late short visit to Dublin, neither the day suited nor the time sufficient for attempting a visit to the National Gallery Relief are Faithfully yours W. Gladstone Also portions of a letter from Mr Harley requesting on the part of the Royal Academy, that the Board would agree to lend pictures belonging to the sally for exhibition at the Winter exhibition for old Masters at Burlington House, not more than 2 pictures by 42 Thursday November 11 1880. asked for at one trine. After considerable discussion it appearing that the request could not be complied with without a change in one of the By-Laws of the Board, such change requiring meetings of the Board at intervals of a month, and it being out of the queation to make such change in truce for exhibition of this writer, the consideration of the mattie was adjourned and in the mean time the Director was requested to ascertain whether in case it should altimately good to the board to agree to the request of the Royal Meade the Authorities of the Treasury would sanction their doing to it partract of a Lady attributed to Palma his purchased in Florence from Mr Harfor Murray for 180 was submitted to the meeting and the purchase approved by all the Governors present. Also a drawing in water colors by William Hut a cattage Interior purchased from Messrs. Christic Mason and Woods for 70 Kinchase also approved Also a small picture of the embarkation of King Charles II. by Mr. Vare de Kilde, the elder, from the same for £8/19 purchase also appeared. Leinster 8 9 Thursday March 31 1881 a Meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30. O’Clock Present His Grace the bake of Leinster, The Viscount Powerscourt R.S. Sir Robert Kane P.R.S. Sir Thomas Jones. P.R.H. The Director, The Registrar bees in attendance, There not being a quorum of the Governors precent no business was formally transacted. Leinster 10 Thursday April 21 1881 at Meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3,30 o'Clock Present His Grace the Duke of Leinster in the chair The Viscount Powerscourt R.S. The Viscount rough The Lord daun Sir Robert have The Director. The Registian was also in attendance head concordance with the Treasury on the 900 Subject of the purchase of the picture by F. Hals, for the arrangement for the payment for which bead sanctioned; and also in regard to excesses on the Vate of last year, under labheads BC for which saniture is requested. Also a report of the Richitect of the Board of Works on the subject of the cause of the recent five in the roof of the Small Galleries The Director having reported to the Board that it was discovered and extinguished by the employer of the Galling with the greatest rapidity and before the arival of the Fire Brigade with the assistance of for been who happened to be present. It was resolved that the approval of the Board be conveyed to the former for the exertions on the occation. 11 D Thursday April 21 1881 continued, The Ditor was authorized to make are application to the Treasury for a Superan ination allowance for Mrs O’Brien who is incapacitated by broken health. The Director brought before the Board a pective by I has purchased in Paris for £400 which purchase was approved by all the sounes precent Also a picture by. I at Bath matured to be purchased for £790 which was appoied by all the Lovernors present Portrait of Macklin the Octor Sam de Wilde The Dirter refusing to the circumstances connected with the propical some years ago to have the unfinished partions of the Gallery, on a level with the sculpture hall finished, with a view to the reception of the collection of Casts from Foley’s Works which it was there unduct and would be handed over to the charge of the Board by the Royal Dublin Society to which they had been bequeathed by Mr. Foley. Stated that the collection had since passed to the possession of the Science and Art Department and had been better up. The Estimate for the completion of the Hall alluded to had however been inserted annually in the Estimate of the Board of Works, but always struck out by the Treasury until this years, when in consequence of com¬ munications between him, Colonel McKilie, and Lord Cavendish, a sum on account of the proposed work has allowed. It being now proposed to furnish the hall with series for the exhibition of pictures and use it for the National portrait Gallery, thus obtaining the use of the small Sallery up stand for the general dictatement of the collection This plan was approved by the Board. 12 Thursday April 21 1881 continued The Director had his Report for the year 1879 as follows: hors and Gentlemen. The cally was open to the to the public from the 1st of January to the 31st of December, with the exception of the usual plead the month of October during which it is clared for final cleaning and which this years was prolonged to the 10th of November in consequence of opiations con- with victed, the hanging of the great picture by Mailes. During that time the admissions line as follows: The Admission 3344 By payments 1513 students attendances The number of Catalogues told, 338 New Students admitted to copy Ladies Titlemen The fallowing pictures time purchased 1. A landscape, Moonlight. The Peacher by S. A. OConnor 2. Lucretia by Francisco Francia, 3. Judith, by Lucas Cranch, 4 The Village School, by an Steen, 13 1 2 5 Thousday April 21 1881 continued Porticut of the late Sr Godd J.J.C.S. by cattison Smith Also a portale of Autotypes from the drawings of the old masties ever collection The following donations be received The Portrait of June, the painter by Salvator Rot. The great picture of the manage of Stroughow by D. Mauline R. Bath from Sir Richard Wallace Bart a drawing in heater colour by Wm Callow, from the Artist. a Drawing in Water Color by John Callow from the Artists Widow Portract Son of the Hell Fire Club, for the Portrait Tallery from the late John Wardell Esq. a donation of ₤100 from Dr Barry. The picture by Marine was restored and retired and the pictures by Bonouncing &c, were cleared and warnished 14 Thursday April 21 1881, continued, The large frame of the picture by Machine was restored and gilt, and the San Steen, pair of pictures by Bonvincing, portrait of Lady Magan &c, his pained and glazed. A glased mahogany case for the piter by Francia has also provided Leinster 3 Thursday July 28th 1881 at Meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30. Ol. Present His Grace the Duke of Leither, Sir Robert Kane, P.R.A. The Director. The Registrar was also in attendance. There not being a go of the soners present, no business as formally transacted Sister 15 2 Thursday 20 October 1881. A meeting of the Board was for this day at 3.30 O’Clock. Present His Grace, the Duke of List, in the chair The Viscount fourscourt R.S. Sir John Crampton, Bart. Sir George Hadson, Bart Sir Robert Kane P.R.S. his Bernard Burke C.B. Ulster, Thomas Fanall Esqre. R. H. A. The Director. The Registrar was also present The Minutes of last meeting will read and confirmed. Read letter from the Treasury in reply to the recommendation of the Board that Mrs Bridget OBrien should be granted a superannuation allowan on her final returment from their Service. A patuity of ₤17, is parted. Referring to the request of the Royal Academy, London, that the Board should lend some of the pictures belonging to the Gallery for their winter exhibition. 16 Thursday 20 October 1881, continued, of Old Masties and which was brought before the Board last November, and the consideration of which was postponed. The Director had a conspondence with the Treasury as follows: National Gallery of Ireland October 3rd 1881. Sir, The Royal Academy having requested the Board of Governors of the National Gally of Ireland, to land some of the pictures belonging to the Gally to that Institution, to four part of their Winter Exhibition of Old Master at Ballington House, the number so proposed to be lent not to exceed two at one time. I am directed by the Board before they take the matter into their consideration to ascertain whether in case they should see their way to comply with the request, such a course would receive the Sanction of the Treasury, I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient Servant, Signed, Henry, E. Doyle, The Secretary to the Treasury London. 17 Thursday 20 October 1881. No 16522/81 Lady Chamber 8 October, 1881. My Lords and Gentlemen with reference to Mr Doyle letter of the 3rd instant, relating to a proposal to lend certain pictures belonging to the National Gally, Ireland, to the Royal Academy, I am dicted by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majestys Treasury to acquaint you that if you are desirous of complying with the application of the Royal Academy and if there are no legal difficulties in the way. My Lords with not offer any objection to the arrangement, provided your Board undertake to be responsible for the proper packing transmission, and return of the puties, and that the Royal Academy undertake to defray all expenses connected with the transmission. including packing and freight, and also insure the pictures against the risk of injury from the forary both by land and sea, and also from the risk of fire from the time they leave the National Gallery till the time they are returned to it 20 Thursday 20 October 1881 With regard to the quation of legal difficulties, I am to suggest that you should consult the Crown and Treasury Solicitor for Ireland. Such difficulties may be genal, arising from the constitution of your Board and the conditions under which you have been intrusted with the custody of the puties and other works of Act in the Sallery or they may affect only particular puties of Works of Art, arising from the terms of donations or bequents. I have the honor to be, Sir Your Obedient Servant Signed, S. H. Cole, To The Governor of the National Gally Ireland A letter having been then read from Mr J.C. Horsley on the part of the Royal Academy conveying a request that the Gonnors and Guardians of the rational Sallery of Ireland would loved for them Winter exhibition one or two of the Works contained in the Sally. It was 21 Tuesday 20 October 1881 resolved that steps be taken to comply with such request by moving that the by Law No 34, be altered to the extent required for the purchase. It was their moved by Viscount Powerscourt and seconded by his John Crampton, Rat That by Law No 34, be altered to enable the Board to comply with the request in this particular case. unamously agreed to The Ductor Stated that he had selected Margant Hayden at apparently the most eligible of those who offered, for the vacant situation of housemaid and that there not having been a grain of Governor present at the Meeting called before the vocation, he had appointed her on probation subject to the approval of the Roved. It now appearing that She had given satisfaction in the discharge of her duties, he now proposed his definitive appointment to the Board, agreed to a small picture. Head of St. Catherine, attributed to Courgio 22 Thursday 20 October 1881. purchased at Messr. Chustie & famous for the sum of ₤110 to be paid out of the next year bant, was submitted to the Board, and the pinchase appeared of Leinster Thrusday November 17 1881 The Board met this day at 3.30. C. Precint His Grace, the Duke of Leinster, in the Chair. The Viscount Powerscount R.S. The Viscount Dough Sir George Hodson, Bart, Sir Robert Kane, P.R.S.A. Sir Thomas Jones, P.R.S.A. The Director, in attendance. The Registrar has also The Minutes of the last meeting were had and signed. Referring to the resolution come to at the last meeting, on the subject of 23 Thursday 17 November continued altering by have 34, so as to enable the Board to comply with the request of the Royal Academy to and pictures belonging to the Sallary to them for exhibition at Burlington House. It was proposed by Viscount Lough, and seconded by Sir Thomas Jones That that resolution be now confirmed, unanimously agreed The Director then read a letter from the Royal Academy formally requesting the Board to cend two pictures to form hart of their winter exhibition of old masters, and deceased British artists for the pread of 3 months beginning the 2nd Week of Decem and naming the pictures. The Piazza Navond, by Paun and the School by Ian Stein as those which they wish to have. It was resolved that the requist be complied with subject to the conditions stipulated in the Treasury letter The amount of insurance for Pain the was fixed at $1500, and that for the San Steen at $1000 24 Thursday the 17 November 1881 continued The Dentor brought under the notice of the Board the Estimate for 1882-83, which would have to be forwarded to the Treasury before the 1st of December, and referring to the expectation that the new Lally beyond the Sculpture hall well be completed in the course of next year. stated that it would be necessary to ask the Treaty to provide a Salary for an additional Porter to take charge of it. When the inter- Sallery midiate was about to be opened it being a comparatively small extension of the chief lange of alters a Salary of £40 any has asked for the new Porter, but the new Sallary being much larger more unportant and more isolated from the others, it is proposed to ask that the new Porter may be placed on a footing of equality with the Forty originally appointed and that his Salary be the same as their viz £52 peace. The proposal as approved. The following donation was offered for the Portrait Tally by mark, Shaghnesy age. A small statuette of Lord Chancellor Plunkett being the sketch model of a proposed Statue by J. R. Kick.R.H.A. it small engraved portrait of the same. small engraved portrait of Judge Butter, and a Mezzatent in graving 25 Thursday 17 November 1881 of a portrait of Chief Baron Wardesford after Vandyck. Ordered to be accepted with thanks. out t it Thursday December 1 1881 The Board met this day at 30. 3. 0. Pet: His Grace the Duke of Leinster, in the chair, Viscount Forces court. R.S. Viscount rough Sir George Hadson, Bart, Sir Bernard Burke C.B. Ulster, Sir Thomas Jones, P.R.S. Sir Robert Kane P.R.L.A. Thomas Daniel R.H.A. Colles Watkins R. H. The Director. The Registrar was also in attendance, The Minutes of the last meeting were read and signed A letter weet read from the President and Council of the Royal Academy forally requesting the Board to consent to lead for their winter exhibition the following pictures. 1st The fite in the Piazza Navona, Romer by San. 2nd Village School, by San Steen, and also a subsequent letter from the Secretary of the Academy asking that in case the Boved agreed to the request, the Portrait of a Gentlemen by store to might be substituted for the Lan Stein. 26 27 Thursday December 1788 continued a correspondine with the solicitor of the Treasury. Mr Lane Sout to whom the question whether there was any legal obstacle to the Board complying with the requent of the Royal Academy was refined, was then read, from which it appeared that the Acts of Parliament under which the Board is constituted make no mention of the Subject; the quation however having been refered by him to Mr Nash, the Laws Advisor for his opinion, the latter had written that he would not advice the Board to take on themselves the responsibility of lending the futures. The whole subject we as there discussed and it was finally resolved that the request of the Royal Academy be complied with under the conditions laid down at the last Meeting. The amount of the insurance for the intrict to be £1000. their separated. The Meeting for 28 Thursday March 30th 1882 The Board was summoned for this day at 30, 3 O’Clock. Present His Grace. The Duke of Leinster Sir George F. Hodson, Bart. B.C. Watkins Esq. R. H. A. Thomas Famile Esq. R.H.A. The Ductor The Regration was also in attendance. The not being a quorum of the Board present no business was formally trans- acted. Ser the 29 Thursday April 13 1882 The Board was summoned for this day at 30.30. Present Sir George F. Hodson, Bart Colonel McKeile R.C.C.B. Thomas Fauill Esqre R.H.Q. The Director The Registian was also in attendance These not being a quorum of the Governors no business was formally transacted, Daniel C 30 Thursday 20th April 1882 The Board was summoned for this day. Present His Grace the Duke of Leinster, in the chair, The Viscount Powerscourt, R.P. Sir George George & Hodson, Bart. Colonel J. J. McKeile R.C.C.B. Sir Thomas A, Jones. P.R.H.A. Thomas Fancle Esqr R.H. The Director. The Registion was also in attendance The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Read compondence with the Royal leading on the subject of the loan of two pictures for their Winter exhibition, as follows. National Gallery of Ireland December 2nd 1887. Sir In answer to your letter of the 14th. Ultimes I am dicuted to acquaint you for the information of the President and Council of the Royal Academy that the board of Governors and Quardians of the National Gallery of Ireland have agreed to their request to lend the two pictures therein named. on the conditions specified in the letter from the 32 Thursday 20th April 1882 continued Treasury, a copy of which is herein enclosed. viz: that they pay all expenses of packing and camage, and also ince againstall ricks of five or other damage from the time they leave this Gallery till their return They fix the following as the amounts for insurance, £1500 for the Famine and 1000 for the interests. I have the honor to be Sir Your obedient Servant Signed) Henry C Doyle Royal Academy of Acts Burlington House, Piccadilly. W. London December 9th 1888 Sir, I am desired by the President and Council of the Royal Academy to request you to conney their best thanks to the board of Governors and Guardians of the National Gallery of Ireland for kindly consenting to lend the pictures by same and Tuitous for the Exhibition of Works of the Old Masters and deceased Britch Artists. I have further to lay that the Academy is willing to comply with the conditious laid down in the letter from the Treasury which you enclose, 32 Thursday 20th April 1882 continued viz to pay the expenses of packing, camage. and return of the picturer, also to insure them against the risk of injury both by land and Sea, and the risk of fire, from the true they leave the galleries until they return for the Sams specified, viz ₤1500 for the Paul, and £1000 for the Intents. I have the honor to be Sir your obedient Servant Signed, fied a Caton, Sec. Henry Doyle, E.C.B. Director, National Gally of Ireland. Dublin, The Director reported that the two pictures had been lately returned, and were now in their places in the sallery. Also a letter from the Trustees of the National Sallery, London, requesting the return of the Turner Sketches. Also a letter from the Treasury resulting from queries from the Audit office. deliving that in future the Sanction of the Treasury be obtained by the Director before undertaking journeys abroad such being the practice with the Director of the National 33 Thursday the 20th April 1882 continued Gallery London Treasury Chambers No 5664 3rd April 1882 82 My Lords and Setlemen, I am decuted by the Lords Conscious of Her Majestys Treasury to transmit to you her with a copy of a letter which my Lords have received from the controller and Auditor Tennal enclosing Copies of Quiries 10-12 on the late for the National Gallery Ireland for 1881-2 and of Mr Doyle's replies thereto. I am desired to acquaint you that it is the practise of the Director of the National Gallery in London to apply for the Sanction of this Board before undertaking any journey abroad for official purposes, and my Lords think that the same practise should be adopted by the Ditor of the National sacry of Ireland. I am desired at the same time to state that my Lords are pleased to Sanction the particular journey of Mr Doyle to stay which has given rise to these Queries. I have the honor to be &c &c To the Tonnors Signed) B.B. W. Lingen and Guardian Sallery of the National Dublin 34 Thursday the 20th April 1882 continued After discussion the Dictor was desired to answer as follows National Sallery of Ireland April 24th 1882 Sir, I am directed by the board of Governors of the National Sallery of Ireland to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 3rd Just (No 5664-1882 notifying that the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Tready desire that in future the Director should apply for their Sanction before undertaking journeys abroad, such being the practise of the Duietor of the National Sallery in London, and to say that of course the direction shall be complied with. I am at the Some time to add that considering the different circumstances of this gallery and different conditions under which its collec tious are being brought together, they regret that their Lordships should have thought it well to restrict the liberty of action within 9 th the limits of vant which has hitherto been allowed to the Director and which they think has worked beneficially in the interests of this institution. Such journeys undertaken on scial occasions in circumstances which would have precluded the possibility of 35 Thursday the 20 April 1882 continued complying with the new rale having resulted in very important acquisitions for the Gallery. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient Servant Signed, Henry C. Doyle. The Senitary of the Treasury before. The Director called attention to the new buildings of the Act Schrall at the rear of the Sallery. The place of which Colonel McKerlie explained to the satisfaction of the Board. Portrait of the Earl of Charlemont by coming purchased at the sale of the effects of the Dublin Library, Dober Street for 48-140 was submitted and the purchase approved. Also a Noble but by Quincell of the Right Honble Henry Trattan, purchased at the same sale for 43.90 which purchase was also approved. The Directors report for the year 1880 was then read and approved as follows. 36 Thursday the 20th April 1882 Report for the year 1889. My Lords and Gentlemen, The following is my report for the year 1880. The Sallery was open to the public from the 1st of January to the 31st of December, with the exception of the month of October when as usual it was closed for general cleaning During that period the number of Visitors was as follows: by free admissions 89.068 By-payment 3802 The number of students attending was 1132 The number of students admitted to copy 15 Ladies 9 Gentlemen - 6 The number of Catalogues sold was 325 The following pictures were purchased. court at by George Barrett View in the Co Wicklow, The same Portrait of a Lady. by Palma Vecchio, A Cottage interview. by William Hunt, the younger small sea piece by Van de Veldes The Banetts were newly pained and glazed. Leinster 37 1882 Thursday August The Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 o'Clock Present His feare the Duke of Leinster in the chair Sir George Hadson, Bart, Sir Thomas A. Louis, C.R.S.A. Colonel McKelie. R.C.C.B. The Ductor. The Registrar was also in attendance Thomas Fall Esq. R.H.A. The Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. The Duntor Stated that in view of the importance of the date of the Hamilton Collection of Pictures, Lord Townscourt had on the part of the Board sought an interview with the Secretary of the Treasury Mr Courtney. and requested that an additional grant should be made to the salary to enable the Board to take better advantage of the opportunity thus afforded. A favorable answer having been received. The following concordance was the result. No 1054282 38 Thursday August 1888 National Gallery of Ireland June 16, 1882 Sir In view of the exactional opportunity afforded by the Sale of the Duke of Hamiltons pictures of making an important acquisition or acquisitions for this Institution. I am directed by the board of Lovernors to make a special request to the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury for an additional Trant of ₤1000 to enable them the better to quail theeling of the occasion. I have the honor to be Sir Your obedient Servant Signed) Henry E. Doyle 50 The Secretary of the Treasury. London Treasury Chamber 16 June 1882 My Lords and Gentlemen, 39 Thursday August 1882 The Lows commissions of Her Majesty's Treasury have had before them your Secretary's letter of this days date, paying for an addition to your usual dial purchase grant, in order that you may take better advantage of the sale of the Duke of Hamilton's pictures I am dicted to state in reply, that my Lords are prepared under the circumstances to ask Parliament to increase your purchase Grant for 1882-3 from 1,000 to 25,000, and in the mean while. They authorize you to draw whom the Paymaster General for such amount as you may need, within the limits of the larger Sam. As soon as you know the exact advance that will be required in connection with the approaching sale. it should be notified to this Department in order that the nesday Authority may be given to the Paymaster Genal I have the honor to be My Lords and Gentlemen Your Obedient Servant Legreed, R.R. W. Ling P.S. It is clearly to be industood that this extension of the Grant for the cent year will be taken into conse= 6 3100 33 1010 1736 4 40 Thursday August 1882 dication before any Estimate for purchases in 1883-4 is Sanctioned. There is no year in which or such pounds a limited estimate may not be exceeded. R.R. W.L. The following pictures purchased at that sale were then submitted and their purchase approved. 1st. The resurrection by Bonfagio for £23100 2 Madonna and child by Pegins for 262.10.0 1 3 Portraits in Landscape by Person 1850.0 4 The entombent by N. Possen, for £5050.0 5 Portrait of a man. Leonardo da Vince £210 0 0 The Dicitor reported upon his visit to Bussels to attend the lace of the collection of pictures of the Viscount Dr Bus de Tisignes and submitted the following purchases for Approval. 1st. A cattle piece by Soolmacke for 96.00 2 Portrait of a Lady by Gonzales Caques 149.0.0 5 A Landscape with fignes by C Haysmans £70.0.0 which purchases time also approved. The following was also submitted. Picture of St. Joseph with the Holy Infant by Quencing, purchased for 16160 and also a pictine of the Worship of the Soldier Calf by Frace Flors purchased for ₤27 which purchase as also approved. The meeting then adjourned. 41 Thursday November 23rd 1882 The Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 Clark. Pet: The Viscount Lough Sir George Hodson, Bart, in the chair, Sir Samuel Ferguson, 2.C. Thomas Fare Esqr R.H.A. Sir Thomas A Jones, P.R.H.A. The Ductor, The Registian was also present. The merites of the last meeting were read and signed. A letter has read from the Royal Academy, London, requesting the loan for the Winter Exhibition of Old Masters at Burlington House, of two pictures on similar terms as those agreed upon last year. The pictures named in the letter were. The Double portrait by Gigions and Bellin, and the School by Jan Steen It has ordered that the above puties be lent on the termes laid down in the Treasury of last year. The Georgione and Belline to be indeed for £2000, and the San Steen for 1580 1 42 Thursday 23 November 1882 The Dinitor brought under the native of the Board the Estimate for next year, and read a draft letter for which he asked the sauction of the Board proposing that his Salary and that of the Register should be creased. After discussion +c, and the introduction of Loine modification. It was resolved that the letter be approved as follows. National Gallery of Ireland. 30th November 1882 Sir In forwarding the Estimate of this department for the year 1883-4, while adhering to the instruction not to introduce any change into the printed Estimate form, I am dicted by the Board of Governors and Guardians to say that they are of opinion that the time has come when they may reasonably prepare a revision of the Salaries of the Director and Registion, with a view of bringing their amounts to more into proportion with those attached to similar offices in kindred departments of the Civil Service, and they venture respectfully to bring to the notice of the Lords commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury the fallowing considerations in support of their proposal. The Directors Salary was fixed at its present amount viz £500, soon after the establishment of the Salley and 43 Thursday the 23rd November 1882 then the project of the institution may be laid to have been to some extent an experiment. Since that time the collections belonging to the Sallery, have not only very greatly increased in importance and value, their comprehensiveness and Leape have also been enlarged, and under the same roof is now included a National Portrait and Historical Gallery which altho no part of the original place, forms one of the most popular and instructive Section of the institution. It already contains a large number of original pictures, drawings and engravings many of them of great value, which are about to be arranged separately in a large new room, and which wee have then own biographical Catalogue. The Gallery which it is not too much to say, has now an established repu- tation not confined to the limited Kingdom, has time its opening in 1864 received more than 1870,000 Visitors, 310 Students have been admitted to copy whose degregate attendanced to study have latterly averaged 1000, annually. Since the time when the present Salary have fixed there has been a geneal revision of the Salary 44 Thursday 23rd November 1882 of the time Service, not only it is understood on account of the change which has taken place in the value of Money, but with the objects of classifying the various officer in accordaine with the importance and respon= ponsibility belonging to each, the result having been an improvement in the relative position of heads of departments and of Sections of departments. The present ditor will in April next have held his part for Thirteen years, and two years ago received a distinguished honor from Her Majesty, the Queen, for his Services, as to quate the words of the Prime Minister on the occasion, the curgetic and effective head of a public establishment. The fallowing are some of the chief Offices dealing with Act &c with the Salaries attached. National Gallery, Drt 1000 keeper and secutary 75 National Portrait Salley, 650 Keeper and Secretary British Museum. Six Keepers of Sections, each 650 Three Assistant Keeps 330 to 500 45 Thursday 23rd November 1882 some of these have residences. South Kensington Museum Dicitor 900 Assistant 600 10700 with residence. Muscan of Secret. Edinburgh. Director. 1760 Museum of Scient Dublin Ductor 60 of the above officer it will be observed that only three of those of heads of independent departments, while some are held by subordinates of Subordinates should their Lordships think will to sanction increase an of the Dinitors Salary, it is suggested that a proportionate increase should be made in that of the Registian and Clerk in charge of accounts, and as a special pound for increase in his case it should be mentioned that although the Ports and that under him receive extra pay for attendance on Sundays he has never received any allowance for that special 46 Thursday 23rd November 1882 duty. The present Register has held the appointment for more than years. I also to call attention to the necessity for providing in the Estimate for the appointment of an additional Porter to take charge of the new room, now after unexpected delays very maily completed for particulars on the subject I beg to refer to my letter of the 23rd of November 1889 I have the honor to be Sir Your obedient Servant Signed, H. E. Doyle. The Secretary of the Treasury. The thretire then adjourned. Leinster 47 Thursday January 11th 1883 The Board has summoned for this day at 3.30 Oclock. Present His Grace the Duke of Leinster in the chair Sir George Hadson Bart. Sir Samuel Ferguson C Sir Thomas A, Jones. P.R.H.A. B.C. Walking Esqr R. H. A. Thomas Fall Esqre R.H. The Director. The Registian was also present The Minutes of the last meeting having been read and signed. The following correspondence was read Treasury Chambre 14th December 1882 My Lords and Gentlemen, The Lords Commissions of Her Majesty's Treasury have had before them Mr Doyles letter of the 30 to in which his Authorised to Submit a proporal for a rendion of the Salaris assigned to himself and the Registion of the National Sallery of Ireland. 48 Thursday January 11th 1883 I am to acquaint you in reply that My Lords are pleased, in consideration of his tenth of Sene and the meritorious manner in which he has discharged his duties, to approve of Mr Doyle's Salary as Director, being raised to 600 a year, as a purely personal arrange ment, the ordinary salary of the office remaining at £500 My Lords are not prepared to grant any increase in the Salary of ₤150, now enjoyed by the Registrar. with regard to the proposal to appoint an additional Porter to take charge of the new room in course of completion, I am to request that application for this Porter may be made when the room is ready and the Pictures hang unless the date of completion can now be precisely stated. I have the honour to be My Lords and Setlemen Your Obedient Servant Eligned) Leonard Courtney Treasury Chamber 20 December 1882 My Lords and Gentlemen The Lords Commissions of Her Majesty's Treasury have had before them the Estimate a 49 Thursday the 11th. January 1883 for the National Sallery of Ireland for the year 1888-4 Their Lordships have dealt in another letter with the establishment questions raised in Mr Doyles letter of 30th Ultimo, which should have formed the subject of a separate communication in accordance with the second Regulation in the Estimate cucular. The only question which remains for consideration upon the Estimate is the amount of Lubhead B. Purchase of Pictures In their letter of 16th June autho- rizing the expenditure of an additional $1000 upon purchases at the sale of the Duke of Hamiltous Pictures. My Lords informed you that the extension of the grant would be taken into consideration before any estimate for purchased in 1883.4 had sanctioned In the case of National Gallery in London and the National Portrait Gallery, deductions are to be made from the grants for purchases for General suc- ceeding years, and My Lords propace to pursue the same course in regard to the National Gallery of Ireland. They propose to deduct a sum of £500 either from the Grant for 1883-4, or one half from that grant and the other half from the grant for the succeeding year. 50 Thursday the 11th. January 1883 Upon learning from you which altera tive you would prefer, My Lords well make the necessary alteration in the estimate, which in other respects (including the addition of ₤100 to the Salary of the Director) they approve. I have the honour to be My Lords and Gentlemen your Obedient Servant Signed) Leonard Courtney - On the question raised in the letter of the 20th December 1882 after the subject had been discussed it was decided that in regard to the repayment of portion of the additional grant for purchase for the Hamilton late that repayment should be thread over two years The Director their read a letter from Mr Kennedy, on the subject of the answer of the Treasury in the application for an increase of Salary in his case, and putting forward reasons why are appeal might be made to their Lordships to reconsider their dcision After discussion the Director was authorized to write a letter to their Lordships as follows: National Gallery of Ireland January 16th 1883 Sir, I am directed by the board of Governors to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 14th Ultimo in which is conveyed 52 Thursday the 11th January 1883 the answer of the Lords Commissions of Her Majesty's Treasury to their letter of the 30th of November on the Subject of the estimate for the ensuing year, and to thank their Lordships for their consent to Sanction an increase of the Ductors Salary in the present instance, and to take the opportunity of adding my own thanks to theirs, more especially for the gratifying terns to my helf personally in which that decision is amounced. tooth regard to their Lordships answer to the similar application for an increase of the Salary of the Registian. I am directed to bring to their Lordships notice circumstances personal to Mr Kennedy which here not alluded to in my previous letter, but which the board are of opinion may be thought to justify them in respectfully asking their Lordships to reconsider their decision in his case. They are at follows. Before receiving his present appointment Mr Kennedy had served for eleven years as a clerk in the their poor Law Board from which he retired in 1858 upon a reduction of the Staff of the Office, upon an allowance of ₤35, a year. This pension has withdrawn upon his present appointment by which means a saving to the Treasury has been appected of more than ₤300, and thus he is in receipt of no recognition of his previous public Service. 52 Thursday the 11th January 1883 The Board venture to recommend these circumstances to the favourable consideration of their Lordships, in addition to the matter of Sunday attendance put forward in their letter of the 30th of November The meeting the adjourned. Leinster Thursday March 8th 1883 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 O’Clock Present; his Trace. The Duke of Lenister, The Viscount Powerscourt, K. Sir George F. Hodson, Bart, D.L. There not being a quorum of the Board present no business was transacted. Leinster 53 No 124583 Thursday April 26 1883 at Meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 o'Clock Recent His Grace the Duke of Leinster, in the chair, The Viscount Lough Sir George Hadson. Bart. Colonel McKeele, R.S.C.B. Sir Thomas Jones, P.R.H.A. Watkins Esqre. R.H.A. Thomas Fall Esq. R. S. Ductor, HE Doyle Esqr. C.B. The Regration was also in attendance. The Minute of the last meeting having been read and signed. A letter be as read from the Treasury in answer to that determined upon at the last meeting, requesting that the previous decision in regard to Mr Kennedy's Salary might be reconsidered, as follows. Treasury Chambers 31 January 1883 My Lords & Gentlemen With reference to Mr Doyles further letter of the 16th instant relating to the Salary of the Registrar and Clerk in charge of Accounts 54 Thursday April 26th 1888 at the National sallery, Ireland, I am directed by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to acquaint you that my Lords regret that they do not feel justified in acting to your proposal for an increase in his Salary. I have the honor to be My Lords & Letter Your Obedient Servant signed Leonard Country. The Tonnors & Guardians, of the National Gallery Ireland The letter of the Director was also read courying to the Treasury the decision of the Board in regard to the made of repayment of the Lam of ₤500 half the Special grant for the Hamilton late required to be refunded from future grants. as follows: National Gallery of Ireland 19 January 1883 Sir The board of Louiers have had under consideration your letter of the 30 Ulto on the Subject of the stimate for the pinchase of pictures for the ensuing year in which they are informed that the Lords Commissional of the Licency propose to deduct the sum of ₤500 either from the Grant 55 Thursday 26 April 1883. for 1883-4 or one half from that grant and the other half from the grant of the succeeding year in consideration of the additional sam of 1000 granted in the current year at the Hamilton Lake and as the option has been kindly left to the board; they direct me to say that they consider that it will be bent for the interest of the Sallery if the reduction is divided between the two Succeeding year I have the honor to be his Your obedient Servant Signed 13 Doyle, The Secretary of the Quarry Treasury Chamber London The Liter brought under the notice of the Board the resignation of his port as chief Porter by Mr John Moore failing health having necessitated this step and reported that he had sent in to the Treasury the weeksary form filled up, applying for a pension for him on his retirement, and also the resignation of Mrs Moore for the same cause, a similar application having been made also in her case. 56 Thursday 26th April 1883 The Dinitor Stated circumstances connected with a portrait of Edmund Burke from the Studio of Sir Joshua Reynolds proposed to be deposited in this Sally by the Trustees of the National Portrait ally, on certain conditions Ordered to be acted with thanks, and conditions complied with. The Ductor reported upon his visit to Pairs to attend the Narickine tale, and submitted to the Board two puties which he chased there, viz; views of Dresden by Banardo Bellatto Canaletto for the Lam of ₤379.128 which purchase was approved by all the some sent. He also submitted a puture by Ludalf Backhuyson called the Dutch East Indian fleet leaving hort, purchased at Messrs. Christie Manor & woods for the form of ₤96. 120. which purchase was also approved by all the Commons present by doubrious. so a landscape view in suffolk purchased at the same late for $52.10.0 and also a portrait by Nathaniel House, purchase at the same sale for £9-90, which purchases time also approved by all the Sonnors present. And also a boys head by Richard Roth will purchased at Messrs. Christie & Mansons with a companion for 3.30 which pinchase was also approved 57 Thursday 26th April 1883 The Dinitors report for the year 1881. was then read and adapted. My Lords and Gentlemen The fallowing is my report for the year 1881. The Gallery was open to the public from the 1st of January to the 31st of December with the exception of the mouth of October, during which as usual, it tural closed for genial clear Ducing that period the admissions time as follows: tree Admissions 93.899. 1316 - By Payment, Students attendanced. 11.00 The member of New Students admitted to study, heat 28 21 Ladies Gentlemen 7 The number of Catalogues sold mas 315 The following pictures were purchased. The Fisherboy by Fran Hall. An Italian Landscape by Son & Andrew Both 58 Thursday 26 April 1883. and a portrait of Macklin, the actor, by De Wilde. The picture by Bath and & puties of the old Tennan Schools, be restored and warnished. The fallowing dociations were received. A Small Statuette of Lord Chancellor Plunkett being the sketch model for a proposed statue, by Kirk, R.H.A. 2. A small engraved portrait of the Same. 3 An engraved portrait of Judge Burton, an engraved portrait of Chief Baron wanderford all from Mark thoughnessy Esqr 37 Water colour drawings bene mounted fraud and glazed; and also 12 engraved portraits. The pictures by both and De Wilde refrained and glazed. I have the honor to be My Lords and Gentlemen your obedient Servant Signed, Henry L. Doyle. John Crampton 59 Thursday May 31st 1888 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 O.C. Present Sir Bernard Burke, C.B. Sir J. A. Louis, P.R.H.C. Thomas Fall, Sr. R.H. The Director, The Registion was also in attendance There not being a quorum of the Tonnors present no business was formerly transacted John Crampton. Shepherds rising at Night By Rembrand for 514 Purder approve. 60 Thursday July 26th 1883 A meeting of the Board was held this day at 3:30 o Clock Present Sir J. Crampton, Bart, in the chair. Sir George Hadson, Bart. Colonel McKerlie H.C.C.B. Sir Bernard Burke, C.B. Ulster, Thomas Fauill Esqr. R.H.A. The Director The Registion was also in attendance. The Minutes of the last meeting having been read and signed. A letter from the ditor to the Lieutary of the Treasury on the Subject of the purchase of a future by Rembrandt was read as follows: National Gallery of Ireland 28 June 1883. Sir In compliance with the instructions contained in your letter of the 8th July 1878. I have to report to you for the information of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majestys measury that at a recent sale at Churt Masons taking advantage of an unexpected opportunity a succeeded in obtaining for this Sallery, are undoubted future by Rembrandt for the Line of £514 and to do so it was necessary to forestall the grant for next year to the extent of ₤360 for which the sanction of their Lordships 62 Thursday 26th July 1883 is requested. I am also dicted to request their sanction for are arrangment to purchase a very desirable portrait by Sir John Reynolds, of a Lord Lieutenant of Ireland which it had been directed to bed for at the same sale had it not been for the action taken in regard to the Rembrandt. The picture was bought in under the reserve price of ₤200, which it appears the owner is willing to take for it, waiting for payment until next year. It also appears that in case of this offer not being now accepted, the picture will be otherwise disposed of In these circumstances after due consideration it is thought best to endea- vour to secure it, although except for very special reasons the Board would not themselves be disposed to sanction so large a foreshallment of the purchase Grant. I have the honor to be Sir Your Obedient Servant signed, He Doyle To the lectary of the Treasury London 2 62 Thursday 26th July 1883 and the ensue of the Treasury to the same was as follows: Treasury Chamber 4th July 1883 No 11908 63 My Lords & Gentlemen I have laid before the fords Commissions of Her Matty's salary Mr Doyle's letter of the 28 Ultime requesting the sanction of this Board for the purchase of two picting out of the grant for the National Gallery of Ireland 1884-5 and I am to inform you that my Lords sanction the anticipation of next years ate to the extent of ₤300, to proude for the purchase money of the future by Rembrand recently, bought at a sale at Messr. Patie & Mansons. with respect to the suggested further arangement to contact to purchase for £200, a portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds. it appears that the picture in question did not fetch this reserve price when recently offered by auction at Christics and that the owner is willing to wait for the money till next years. Under these circumstances My Lords cannot regard as formidable the intention of the Owner to dispose of the picture otherwise unless a bargain is at once concluded 63 Thursday 26 July 1883 and they cannot sanction the Gentry contract. You will probably be able to see the picture next year at the same price, if you continue to desire it, and it is inexpedient that your discretion should be forestalled. I have the honor to be My Lords & Gentlemen your Obedient heant Signed, Scoward Courtney To The Trustees and Director of the National Gallery Ireland Also a letter from the Ductor to the Trusties of the National Gallery on the subject of proposed permanent loans. As follows: National Gallery of Ireland July 6 1888 My Lords & Gentlemen This board understanding that by oute of powers confered by a recent act of Parliament it is 64 Thursday 26 July 1889 your intention to distribute by way of per= manent loans, some of the Modem pictures now in the National sallery I am dicted to express a hope that the claims of this Sallery to a leading share of such distribution may be favorably considered by you. It being the only kindred institution holding the same independent position, as a department under the Treasury I have the honor to be My Lords & Setlemen Your Obedient Servant Signed, S. Doyle The Trustees and Ditor of the National Gallery London. The Director brought under the native of the Board the promation of Limon Leigh to be chief Porter in the place of John Moore and also the appointment of his life to be housemaid in the place of Mrs Moor, which appointments time formally confirmed by the Board; also the promotion of Joseph Dunne consequent thereon, and the appointment of C. Gilligan to the vacancy so caused subject to his obtaining a civil Service Certificate which appointments were also formally confirmed 65 2 3 1 Thursday 26 July 1883 The following purchases were approved Shepherds reposing at Night by Rembrandt purchased at the sale Stonehead Henlooms (Sir H. Hoared at Chester Masons for £514 A landscape with figure & Cattle by George Morland, purchased at thirtie & Manions for £27.70 Study for a puture of Queen revenewere by Dante Tabriel Rossette for $23.3.0 A portrait of Mr John Comilius OCallaghan by Henry ONeill was offered for presentation to the portrait Gallery by the Revd. Mr O’Callaghan, and ordered to be accepted with thanks, also an engraving of the above future by Husband, presented by Mr I Robinson, Surveyor of the Queens pictures. The Special thanks of the Board were ordered to be conveyed to him. The Dinitor was elected to reprsent the Board as a judge under the Taylor bequest. Leinster 66 Thursday 29 November 1883 A meeting of the Board was held this day at 3.30 o'Clock. Present His Grace the Duke of Leinster in the chair. Viscount four court R.S. Sir George & Hodson, Bart. Sir Thomas A. Jones. Thomas Farrell Esqr R.H.A. The Ductor The Regular as also present The Minutes of the last meeting having been read and signed. A letter was read fore the secutary of the National Gallery, announcing that the pictures selected by the Ditor under the conditions of the National Sallery loan et had been sent as follows: Naterial Gallery London 30th October 1883 Sir, I beg to inform you that in accordance with the instructions from the Ductor of the National Gallery, I have this day caused to be dispatched to you a large packing care containing four at Sectures belonging to this collection and but by the Trustees and 67 Thursday 29 November 1883 Ductor of this sallery to the National Sallery of Ireland in conformity with the terms of the National Sallery soon at 1888. The future are The Dealogue at Waterloo by Land seer The Seep Day Boys cabin, by Wilkie The young Brother, by Mulrady and that act, by Etty. The pictures have been insured from accident during tract for the ten of 4000 at a cast of £10-100 An account for this insurance together with the expenses of packings camage &c will be Sent to you by Messrs Dalman, Her Majesty's Treasury having directed that these disbursements shall be defrayed by your Dept. I shall be obliged by your advising me of the receipts of the future, in due course. I am Sir Your obedient Servant Signed, Charles Castlake. Keepe & Secretary The Ductor of The National Gallery of Ireland Dublin 68 Thursday 29 November 1883 The Dentor reported that there pictures had live been acceived but that by Lander would have to undergo a considerable amount of cleaning and restoration before it could be exhibited. A conespondence with the Civil Service Commissions was read on the Subject of the disqualification of Charles Gilligan, the recently nominated parter for a Civil Service Certificate on the ground of his having been over the regulation age at the date of the nomination. The commissioners declined to reconsider their decision on the ground suggested by the Decutor that when he applied for the situation he had not exceeded the paper age. A Memorial from him to the Treasury asking their Lordships to Sanction his appointment was read, but the Board decided that they could not undertake to forward it The Ductor there brought forward the question of a fresh nomination to the vacant part. There being three candidates Messr. Forde Burton & Diary, who were in attendance. Their testimonials having been examined the former was appointed subject to his obtaining a civil Service Certificate. 69 Thursday 29th November 1883 The portrait of Julia Kavanagh the authors, painted by House chairt was submitted for presentation to the portrait Sallery by her weather Mrs Lavanagh. Ordered to be accepted and the thanks of the Board to be conveyed to her for the gift. Also a portrait of Archbishop Troy by Thompson, offered for presentation by the Very Revd. Dear Lee also ordered to be accepted and the thanks of the board to be conveyed to the donor It was resolved at the suggestion of the Secretary of the Treasury that for the future copies of the Dutors. annual reports be forded to the Licatory The entinuate for the coming year was agreed to including a request that a salary be provided in it for are additional port to take charge of the new room. Leinster 70 Thursday February 28th 1884 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 o'Clock Pet: Viscount rough Major Genal Sankey R.S. B. The Ductor The Registrar had also in attendance There nat being a quorum no business was transacted. Leinster 11 Thursday April 3d 1884 A meeting of the Board was held this day at 3.30 OClark. Present His leave the Duke of Leinster in the chair Viscount Coven scourt, R.S. Viscount rough, Sir George Hodson, Bart, Sir Thomas Jones, P.R.H.A. Sir Samuel Ferguson, 2.C.P.R.A. Major General Sankey, R.C.C.D. Sir Bernard Backe, C.B. Ulster. Thomas Fall Esq. The Ductor. The Registian has also present The Minutes of the last meeting having been read and signed, A letter from the Treasury was read enclosing a Memorial which had been addessed to their Lordships by Mr Charles Gillegan, praying for the appointment of Porter in the National Sallery, Dublin, although he is not within the prescribed limits of age for the situation and declining to receive it unless forwarded by the board for favorable consideration Having regard to their decision in the case at the last meeting. It was resolved to take no further action in the matter. 72 Thursday April 3d 1884 A letter was read from the Treasury Sanctioning the appointment of an additional Porter to take charge of the new room and the provision for him in the estimate for the current year of a Salary of ₤52 a year. The Director then brought under the native of the meeting the name of Mr. Alfred Burton as a candidate for the appointment whose name had been before the Board and his testimonial favourably considered upon the occasion when Mr Forde was appointed. He was then appointed subject to his obtaining the necessary Civil Service certificate. it portrait of Daniel OConnell by George Mulany, it was submitted to the Board for purchase at the price of and its purchase as approved by all the Governors present Also a portrait of John Bane the Author of the OHara Tales, &c. by the same painter the fine asked being 20. Its purchase was also unanimously approved Also a portrait of William Carleton the author of Tales &c of the such peasantry &c, by slattery was offered for the piece of ₤30 and its purchase unanimously ap- poned. Also a small full length portrait sketch of the Marques of Norman by when Lord Lieutenant of Ireland by Cowley, offered for £10. The purchase was approved. 73 Thursday April 3d 1884 The Director then brought under the nature of the Board a portraits of the fail of Nothington by Sir Joshua Reynolds the proposed purchase of which for 200 had been the subject of correspondence with the Treasury in June last. It was suggested that the puture might possibly be obtained at a reduction of that Lurie, ₤175 being named. After discussing the matter it was resolved to leave it to the discretion of the Director A small portrait in oil of George Petric, P.R.H. A painted by Bernard Mulinen, R. H. was offered for presentation by Mr William F. Settledale Ordered to be accepted with thanks. The Ductor their had his report for the year 1882 a follows: My Lords & Gentlemen The Gallery as kept open to the public for the whole year from the 1st. of January until the 31st of December, it not having been closed for the month of October, as usual on account of a request from the manager of the Dublin Exhibition of that years, and it having been found inconvenient to close it for general cleaning late in the year. 1 2 74 Thursday April 3d 1884 The number of Visitors are as follows By free admission 147 By paid Admission 1846 The number of students attendance, was 94 The number of new Students admitted of whom 10 were ladies and to Gentlemen The number of Catalogues 394 told was Upon the application of the Board an additional sum of £1000 was granted by the Treasury to meet the opportunity offered by the Hamilton Sale, one half of which has time been deducted from the the grants of last undecent year. The following pictures were purchased its the Hamilton sale. The entombent by Nicholas Poussin The Holy family with lants attributed to Pengine. 75 1 2 3 3 4 5 Thursday April 3rd 1884 A Portrait inscribed Alexander Olius, I. School of Ld Price A patient group with patron saints attributed to Sedenone And the resurrection by Bonfoy The following time purchased at the Dear Sale, at Brussels. A landscape with cattle by Soolmarker A Partrait of a lady by Goales Coques A Small Landscape by Comelius Humans There we also purchased St. Joseph and the infant Savior by gaining Portrait of Lord Charlemont by comming Portrait of Gartan, Marble bast by Tunnell. and two original Skitches by B. 76 Thursday April 3 1884 Head of a child, by Richard Rathwill Engravings of Arthur O’Connor, Lord Sligo Mrs Shadan, Mrs Jordan, Marshal Thombergh Genal Sinkle, At the requent of the President & Council of the Royal eadem, the following puties in lent for their winter exhibition of the old master, under the conditions laid down by the Treasury. The double portrait future attributed to Govan Belline & Georgion, and the Village school by San Stein, the former was in lived for 2000 and the latter for 1500 The pictures by Bonaparis, Pedione, a vine, Green wee cleaned and restored, and those by Singine, Der Vince newly framed and glazed. The Nicholas Cousin and Pardon and sured time also glazed, and the pictures by Coolmaker, Longales Cowes and humans time placed in glazed Mahogany cases. I have the honor to be My Lord Gentlemen Your obedient Servant signed, Henry & Doyle. 77 Thursday the 3rd April 1884 Referring to the suggestion of the Quary that copies of the Ductors reports should be forwarded to that Department and stating that it would be the report of last year that they would now write wish to have. The Ductor read a draft report for 1883, and suggested that it might be desirable to add somewhat to the details hitherto given to the Board, expecially the prices of the pictures &c purchased, which having already been under the conti- dication of the Board, it had never been the custom to insert. It was resolved that for the future such details be inserted. Secuted 78 Thursday June 19th 1884 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3 of 30 Sett His slave, the Duke of Leinster, Sir George F Hadson, Bart, Sir Benard Bunker C.B. Thomas Fall, Esqr, E.H.C. and The Director, The Registrar was also in attendance There not being a quoran of the Governors present no business was formerly transacted. Lester 79 Thursday July 31 1884 A meeting of the Board was held this day at 30.30 Present His Grace, the Duke of Leinster, The Earl of Portarlington K.. in the Chair The Viscount rough, Sir Bernard Rocke, E.B. alter Major Gennal Jankey, R.S.C.B. B. Watkins Esqr. H. Thomas Fall Coque R.I.C The Dicutor, The Rigestion was also prescent; The Minutes of the last meeting having been read and signed. The Director reported that Burton having a civil Service Certificate which has produced his appointment as 5th Porter had been confirmed, and read a letter from the Treasury to that effect. Read a letter from Mr Grane, stating that Lord Hertford had accepted the offer of ₤175, for the Portrait of Lord Northington, by Sir Joshua Reynolds The Ductor reported that five pictures by Turner, selected by him with the assistance of Lord Powerscourt. from those determined to be distributed 1 2 1 2 80 Thursday July 31st 1884 under the conditions of the National Gallery, loan it, by the Trustees of that Gallery, had been received and having been cleaned and stored &c by Mr. John Leary, under the diction of the Ductor, we now hung in the Gallery. The fathony future purchased at less he anson & Woods were submitted for the appeace of the Board and them purchase approved by all the Governors present A largestudy of a sive in crayour by his lander for £54.12. 0. A small future by Nicholas Becher Italian see with Cattle, for £54120 and a full old copy of Vandyck, celebrated putine at Windson. The Children of King Charles, for 1616.0 The following donations he affired and ordered to be accepted with the thanks of the Board From the Earl of Portarlington, R.S. An equestrian portrait of King William III with cattle in the distance, by Thomas Wyck, for historical & Portent Sally. A small oral portrait in craying colored of the Earl of Carhampton, by Hugh Hamilton for the same. 81 3 Thursday July 31 1884 20 original drawings by old Feasts of the Dutch heal, being studies of Ships and shipping, by well Warde Felde the younger. from the Earl of Mays for Historical and Portrait Salley A Native by Comerford said to repusent John Shear From Mr Hone H.Q. For historical and Portrait Gallery. A. Portrait in water colour, minature Size of Landon the Architect by Horace Hone. From Mr Stephen Catterson Smith R. H. A. A small portrait in oil of Sir Philip Crampton by his father catterson Smith P.R.H.Q. For historical and Portrait Gallery from the Cuil of Wicklow. curious contemporary Dutch prents illustrating incidents commited with the flight of King James I at the couring of King William III. also a portrait live engraving of the Duke of Schomburg, For historical and Portrait Gallery. 82 Thursday July 31 1882 From the Revd. P. Meehan 5 copies of curious old such portracts and a line engraving of a future of Father Lake Wadding by Carts arate. For historie and Portrait Gallery From H.C. Doyle, C.B. A Portrait from life in water colour dated 1858 of His Enence Cardinal Wiseman for historical and Perhat Gallery A large plaster cart, bust of Jupiter for the sculpture Hall, was also presented by Sir George Hodson, Bart. The Report of the Duiter for 1883 was they had and adopted as The Gourman inspected the new historical and Portrait Gallery which the Director reported had been opened to the public on the 23rd of Jane and expressed their appeal of all its arrangements. though Comman 83 Thursday December 11th 1884 A meeting of the Board was second for this day at 3.30 of Sat. Sir Samuel Ferguson 2 Sir Thomas A Sons. P.R.H. The Dintor The Ration was also in attendance There not being a quorum present no faces has hausted. out C Thrusday April 16 1885 A meeting of the Board was held this day at 3.30 oflack, Sexcent Viscount Lough in the chair. Lord Adelan, Sir Samuel Ferguson, C. Genal Sankey. R.C.C.B. Thomas Fall Esqr. R.H.A. The Ductor, The Registion was also present: The Minutes of last meeting having been read and signed: The Dintor explained that the long internal which had clapsed since the last meeting was summoned was due to his having been detained in London by indisposition. A portrait in oil of Lord Edward FitzGerald by Hugh Hamilton Three quarter length offered for presentation by His have The Duke of Sister, was submitted to the meeting. It was ordered to be accepted, and that the marked thanks of the Board be conveyed to His Grace for his very interesting and valuable gift. 84 85 Thrusday April 16 1885 Aminative portrait of the same Lord Edward Fitzed by Horan Hore A.R.S. officed by Colonel William FitzGerald, has also ordered to be accepted with the thanks of the Board. A portrait in ail of the late Peter Purcell founder of the Royal Agricultural Society of Ireland, by Catton Swett. P.R.H. offered for pusculation by his daughter, Miss Purcell, was also ordered to be accepted with the thanks of the Board. A portrait in crayons of the late Henry O’Mill, the arrest, drawn by himself was also offered for pusentation by W. Brooke Feniall Esqre and ordered to be accepted with thanks of the Board. Also a small marble bust of OConnell by Mr John Jones, was offered for presentation by Vinent seally Esqrs and ordered to be accepted with the thanks of the Board. Also a marble but life sizes copied from one by Sir Charty of the Duke of Wellington together with a Seaghla column pedestal heat offered by Mr Daniel Oill of Benningham 86 Thursday April 16 1885 the pedestal bearing an elaborate inscription in which it was stated that the bust is presented to the City of Dublin and after some disussion it was resolved that the bust be accepted on condition that a pedestal unform with those in the portrait all be used for it, and an inscription in harmony with those in use in the Sallery be accepted. The presentation of the Seaglia column pedesta was threefore declined. The following portraits purchased by Mr Teacey at a sale of Bennett at the suggestion of the Director, were offered by him at the prices stated, and their purchase appeared by the Board 1st Portrait of James Barry, R. A. Meatent, by himself, proof before letter, very rare, 6 2. Pochart of the Right Revd Bishop Coppinger, in chalk, by comford £210.0 3 Patrait in pencil of James Rock, Dublin Held by D. Machere R.A. 3.0.0 4 A race line engraving of Count Magreen, Governor of Dusden. 1700. 3.10.0 The Ductor reported that provision having been made in the externate of the Board of Works for the genial repainting of the allery this year, it having been postponed. 87 Supplement 1 2 Thursday April 16 1885 last year on account of the opening of the Portrait Gallery and the contract given having been to Messr. Libthorpe, who stated that they could get the work done more rapidly early in the year there at a later pened. It was acconed to close the Gallery for that purpose at the begining of May. The following report should have been read at the Meeting but was omitted through madate. In compliance with the sense request of the President and council of the Royal Academy for the loan of two futures for their winter exhibition of Old Master, the following were selected and sent Portrait of Katherina Knoblacken, by Hous Asper No. 21 in the Catalogue, Portrait of Anthony Hundred by Wolf and Hauber. No 15 in Catalogue The pictures time received at the Royal Academy on December 13. and returned safely in March they were undered for 200 each enter 4 1 2 3 90 Thursday July 9th 1885 A meeting of the Board was held this day at 3.10 Oclock Pet. The Earl of Portarlington K. in the chair, Sir John Crampton, Bart Sir Bernard Bourke, C.B. Sir Thomas Jones. P.R.H.A. Lieutenant Senal Sankey, R.C.C.B. Watkins Esqre. Thomas Fare Esqre R.H.C. The Denton The Registrar was also present: The Minutes of the last meeting having been read and signed. The following pictures purchased in London at Chustie and Manions were admitted by the Director and their purchase approved our Lord instructing in the Temple, by Terrant reckont for 152.50 Cice Home by Titian. From Sir William Kingston Collection, for 70 180 A landscape with cattle and figures by Lan Wynants, the figures by Lingel back, from the 92 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 the Thursday July 9 1885 4310 same collection for The Seazza of St Mark, Vene by Antonio Canarer from the Devison Collection for 178.10.0 Portrait of a Gentleman by Haus Asper from the same for 75120 Portrait of a man in armour by Moreto. 28.70 for The Ferry by Drogloat for £4530 A Dutch Interior, by Breklinkamp £1525.0 for Sketch in a village by G. Blackin 1515. for Sketch, portrait (in crayons, of the Marquis of Wellesley by Sir Thomas Lawrence from Sir William Knightous 55.0 collection, for A drawing of Trinity College by James Malton was offered for the sum of ₤20 and its purchase approved The purchase at the piece of ₤20 of the portrait of Michael Bawn by Thompson which has been in the Portrait Gallery on loan from Miss Bari was appoid. 92 Thursday July 9th 1885 Sir Thomas Jones. P.R.H. was elected to the vacant place on the Finance Committee. The Director was appointed to represent the Board as one of the Taylor Judges for the ensuing year. The Director had his draft report for the year 1884, as follows, which was adopted My Lords and Gentlemen The fallowing is my report for the year 1884 The Gallery was open to the public from the 1st of January to the 31st of December except during the month of October when it was closed as usual for general cleaning and re-arrangement. The number of persons who visited the Gallery during that period was as follows. By fee admission 94609 By payment 1665 Students attendances 1535 The number of new students admitted to copy, less. 25 93 Thursday July 9th 1885 of these 15 time ladies and ten Gentlemen The number of Catalogus hold was 452 Catalogies of Portrait sallery at 1s. 225 The chose grant for the year amounted to ₤750 ₤250 of the usual same having been witheld to repay a portion of the special grant for the Hamilton Sale, It was expended upon the following pictures Balance due for the future by Rembrandt £359.16.8 purchased last year Portrait of the 2nd Earl of Northington Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. by Sir John Reynolds £175.00 Portrait of Daniel Oformell. M. 40.0.0 by George Mulany R.H.A. Portrait of William Carleton, the author 30.00 by John Plattery for cartoon in chalk and chanical of a sion by Sir Edward Lander £5412.0 E.A. for 94 Thursday July 9th 1885 An Italian Fame House with cattle by Nicholas Berghem £5412.0 Portrait of John Bar, the author by George Malany H.H.Q. 20 00 A small old Copy of Vandycks picture of the children of King Charles, 1616 C I Portrait of Lord Mulrave Lord Lieutenant of Ireland small full length study by Crowly, 1009 The grant for purchase was thus exceeded by the sum of ₤10.16.8 which was sanctioned by the Seasury on Condition that it did not involve an excess upon the whole Grant The Donations received are the following An Equestrian Portrait of King William III. by Thomas Wyck, a small onal portrait in coloured crayons of the Earl of Carhampton, by Hugh Hamilton RA. and 20 original sketches by ancient Masters, including 15 Studies of Ships and shipping, by William Van de Veld 95 Thursday July 9 1885 From the Earl of Portarlington K.B. A Portrait three quarter length in vil of Lord Edward FitzGerald, by Hugh Hamilton, from His Grace The Duke of Leinster A water colour nature of the same by Horace Hore. A.R.A. from Nathaniel Hore Esqr. R. H. A. Portrait inature he or of George Pettie, P.R.H.A. by B. Museum R.H. A from William Littledale Esq Portrait in crayons of Herry O Neill the artist by himself, from W. B. Sarsall Esq cious contemporary engravings. illating the flight of King James and accession of King William III and Portrait of Duke of Schourly from the earl of Wicklow A Portrait in oil of Mr Peter Parcell by Catterson Smith, from the misses Tull A small signed Portrait in oil of Sir Philip Crampton by Catterson Smith from his son Stephen Callison Smith RA 96 Thursday July 9 1885 A minature portrait of John Sheare, by Comerford, from the Earl of Mayo. A Portrait in water colour of his eminence Cardinal Wiseman from life by Henry E. Doyle. C.B. From the Artist. And the following. Portrait of Peter Louibard R.C. Archbishop of Armagh, small oil copy of the original at Lonan small water colour copy of a portrait of OSullivan Earl of Bear and Bantry, from the original in the Irish College Salamand Portrait of Father Benavertina Barron P.S.S. Small copy in pencil. Portrait of Ricene, Paul men to Ireland 1645 small copy in water colour Father John Colgan, small copy in water Colour. Mast and Hugh Man Coghill R.C Archbishop of Armagh Mart Revd Thomas Fleming R.C. Archbishop of able 97 Thursday 9 July 1885 and Portrait of Father Lake Wadding O.S. J. Line Engraving after Colo Marate All from the Revd CP Mechan A large cast of the duple of Naples from Sir George Hadsor, But The following five putures by Turner have received from the Trustees of the National Gallery, London, as permanent loane under the conditions of the National Gallery Loan Act Lake Avenus, the tates and the Golden Bough The opening of the Mathall by King Ledwin II of Bavand The Departure of Regular. The church of the Madonna della Richmond bridge The following putures me but to the Royal cademy at the request of the President and council to form part of the Writer Exhibition of Old 98 Thursday 9th July 1885 Masters at Burlington House Portrait of Anthony Hunderfund q Wolf and Haber, Portrait of Margant Knoblackin by Hans Asper, they have insured for £200 each and were safely returned after the clase of the Exhibition in March A large new room was opened as an National Historical and Portrait Gallery on the 23rd of June. The callection placed in it competing them 50 ail paintings. 50 water colour, crayon pencil drawings and live engravings and 60 meatents A that temporary catalogue of its contents has published price 1 An additional Porter to take charge of the and room was appointed with the sanction of the Treasury. The pictures by Turner nine cleaned and restored and the following cleaned and banished. Those by Mulraney, Sir John Reynolds Satty & Cowley 99 Thursday the 9th July 1885 The following time framed and flaged. Manancy, latter Corley Conford, Hore, Mulrenan Reynolds Vandyck were glazed The fine old Dutch prints were framed and glazed, and the drawings by Hayes Alpenny and Healy, I have the honour to be My Lords and Gentlemen Your Obedient Servant Leinster 100 Thursday November 19 1885 A meeting of the Board was held this day at 3.30 Oclock Prest His Grace the Duke of Leinster, in the chair The Viscount Powerscourt R.S. The Viscount Gough Sir Samuel Ferguson J.P.R.S. Sir Thomas Jones P.R.H.A. Thomas Farrell Esqre. R.H.A. The Dautor The Registrar was also in attendance, The Minutes of last meeting having been read and signed The Dentor announced the death of Simon Leigh, Chief porter, and one of the original partes of the Gallery, which had event occurred on Monday the 16th instant upon which day he was attacked by or fit from which he never called, and bare a high testimony to the excellence of his character, and the efficiency, with which he had discharged his duties It being stated that the present senior porter is a widower and therefore not in a position to take the vacant place 101 Thursday Novemb 19. 1888 it was resolved that Mr Dane should be procated to it should the Dictor satisfy himself that Mrs Dane is competent for the Situation of Housemaid. minative portrait of Bishop Marley by Horace Hore A.R.S. was submitted for presentation by His Grace the Duke of Lister and ordered to be accepted by the marked thanks of the Board. The estimate for the year 1886 was agreed to without altation but in connected with it the Ductor called attention to the desirability of providing some additional precaution for the safety of the Lallery at Night, either by the appointment of a et poster or a police man to take charge of the sallery. He was authorized to consult Mr Holmes on the subject before taking further action though Earnan 104 The day 21 January 1886 A Meeting of the Board was held this day at 330 o'Clock. Present Veccount rough, in the chair. Sir Samuel Ferguson, 2 Sir Thomas St. Jones, P.R.H.A. Watkins Esq. R. H. A. Thomas Farrell Esqre R.H.A. The Director. The Registrar was also precent The Minutes of the last Meeting having been read and signed. The Duntor brought before the Board the names of three Candidates which he had selected from a number of others as the most eligible for the Situation of Senior Porter now vacant. H.L. J. Green William Mason and Denis Cleary, all having excellent testimonial after consideration of their various claims the latter was nominated subject to his obtaining the accessary fail her certificate. A picture portrait of a little but by Monelse purchased for $5.50 was submitted and its purchase approved. 105 1 2 Thursday 21st January 1886 d also a pective by Maris pose purchased for £9-90 which purchase was also approved, The Director reported that on the usual application of the President and Council of the Royal Academy, he had selected the two pictures to be lent for the counter exhibition of old masters at Burlington House, the following The landscape by Vande with figures by Leices, No 41 in the Catalogue, which was indeed for $1000 The Portrait of a Lady attributed to Palma Peeches No. 211 which was insured for £500 The Meeting their adjourned. Leinster 106 Thursday April 22nd 1886 A Meetine of the Board was held this day at 3.300 Clark Recent His Grace the Duke of Linster, in the chair Viscount rough Sir Thomas Jones, P.R.H.A. Lieutenant Genall Sankey, J.C.C.B. Sir Bernard Barke. B. Ulster Bath Esqr. R.H. Thomas Farrell Esqr. H.A. The Director The Registrar was also in attendance. The Minutes of the last meeting having been read and signed. The Ductor submitted the following purchases for approve. A Portrait group of Edmond Barke and Charles Fox attributed to Loffany for 9500 and a contemporary portrait of Robert Devenax Earl of Essex, which was formerly, in the Collection of Lord Stafford of Cartey Hall, Norfolk, for £2000 From Mr. H. Graves & Son 107 No 242 Thursday April 22 1886 also a proof impression of the engraving of Sir Grants full lengthe portrait of the late Field Marshal Viscount rough for £5 From the same. Head of a near attributed to Gentil Belline from Messes Christie & Mason, for £12120 Also a small full length portrait of Mr Christopher agent one Inch Gentleman who became sevral in the service of the Venition republic, by Sicto Loughe, from Mr Foreman for $150.0 which purchases were approved. They exhausted the purchase Grant for the year 1885-86. The following pictures purchased at the Graham Sale we there submitted and their purchase at the same named, appeared The attempted martyrdom of S.S. Coss and Dam, by Fra Angelico, purchased for 73.10.0 The miracle of St. Domuck attributed to Murillo for $16.160, and the assumption by Quan de Valder for $44.2.0 108 Thursday April 2nd 1886 The Director Stated from inquires which he had made there was every reason to believe that the future by Fra Angelico was one of seven which once formed the pradell of the Altar peece of the Church of Law Marce at Florence Mr. B. Colles Watkins brought before the Board the question of the appointment by the Royal Dublin Society of Substitutes for the judges elected to represent the National Gallery and the Royal Heberman Academy in connection with the Taylor prizes in cases where that judges were at the last moment unable to attend from one cause or another to attend at the Meeting of the judges to award such prizes; a practice it was thought open to objection After discussion it was decided that on the election of the Director as Lodge to represent the Board during the coming year. Mr B. Callis Watkins be also elected to act as his substitute in case of his ability to act, and that this election be communicated to the Royal Dublin Society Parent Nov. 18 106 109 Thursday 8th July 1886 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 O’Clock Pent His Grace the Duke of Linister and the Director, There not being a quorum no business was transacted. out Nov. 16 Thursday August 5th 1886 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30.0 Present: The Veccount rough Sir Bernard Banke CB Alston Lent General Sankey R.C.C.B. Thomas Famile Esqr R. H. A The Dinelor. The Regular has alon in attendance There not being a quorum no busines was travailed Parish M 18/16 112 Thursday November 18. 1886 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day Pet: Account fourscourt, R.S. in the chair, Viscount Lough Sir Thomas Louis. P.R.S.A. Thomas Farrell Esqre R.A.A. and the Ductor, The Registrar hear also in attendance, Although one other governor was required to form a fall quorum it has resolved to go through the badness to be submitted to the board Subject to after confirmation The thinates of the last meeting having been read and signed. The following pictures purchased by the Diction at the fallowall pieces were submitted and then purchase approved by all the Governors present Portrait of a young man by Grand Leburg for £8:0:0 The Ductor read the translation of a Dutch inscription on the bark from which it appears that the picture was presented to the young Her Hinduction of Lalbe by G. Taking as a small Connor for his native goodness in being his best model. 113 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 Thursday November 18 1886 Staghint by Nicholas Bucheen 4.0 Head of a Lewish Rabbi by Gout Flink, for 31.10.0 Head of a young Gul by Sir Lely for 116.0 A pair of portraits of Oliver Cromwell and his son Richard, attributed to cooper for $22.0.0 An allegorical portrait of William I by Kneller for $10.10.0 Portrait of Charles I attributed to Dobson for £5:5:0 Portrait of Queen Mary wife of William the III. for 1.0.0 The cowshed by James Ward RA hard by a ward 2096 A pair of Small landscapes. 00 31 by Louis Van Vander for £125.0.0 The Denver by Sough for Portrait of a lady small Kinglands full length by Sentangland 80.17.0 A selection from the drawings 1600 0 of Richard Doyle. as follows: 57 168 The Triumphal Entry 94 Mother and Children, On the hills our on the sea, The puzzled traveller, Isel Hall The Knight and the Spittie 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 114 Thursday November 18th 1886 The Denzon of Cantley. view in the Park Studley Japanese Studies A series of a here and in Larry subjects Sketch of Lord Leeson. A fame containing of minature by comford £40 A small portract of Addison The follown purchased at the Blake Lale. study for a figue of St Subaction by Vandyck for £56.14.0 A Porhat Troup by William Dobson, 221.0 Copies of Italian pictures by Fenies. 24.00 St Jerome by George Vacare, 221.0 Portrait of Lord Fitzwilliam ment, after Sir Reynolds, 11.0 126 78 12 160 The Director brought before the Board a letter addressed to the Governors from Mr Kennedy Stating reasons which he thinks intitle him to an increase of Salary and asking the approval of an application 115 Thursday 18 November 1886 to the Treasury on finding in the Estimals for the coming year favoring his request. The Estimates were then agreed to without alteration Lamb F 1717 1 116 Thursday 17 February 1887 A meeting of the Board of Saviors was summoned for this day at 3.30. C.C. Present Viscount Consort, R.S. in the chair. Viscount rough. Sir Thomas A. Louis. P.R.H.A. B.C. Wathis Esqr. R. H. A. The Director The Registrar was also in attendance, The Minutes of the last meeting the business at which was transacted subject to confirmation there being one Governor manting for the full quorum. approved but was afterwards by Mr Watkins, who did not arrive in time to take part in the meeting were after explanation read and signed A letter was read from the managers of the Manages of the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition. requesting the Board to and them some of pictures belonging to the Gallery for that occasion and one from Mr Agrew, as chairman of the Five Acts Department of the Exhibition, specifying the following pictures as specially asked for 61. 1. The future of D. Machine, R.A. entitled Merry chustras in the Barons Hall. 2. The Portrait of the late Sir Mance Brady, Bart. by Sir Thomas Jones, P.R.H.A. 117 Thursday 17 February 1887 The board agreed to the request. The puture by Machie to be insured for £700 and that by Sir Thomas Jones for 200. The following pictures purchased at Miss Christie and Manors, are submitted for appeal. Portrait of Mrs Masters, by John Happier 30.10.0 R.A. for and a small picture of Lord Melbourne by George Harlow for 500 which purchases time approved and also a portrait of Richard Rothwell painted by himself offered for sale by his Lister, Mrs Dickson, for 10.0.0 purchase also approved, so a portrait of Oliver Cromwell in indent, by Bullfinch after Cooper, purchased in London for 30.0 was approved. The purchase of the following Negrotent portraits at the sums nanced was also approved. Portrait of Miss OReill 1.0.0 Psent the Ductor 118 Thursday 17 February 1887 Portrait of Tyrone Power, the actor for £1.10.0 Portrait of O’Brien, the actor, for 110.0 a curious contemporary portrait in indear into of the Carl of Lyrconnell. Insects by the Ductor. The Ductor stated that he proposed to introduce into the Portrait Sallery three system lately adopted in that of London, Viz: to frame and hang in the vicinity of their portants the Autographs of distinguished persons, and that he had lately taken advantage of an opportunity of purchasing one of Charles I at Churties, for 20. The scheme and purchase having been approved he stated in connection with it that he had received an offer to present 21 such autographs chiefly letters from Richard Queen, Esqr, amongst them being that of Satan, Curran, Charlemont, O’Connell, Ladies Morgan and Blessington. It was resolved that the gift be accepted and the thanks of the Board conveyed to Mr even, for it. The Director announced the death since the last meeting of the Board of Sir John Crampton But J.C.B. &c, and has directed to notify the same to His Excellency, the Lord Lieutenant with whom 119 Thursday 17 February 1887. the appointment of a soveron to fill his place rests. He also announced the still mare went death of his Grace the Duke of Leinster who had held a seat at the Board officed, as President of the Royal Dublin Socity The following address of condolence with Her Grace The Duchess, his widow, was their unammonly adopted upon the Motion of the Chauman, and the Dinitor was ordered to forward a copy to her Grace The Board of Connors of the National Gallery of Ireland beg to offer their masts Linere condolence to her have the Duchess of Leinster in her affliction. They feel very though the great last which they have themselves sustained by the lamented death of the Duke of Livester and therefore think they are bound to take the sciliat opportunity of expressing them since of the sad went The Report of the Director for the year 1885 was then read and adopted as follows. 120 Thursday 17 February 1887. My Lords and Gentlemen The fallowing is my report for the year 1885 The Gallery was open for a less prod than usual on account of its having been necessary to close for gennal repainting from the 11th May till the 18th of July. The number of persons who visited the Gally during the time it was open to the public was as follows: by fire admission 75337 By Payment 1362 The number of new students admitted to copy at 39 of whom 18 were ladies and 15 Gentlemen students attendances he 1433 The number of the Sanal Catalogues 460 hold was Os of the Portrait Gallery 72 23826 of their tine Sunday visitors. 121 Thursday 17 February 1887. The purchase Grant for the year was 1000.00 Up to the 31st December the following pictures had been purchased our Lord instructing in the Temple by Eckhout for 1525.0 2 Ecce Home, by steam for 70-18.0 S. Small Landscape by Jan. 431.0 Dynants for with figuishingle back. 4 The Piazza St. Mark, June. by Antonio Canaletts for 178.10.0 5 Portrait of a man, by Hous Asper 75120 Portrait of a Knight in armour, attributed to Il. 287.0 Moreto for 7. The Ferry by Comelius 453.0 Drayslot for Leaving a balance of ₤1785 to be expence before the 1 of April, the rid of the financial year. 122 Thursday 17 February 1887. 8. Interior of a Dutch Kitchen by 1525.0 Brickinant for 9 skirmish at a village. By Carnelius Black for $15.15.0 Portract of Michael Bane 10 By Thompson for £200.0 11View of Trinity College by £2000 S. Malton for 12 Sketch Portrait in Crayons of Lord Wellesley by Sir J. Lawrice for ₤55.0 0 13 child by Maille, for £55 4 hours by Maris de Fore 990 £82:15:0 The following picture him but to the Royal Academy at the request of the President and Council to form part of the animal winter exhibition of Old Masters &c at Burlington House. They were suit in the middle of December and safely returned in the middle of March. Large Landscape by Lucas Van Adare, with figures by David Sewers, No 41 in the catalogue, which was insured for $1000 123 2 Thursday 17 February 1887. Portrait of Margaret Knoblanchin By Hans sper, which was insured for £500 No. 20 in Catalogue The following pictures were fained and glazed. Bleeker, Deagloot, Thompson. The following we glazed. Bucklinkan Lawrence Titan. Hous asper Wynants. The picture by Litian, Drageloot, Blacker, Wynants, Haur Apper were cleared and barnished I have the honour to be My Lords and Entlemen your Obedient Servant Henry E. Doyle. Ductor Most Jones 19 May 1887 124 Thursday May 19, 1887 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 330 o'Clock Present Sir Thomas Jones, P.R.H. the chair, Viscount Powerscourt R.S. Lieut Sanal R. H. Sankey.R.S.C.B. Lieut Colonel Hopton Scott B.C. Watkins Esqr. R.H.A. Thomas Farrell Esqr. R.A.A. The Director, The Registrar was also in attendance. The center of last meeting having been read and signed. Letter read for the under Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant announcing that Lieutenant Colonel Hopton Seatt had been appointed by His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant a Governor and Guardian in the place of Sir John Frampton, Bart, deceased, as follows By the Lord Liutenant and General Governor of Ireland Londonderry In pursuance of the pounseated in as by the acts of Parliament made and passed in the 17th and 18th years of the Reign of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, Chapter 99 and the 125 Thursday May 19th 1887 18th and 19th years of the Reign of her said Majesty Chapter 44, and of every other power and Authority, then to enabling us, we do, by this warrant under our hand, appoint Luntenant Colonel Hopton Scott to be a Governor and Guardian of the National Gallery of Ireland in the room of Sir John Crampton, Baronet J.C.B. late one of the Tonnors and Guardians of the said sallery, deceased, Even at her Majesty's Castle of Dublin this 18th day of March 1887 By His Excellency command Redans Butler A letter was read four Lord Maurice Fitzgerald on the part of ther Grave the Duchess of Leinster acknowledging the receipt of the resolution of condolence upon the death of the late Duke passed by the board, and thanking them for it. The Director brought to the notice of the Board an ouginal portract of the late Lord Hagan in Crayons by George Richmond R.A. which is appered for presentation by Lady O’Hagan. It had ordered to be accepted and the thanks of the board to be conveyed to hir Ladyship for the valuable gift. 126 Thursday May the 19th 1887 A small penal drawing of Bishop Jebb by George Richmond Rect was offered by him for presentation, and ordered to be accepted with thanks. A portrait of Mrs. Craption offered for presentation by Mr Caption was ordered to be declined with thanks. The Ditor stated circumstances in connection with the late sole of the Chaloner Smith collection of Minott engravings for a grant to purchase which for presentation to the Sallery a petition ninety signed had been addressed to the Treasury without sweet. Sir Edward C. Guinners had however at the last moment placed the turn of £1000 at his desporal to nable him to purchase a selection of the engraving at the late, for the Sallery He had seemed over 200 portraits. all having some special interest for Ireland for the sum of ₤694. leaving a balance to be spent at a second Sale of the remains of the collection to take place next year. The Mezzatents purchased were produced and inspected a resolution thanking hir E.C. Tunnes for his munificent donation, was passed. 127 Thursday May 19th 1887 The purchase of the following pictures at the prices named has approved. portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh by Tuchers for £11050 A portrait of Lady Raleigh, his wifes for 57.15.0 A large picture of an English man of her firing a salute, by William Van de Vilde for $44.2.0 study of a young lady by to Kennedy - 1818.0 for The young Squire in Water color by William Hunt for $15.15.0 Portrait of Charles Lever by Stephen £150.0 Pearce, for Porchants of the Father and mother of £120.0 Thomas Moore for An autograph of Thomas Moore Mirzatent portrait of Archbishop Plunkett Thos Alped Jones 21th July 1887 1 128 Thursday July 21st 1887 Meeting of the Road near held this day at 3.30 o'Clock. Present Sir Thomas A. Lones. P.R.H.A. in the Chair Sent General Sankey R.C.C. Sir Bernard Burke C.B. Ulster. B. Matkins Esq. R.H.A. Thomas Farrell Esq. R. H. A. The Decutor The Registrar was also in attendance The Minutes of the last meeting we read and signed. The following pictures purchased at Miss Christie and Musons in London, by the Doctor at the prices named the submitted for approval and their purchase approved by all the Governors meant. The feast in senious house St, Mary Magdalan amounting the head of our Lord, by Luca Signoble for 178.10.0 129 Thursday July 21 1887. 2 A hatt of Soldiers by Philip Converman For 267.15.0 3. A cattle piece by Dick Van Berger For £42.0.0 4 A woody landscape, by Jacob Ruisdall with fignes by Theodore Keyser for 3990.0 5 Study, for the head of St serve attributed to Donachine for 66.0 6 A small portrait of Lawrence Sterne for 400 Also a Portrait of the Right Honble John Wilson Croker. By Sir Thos Lawrence For £54.10.0 Also a portrait of Thomas Moore, the fact, By John Jackson. accompanied by an autograph letter by the poet relating to it. From Messrs £5000 Bennett, for A Portrait sketch of the Honble Mrs Norton, by G. F. Watts Ret presented by Mrs Ross, was ordered to be accepted with Chanks. a Mizzlet Sketch engraving portrait of Sir John Newport, presented by Dr Torney, was ordered to be accepted with thanks 130 Thursday July 2 1887 The Dentor announced the death of The Earl of Meath a member of the Board He also amined the death of Mr Alfred Burton, one of the Forties and Mr Edward Boyle was nominated to the vacant situ= ation Subject to his obtaining the necessary Civil Service Certificate With reference to the purchase of the picture by Jacob Knysdale and De Keyes the Dicutor explained that to make up the free it had been necessary to forestall the Siant for next years by the Line of £300 which arrangement had beene Sanctioned by the leasury; Sand Haughton 8 Dec 787 131 1 2 Thursday 8th December 1887. A meeting of the Board was held this day at 3.30 O’Clock Present The Revd. S. Haughton, Mr. D in the Chair The Viscount Pouscourt, R.S. Lieut Genal Sankey, C.B. Thomas Farrell Esqre. R. H. A. Sir Thomas A. Louis. P.R.H.A. The Director The Registrar was also in attendance The Minutes of the last meeting time read and signed A letter has read from the Royal Academy requesting the loan of the following pictures for their winter Exhibition Portrait of a man inscribed Alexander Olivers attributed to Leonard Danie St. Leone, by Rebber, The loan was agreed to the first to be insured for £300, and the second for 200 132 Thursday 8 December 1887. The Estimate for the insuing years was Lettled without any proposed addition Asmall plaster last of Thomas Davis by chustopher Marie was offered for pentation by Sir Charles Ear Duffy. and Ordered to be acted with thanks The Director Stated that Edmund Boyle having obtained a Civil Service Certificate. had become one of the Porter in the place of Alfred Burton deceased The Ductor their read his report for the year 1886 as follows: My Lords and Gentleman The following is my report for the year 1886 The Gallery was open to the public from the 1st of January till the 31st December with the exception of the month of October during which it was closed for the usual general cleaning &c The following is the number of perous who visited it during, that time. 133 Thursday 8th December 1887. By free admission 74779 By payment 162.9 Students attendances, 1750 The number of new students admitted to copy was 39.34 Ladies and 4 gentlemen The number of furnal Catalogues sold was 361 of List of Portraits 48 The following pictures were purchased, 1 Portrait group of the Right Honble E. Bucke and the Right Honble C. Fox attributed to £95.00 Angeless Kaufman 2 Portrait of Robert Denver, Earl of Essex. Lord untenants of Ireland. Painter unknown. £2000 3. A small full length portrait of General Christopher Nugent by Picto Longer £150 0 134 Thursday 8th December 1887 4 The attempted martyrdom of Saints Cosm and Dame 73.10.0 5 The miracle of St Dominick, School of Murillo 1616.0 6 The assumption by Ian de Valder 44.2.0 Portrait of Her Hudson By Gerard Terbing $8.00 8 A Stag Hunt by Nicholas Barcher 674.0 Head of a Jewish Rabbi 31.10.0 10 Head of a young sail by Sir Peter Liby £1160 11 A Pair of Portraits of Oliver Cromwell and his sore Richard attributed to cooper $22.00 2 An allegorical patrait of King William the III. 10-100 These purchaser exhausted the grant for 1885-6 15 small portrait of King Charles I attributed to W. Dobson, 55.0 3 135 Thursday & December 1887 4. Nature portrait of Queen Mary Wife of William 100 15 The cow shee by James Ward R 2096 16. A pair of Small Landscapes with fignes by Somes de and 31.0.0 17 The Depuer by Henrick Seigh $125.0.0 18. A small full length portract of a Lady Standing on a Terrace by Peter an ingelast 80-17.0 A frame containing 9 minatures 9 40.00 by L. Comerford 20. A small oval portrait of Joseph Addison 2.00 21 Study for a figure of St. Labortion by Vandyck ₤56.14.0 22 Portrait group of William Dobson ₤221.0 Three small copies of Ventian 2 futures by Denis 240.0 24 St. Some writing at a death by George Vacarii 2210 136 Thursday 8th December 1887 25. A selection from the drawings of Richard Doyle 160.00 The Triumphant entry, Mathers and Children on the hills and on the sea. View of Lel Hall The puzzled traveller The knight and Spector The Dragon of Wantly View in the park of Studley Royal Japance Studies of Studley Roger series of 6 fairy tale designs, in here and into small portrait Sketch of Lord I Purchase Mirzatent engraving by Samuel Connes of the full length Portrait of Field Marshal Viscount Dough after the picture by Sir J. Grant £50.0 The following pictures time lent to the Royal Academy at the request of the President and Council to form part of the annual exhibition of old Martis &c at Burlington House. They were but in December and lately returned and reling in the gallery in the month of March 1 The supper of Emmans attributed to Litian, No 84 in the Catalogue, which was indeed for $1000 137 2 Thursday 8th December 1887. A Pridelle containing 7 Separate Subjects a and 6 Saints By Andrea del Parts. No 108 & 104 in the Catalogue, which was interred for £500 The pictures by Dobson and Picto oughe we retired and those by Terburg, Berchane, Fluck Kaufman Vandyck Vacare, Ward, cleared and brushed. Those by Fleet, Becher time repaired and glazed, and the following were glazed. Those by Dobson, Long Terburg, Slingland Lough De Wadder, Vandyck Kaufman Cooper and the patract of the Earl of Essex, painter unknown. The pictures by Fra Angelico, Lely, Copies by Leineer and minatures by Courford once placed in glazed Mahogany care. the honour to be I have My Lords and Gentleman your obedient Servant Henry E. Doyle Mr. Jones 138 Thursday April 12 1888 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 O’Clock Present Revd Dr. Haughton, in the chair, J. T. Libert Esqr. J.S.A. Colonel Hopton Scott, Viscount rough and The Director, Viscount Sovenscourt and Sir Thomas Jones, had previously attended but were obliged to leave to keep another engagemt. The Registrar was also in attendance, The Minutes of the last meeting were read, but not liued in the absence of a full quorum. The Director submitted a Portrait of Richard Burke only lon of the Right Honble Edmund Burke, purchased at Messrs Christic and Mansons for the sum of ₤141 and stated reasons for attributing the picture to Sir Joshua Reynolds. Also a portrait of Lord Carteret, Lord Lieutenant, for 20 by Hudson, both pictures were approved by all the Governors present, as they had previously been by Viscour Powerscourt and his Thomas Jones 139 Thursday April 12 1888. A portrait of the late Sir William Pallier painted by his Sister, Mrs Fairholme, was offered for presentation by her and ordered to be accepted with thanks. Mr W. You 140 Thursday May 24 1888 A Meeting of the Board was held this at 3.30.0 Present Sir Thomas Jones P.R.H.A. in the Chair Lieut Genal R. H. Sankey R.C.C.B. Dr. J. T. Gilbert Account Lough B. Watkins Esq. R.H.A. Thomas Daniel Esqr. R.H.A. Colonel Hopton Scott, The Director, The Registrar was also present The Minutes of the last meeting were read & signed A letter from the Foreign Office was read applying on behalf of the French Government for information as to the system upon which the purchases for the Sallery were made and the source from which there funds are derived and a draft once from the Director giving the information, was approved. a conspondence was read on the proposed alteration of the house in herrion Sqloaking upon the entrance to the Takery, by which new windows would be opened on that side by Mr Murphy 147 £56 Thursday May 24 1888 to whom it has been let, It was recolved the Board would make no objection to the said alteration on the condition that no claim for compensation should be made in future in late the Gallery has extended on that side upon the ground to overlooked. A picture of a winter scene in Holland, by S. Van de Capella purchased at Christies for the tum of £50 was 6 submitted and its purchase approved by the Sonnors present also a portrait of the Marquis Camden Lord hunmount of Ireland, by Sir Thomas Lawrence P.R.S. also approved A portrait in Crayons of in Fielding ould Mr. D. offered for presentation by Colonel Marrison was ordered to be accepted with thanks The Director reported that he had attended the 2nd portion of the Late of the Challiner Smith matts which lasted nine days and that he had purchased 79 of them many of the of great parity, and very high quality. 142 Thursday May 24, 1888 quality, at the price of £289.40 the balance of Sir Edward Cunness's gift. though Thursday August 2nd 1888 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 30. 3. 0. Present Viscount rough in the chair. Thomas Farrell Esqr, R. H. J. J. Gilbert Esqr The Director The Registon has in attendance there not being a quorum of the Governors present it was decided to transact the messary business subject to confirmation by a full meetings The inter of the last meeting were real and signed 143 Thursday August 2 1658 The following pictures purchased in London by the Director here submitted to the Meeting at the price named and their purchase approved by the Governors present. A full length portrait of Lord Clare Lord Chancellor of Ireland attributed to Hugh Hamilton, proposed to be purchased from Messrs Agrew for the turn of 110 being the have paid by them for it at the recent sale at Mount Shannon, The purchase was approved Also that of a portract in pastel of Philip Earl of Chesterfield, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, by House of Bath for £40 likewise from Messrs Agrew The following purchases made at Messrs. Christie Mason & woods by the Director were approved Portrait of Lady Mountrath by Thomas Hudson for £15.15.0 A portrait of King William III where a boy attributed to comitius Jasper from the Hardwick collection £37160 1. Poll. 100 144 Thursday August 2nd 1888 am the Irish actor in the part of Falstaff by Hayman £220.0 221 Mackle in the part of Shylack, a head by Loffany £600 Robert Dudley Earl of Leicester, painter unknown. £2000 Portrait of Lord Camden, Sir Davis $21.00 Interior of a Church by H. Steinick £12-120 The Duct, by San Steen, & Dutch Interior 48.0 Portrait of Lysught the part 30.0 Asmall full lith portrait of Hickey the friend of Bucke and Goldsmith, attributed to Angelica Kaufman for 42 was approved; The Ductor announced that a vacancy on the Board had been caused by the death of Sir George Hodson, Bart, one of its original members. The Director was appointed to represent the Board as a judge in the competition for the Taylor prizes for the ensuing year 145 Thursday August 2 1888 Colonel Hopton Seath and D. Gilbut he appointed members of the Finance committee in the places of Sir George Hadson, Bart, and Sir Bernard Burke On the motion of Dr Gilbert the use of the Board room was granted for Meetings of the Stewart Exhibition, Irish Sub Committee. The Meeting there adjourned. Sum Feb 14 19 Thursday November 29 1888 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30. O’Clock. Present: His Grace The Duke of Leinster The Director, The Registrar was also in attendance There not being a quorum of the Governors present no business bear transacted Patt 19 Fit 146 Thursday February 14 1889 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 O’Clock. Present Viscount Powerscourt, R.S. in the Chairs His Grace The Duke of Leinster, Viscount Lough Sir Thomas Jones Colonel Hopton Scott, B. Colles Watkins R.H.A. Thomas Farrell Sr. R.S. The Director. The Registrar was in attendance, The Minutes of the last meeting were read and signed. A letter from His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant was read enclosing a warrant appointing his Gran the Duke of Leinster a member of the Board in the place of the late Sir George Hodson, Bart 24 August 1888 Sir I am directed by the Lord Lintenant 147 2 Thursday 14 Febuary 1889 to transmit for the information of the Board of Governors and Guardians of the National Gallery of Ireland, the accompanying warrant of His Excellency appointing. His Grace the Duke of Lunder to be a member of the Board in the room of Sir George Hadson, Bart I am, his Your Obedient Servant Ligned. Mr Kaye the Directors National Gallery Letter on. The following pictures wee submitted, purchased by the Dicutor at Messrs hustic Manson & Woods for the prices stated, and the purchases live apposed. A Porticut of Sir Richard Stile by Sir Godby Kneller for $20.00 Portrait of Miss Farren, afterwards counteer of Derby in pastel by Omas Humphry R.A. for 20.0.0 3 4 5 6 148 Thursday 14th February 1889 copy in water colour by G. T. Harding of a portrait of the Earl of Strafford for 6 Portrait of Arthur Murphy in pencil by Jackson RA after a picture by Danie R.A. for 1.10.0 A Portrait in crayons of Michael Balfe, by John Wood for 45.0 Portrait in Water Colour of General the Earl of Lian, for 9 Portrait of the Earl of Arlington in Water Colour by G. Harding, after Sir Peter Lely for 110.0 A Portract of the Right Hon. Denis Daly in pastel by Hugh Hamilton, purchased from Mr Darby for £15150 was also submitted and the purchase approved. Also a minature of of Charles Byrne the minature painter by himself purchased from his daughter for £10, which purchase was also approved The following works offered for presentation are ordered to be accepted with thanks. 149 1 2 3 Thursday 14 February 1889 A bronze but of Marquis Wellesly. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland from Alfred Montgomery Esqr A small oual portrait in oil of the Earl of Besborough, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland by Catterson Smith C.R.H.R. from the Honble sual Ponsonby A lithograph portrait of Fuld Marchal count August A lithograph portant of Daniel O’Connell A small live engraving portrait of Field Marshal Count Brown and are old Dutch engraving of Bishop alter of Derry all purchased in Vienna, from the Director A bequest of 4 humorous drawings of racing subjects drawn by Richard Doyle at the age of 13 years from the late Mr Edward Mayne of Walton Bury Staffordshire was also submitted to the Board. A large picture by the late George Mulary R.H. A was submitted for purchase, called the pryche dayes, but spaceived 150 Thursday the 14th February 1889 The Ductor read his draft report for the year 1887 as follows which was adopted. My Lords and Gentlemen The following is my report for the year 1887. The Gallery was open to the public under the usual conditions from the 1st of January until the 31st December with the exception of the month of October during which it was as usual closed for gennal cleaning &c within this period the number of Visitors to the Gallery was as follows. by five admission. 80.359 of whom 21570 attendances time on Sundays. By Payment 1649 The Students attendances were 1848 The number of catalogues told was 293 The number of new students admitted to copy was 28 of whom 23 time ladies and 5 Gentlemen. 151 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 Thursday the 14th February 1889. The following pictures were purchased at the prices named For the fense collection An English man of hear firing a salute, By William Vande Velde, the younger. 44.2.0 The feast in Simons house St Mary Magdalin accounting the head of our said, by Luca Signorell 1778.10.0 Anact of Soldiers by Philip 267.15.0 Convermans Landscape with cattle by 42.0.0 Duk Van Berger, Study of a girl by 1818.0 W.D. Kennedy Portrait of Mrs Musters by John Hoppier R. 30 10.0 Study for the head of St Jerome attributed to Dominichis 66.0 A large Wood Landscape by Jacob Russel with figurer and 3990.0 Annals by T. De Keysers 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 152 Thursday the 14 February 1889 The following for the National Portrait and Historial Sallery. Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh by Tucker 110.50 Portrait of Lady Kalugh, Painter unknown. 57.15.0 A small portrait of Viscount Melbourne by George Harlane 5. 0. 0. Portrait of Richard Rochwill the painter by himself: 1000 Portrait of Thomas Moore the part by John Jackson R. 50.00 A Portrait of the father of Thomas Moore by Martin 60 Cregan R.S.A. Portract of the Mother of £6 the Port. Portrait of the Right Honble John Wilson Craker by her Thomas Lawrence £5410.0 153 9 10 11 Thursday the 14 February 1889 A Small Portrait of Lawrence Sterne, after Lir Joshua Reynalds 4.0.0 A Portrait in Crayons of Charles Lever, the Author by Stephen £15.00 Pearce, a drawing in indian ink of Oliver Cromwell by Bullfiel 30.0 after Samuel Cooper, And the following Mestants. Portrait of Miss Will the actus 10.0 Portrait of Tyrone Power the actor $6.10.0 Portion of William O’Brien the Actor $1.10.0 Portrait of Archbishop Plunkett In order to purchase the puture by Rydal it was necessary with the sanction of the Treasury to forical the grant for the ensuing year to the amount of £ The following donations the received 11 2nd 3 4 5 6 154 Thursday the 14th February 1889 The him of ₤1000 from Sir Edward Cecil Gunners, Bart, to enable the Board to atain a selection of Minott Portraits at the sale of the Chalmer Smith collection from the first of which 200 portraits all having some connection with Ireland, him purchased for the sum of ₤694, leaving a balance of ₤300 to be expended at the second Sale in the ensuing years. A list is appended. A Portrait in crayour of the late Right Houble Lord Hagan Lord Chancellor of Ireland by George Richmond, R.A. From Lady Hagan A drawing in pencil of Dr Jebb Berhap of Limerick by George Richmond RA from the artist A Portrait Sketch of the Honble Mrs Norton by G. F. Walls R.A. From Mrs Savit Ross A small plaster bust of Thomas Davis modelled from life by Chustopher Moore. from E.G. Duffy. A Mezzatent engraving of Sir John Newport, from Dr Tourney. 155 1 Thursday the 14th February 1889 contemporary drawing in indian ink of the Earl of Lynconnell, after Sir Godfrey Kneller and are autograph letter signed by King Charles L. From H. E. Doyle C.B. It was resolved to introduce into the National Portrait and Historial Tallery Autograph writings of persons therein represented from time to time as opportunities a collection of 20 was offer, and by Richard Green Esqre presented containing amought others autographs of Grattan Plunkett O’Connell &c A letter written by Thomes Moore relating to it was included in the purchase of his portrait by Jackson and are autograph of one of his lodies Bath words and hence in his handwriting was purchased for 22 Three cale series were erected down the curitie of the Historical such Portrait Gallery for the exclusive exhibition of the Mizzatents presented by Sir C.C. Guinness 80 of the choicest of which were pained and glazed and arranged early in the Mouth of August 56 Thursday the 14 February 1889 it the special and urgent request of the Committee of the Arts and Manifesting Exhibition of Manchester. The pictures of it merry Christries in the Barond hall by Daniel Machire Rt. and the Portrait of the late Marie Brady Lord Chancellor of Ireland, by Sir Thomas Tues. P.R.H.Q. be lent for the term of the Exhibition the former being insured for $1000, and the latter for 300 The pictures lent to the President and Council of the Royal Academy at their request to form part of this Water Exhibition of old Masters at Burlington House were The St Levine praying, by Ribera and the Portrait inscribed Alexander School of Leodo de Vine The former hear indeed for 300, and the latter for £200 There futures were all safely returned The following puties were cleaned restored and earnished Sir Walter Ralugh. Lucar Lady Kalugh firing a Salute by W. Van de Velde Landscape with figue, Rydale and de Rupe The Feast &c. Luied Lignoble 157 Thursday the 14 February 1889 Portrait of the Father and mother of Thomas Moore, Portrait of Craken By-Lawne Portrait of Rathmell Cattle piece by begin Harbour happen all the above together with the Yourmans tie glazed The following time framed as heel as flaged. The La Lignall, Watts Crane, Rathwill also the portraits of Lord Hagar. Bishop Jebb, Lord Lyrconnell and the 80 patents mentioned aboves The portrait of Thomas Moore by Jackson and the picture by Luca Lignoble were pland in glazed Mahogany cases. I have the honour to be My Lords and Gentlemen Your Obedient Servant Henry S. Doyle. tests 158 Thursday June 6 1889 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 O’Clock. 209.45010 10710. Ambrois Pardon in the Chair, dance Although there was not a more present it was dicted to proceed with business subject to approval by the full Board The Minutes of the last meeting were read but not signed. The Director announced the death of the Earl of Portarlington a member of the Board which had already been communicated to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, through the Under Sectary in a reply to a question on the subject. The following puties are submitted and their purchase approved by the Governor present 158 Thursday June 6 1889 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 O’Clock. Present Lieutenant Genal Sankey, in the Chair Colonel Hopton Scott J. J. Gilbert Esq. J.S.A. The Director, The Registian was also in attendance, Although there was not a more present it was dicted to proceed with business subject to approval by the full Board The Minutes of the last meeting were read but not signed. The Director announced the death of the Cail of Portarlington a member of the Board which had already been communicated to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, through the Under Secutary in a reply to a question on the subject. The following future have submitted and their purchase approved by the Governor present 159 and 1 Thursday 6 June 1889 Portrait of a Man, School of £21.0.0 Abut Durer for Sea line by S. De Tiger, 31.10.0 Bath pinchases at Miss Christie Mansion and Woods, and a Portrait of the purchased Revd Father Luke Wadding OF from M. Advana Ratorio (a Spagnolett for £50.0.0 The Meeting their adjourned. ster 160 Thursday August 8th 1889 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 5.30 o'Clock Present His Grace the Duke of Leinster, in the Char. The Earl of Rosse. Viscount rough Genal Sankey, C.B. B. Watkins Esqr. R.H.A. J. T. Gilbert Esqr. F.S.A. Thomas Farrell Esqr. R.H.A. The Director, The Registian was also in attendance, The Minutes of the last meeting bee had and Signed and that of the previous meeting signed. A carrespondence with the under Secutary of the Lord Lieutenant on the subject of the vacancy at the Board created by the death of the late Earl of Portarlington was read concluding with a letter enclosing a warrant from His Excellency appointing the Revd J. Mahaffy, Fellow of Trinity College Dublin to fill the vacant place. 161 Thursday August 8th 1889 The following pictures purchased in London at Miss Chritic Manson & Woods by the Director at the prices named, were submitted to the meeting, and their purchase apprised by all the governors present Portrait of a Jewish Rubbe, by G. Eckhout For £100 160 Portrait of a girl with a doe by Jacob. Cap. For 26150 The caual bout station by L de Younge For ₤152.50 by he Pape The repast. For 63.0.0 Portrait of a Lady playing a fuitar by d. Myers For $420 0 These five pictures came from the Hador Collection Two figures of Saints, by Paul Venabe for £5000 A small picture of the Madonna and Child with Saints interceeding, by Guido Rene For $5000 A hunting seene, by Hosp. For $25.00 A Magdalen School of Jeare Cousin 162 Thursday August 8th 1889 Winter Lane in Holland, by Fay For £10-110.0 Portrait of Mrs. Ireton 10 10 A minature of Daniel OConnell, For 600 The Director reported upon his visit to Sons to attend the secular late and submitted a picture which he purchased at it, described as follows. A Dutch interior by Dick Van Delin with figures by Duk Hals. The price be The chase was approved by all the Tonnor present. at portrait of the Carl of Westmorland, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in water colors, by Tannel Cousins after his Thomas Lawrence, has offered for presentation by the Honble Sir Spencer Ponsonby one R.C.B. his grandson. and ordered to be accepted with the thanks of the Board. The Denton stated that while in London he attended the final meeting of the Stewart Exhibition Committee who had 163 Thursday August 8th 1889 a considerable surplus to dispose after defraying all the expenses of the Exhibition after deceding to pay various extra gratuities a sum of about 600, remained in hand which after discussion it was resolved unanimously to divide between the National Portrait Tallery of England Scotland and Ireland in the following proportions, Ireland to receive one Hundred Pounds and the rest of the some to be decided equally between England and Scotland The Meeting there adjourned. inster 164 Thursday November 28th 1889 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 3.30 o'Clock Present His Trave The Duke of Leinster in the Chair, Viscount Powerscourt, R.S. General Sankey, R.C.C.B. Colonel Hapton Seatt, Sir J. A. Louis, P.R.H.Q. Thomas Fauill, Esq. R. H. A. J.J. Gilbert Esqr. J.S.A. The Revd J. P. Mahaffy, F. T.C.D. The Director, The Rector has also in attendance. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and signed The Ductor brought before the tructing a full length Portrait of Field Marshal Hugh 1st Viscount Cough, painted by the late James Hermond, offered for presentation by Viscount Tough. It was ordered to be accepted and that the backed thanks of the Board be conveyed to his Lordship for his valuable Sept The Estimate for the coming year was settled. The Dicutors report for the year 1888, was then had and adopted. 165 Thursday November 28. 1889 The Dater read his draft Report for the year 1888 as follows which was adopted. My Lords and Gentlemen, The followny is my report for the year 1888. The Gallery was open to the Public from the 1st January till the 31st December with exception of the mouth of October during which it was closed as usual for genial clean &c The fallowing is the number of persons who visited it during that time. by free admission 1654 of whom 25160 attendances were on Sundays. By Payment 1680 Students attendances were 1551 The number of Catalogues fold was 354 The number of new Students admitted to copy was 25 of whom 17 were Ladies, and 8 Gentlemen The first charge upon the vate for purchase was the balance due for the picture by Jacob Rydal and de Tresr 299 The following new pictures more purchased for the Lares named. Wm 166 Thursday November 28th 1889 A winter seene in Holland by, I Vander Capell for 56.14.0 The interior of a church by Stunwick 12-120 A Dutch Kitchen, by Vare du Pail, 48.0 Portrait of Richard Burke Son of the Right Honble Edmund Burke, By Sir Joshua Reynolds, 141.0.0 Portrait of Lord Cartie, Lord Lieutenant, of Ireland, by Thomas Hudson for £2000 Full length portrait of Chancellor Lord Clare by H. D. Hamilton 11000 Portrait of the Earl of Chesterfield. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, he Prime Hoare of Bath. £4000 Portrait of Diana counties of Mountrath by Thomas Hudson 15 150 Portrait of King William III when a boy attributed to Cassin 37- 160 Quin the actor in the part of Falstaff. by France Hayman Rt. 2210 167 Thursday November 28th 1889 Head of Charles Macklin in the part of Shylack by affair 25.0 Dudley Earl of Lucester, Lord Deputy attributed to such 20.00 Portrait of the Marquis Camden Lord Liutent of Iuland. By Sir Thomas Lawrence £210.0 Full length portrait of Joseph Hickey by Angelia Kaufman 400.0 The following donations were ruined £306 from Sir Edward Cuil Gunners, Bart, the balance of the same presented by he to be expended at the challen Smith Sale for which here 79 Portraits time purchased many of them very rare and of very high quality, a list of them is appended. A Portrait of Sir William Pallike the inventor, havited by his Sister Mrs Fairholm, presented by her. A Portrait in crayors of Sr Fielding Ould, fore Colonel Morrison. 170 Thursday November 28 1889 I like part The fallowing pictures were restored and warnished Portrait of Richard Burke, That of Lord Clare That of Quin That of Lord Leinster, The picture by Stein week, and Vander Lord The following were cleaned and barnished Portraits of Lord Camden, Markhir William the III, and Lord Cartreet, all were glazed. The picture; by Stein wick was placed in a mahogany case. A new frame was got for the portrait of Lady Mountrath I have the honour to be My Lords and Gentlemen your obedient Servant Henry S. Doyle. Sam Haughton 17 April 1890 171 No. 1 2 3 4 Thursday April 17 1890. A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day at 330 Clock Present His Grace the Duke of Leinster in the Chair The Viscount Jones court R.S. The Viscount Tough; Sir Thomas Jones, Revd S. Haughton, Mr. D in the chair, J. T. Gilbert G.S. B. Watkins Esq. R. H. The Director The Registian has in attendance, The Minutes of the last meeting were read and signed. The following purchases were submitted. for approval. Pilgrims at Claimanoise water Colour drawing by George Petic R.H.Q. from Mrs Morris for 80.0.0 A very rare contemporary engraving of the battle of the Boyne by Duk Maas, who was present at the battle for $21. Two volumes of faisimile of original drawings, by Albert for for 23 And a marble Bust of the Earl of Carlisle who as Lord Lieutenant opened the National Gallery of Ireland in 1864 2 5 1 174 Thursday April 17 1890 by Moore R.S. A from Mr Ball for £15 All these purchases time approved. The following pictures wine offered for presentation A portrait in oil of the Revd Charles Forster a distinguished Irish Clugyman and Author, painted by George Richmond R.A. and offered by him together with a chalk Sketch from life of the Revd D Dan also by himself. A portrait of Edward Hudson, Sentury, to the united Irishmen, pointed by William Caming R.H. offered by Sir Edward Hudson Khan, Bart, which wise ordered to be accepted with the thanks of the Board. A portrait of the Mart Revd John McNale, Archbishop of Tuam, by Capalte of Rome offered by house McNale, no division was come to in regard to its acceptance The meeting the adjourned as Leinster 175 Thursday August 21 1890 A meeting was held this day at 330 Oclock. Present His Grace the Duke of Lawater in the him Viscount fourscourt R.S. Colonel Hopton Seatt The Revd J. P. Mahaffy, B.C. Walkins Esqr. H.A. Thomas Farrell Esqr. R.H. J. Gilbert Esqre. J.L.A. The Dictor, The Registrar was in attendance The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Ductor reported upon a visit to Brussels with the view of purchasing a picture by Rembrandt in the following in- enhances. Passing through Brussels late in the year 1882, a friend who resides there told him of a loan Exhibition which had just been held there for some charity at which amongst other interesting puties there was a newly discovered portract by Runbrand which belonged to a friend of his M. Autore Desert and which he offered to take him to see in Dondant's house. 176 Thursday August 21 1890 the offer being accepted the future was found to be the portract of a young man by which he the Director) was greatly impressed. The future was not for sale but the latter got a promise from his friend that he would let him know if at any future time Mansant wished to sell it. The information that this way the case reached him a few months ago a French dealer having then offered 800 for it Having ascertained confidentially that Mr Dandant would take 880 for the puture the Dicutor at once proceeded to Brussels and seemed it. Mr Duncant informed him that a dealer was on his way from Pinna to see it, but he considered himself bound after what had passed to sell it to the National Gallery of Ireland, for the price above named. He also stated that the future had always been in his family and showing the Role of his pedigree he pointed to the name Jones Vander Linden as that of the young man represented. The future was in a French onal frame and from signs on the back of the panel there can be little doubts but that it had been originally square and had been cut to suit the frame in which case the signature had probably been cut away. While in London the Director had a new Square frame made for 177 2 3 1 Thursday August 21 1890 it with the comes or Shandrils filled in with impolished bonthis restoring to some extent the original appearance of the future. The putie had examined by all the Townes present and its purchase approved The Ductor reported on the purchase time of the three fallowing pictures at the Stoner Duke of Louists) sale. full length portrait of a countess of Donegal by Francis Coates. This future had for many years while in the collection of his Traces family, passed as an original by Sir Joshua Reynolds, but while at Messrs treaties the signature of the above painter was discoured upon it. It was purchased for $39.180 A Dutch interior with the little, gue of beers by Van Harp purchased for £127.00 A Ventiam illumination, 1515.0 purchased for There purchases were approved. Also a picture of the Magdale by Elizabeth Scrane, purchased at the Perkins sale for 39 18.0 A Portrait of the last Revd John Hadley Archbishop of Armagh, pointed by Stephen slaughter, purchased in Dublin for £10 was brought before the Board and its purchase approved. 178 Thursday August 21 1890. Also the two following minatures purchased at Messrs Churties. Portrait of Lady Blessington after the original piece by Sir Thomas Lawrence for 10 A portrait of Miss O’Neill the astress. afterwards Lady Becher by Sir William Newton, for 12-120 which purchases the also appened. The portrait of the most Revd Dr. Mac Hale Archbishop of Tuam, offered for presentation by the very kind Monsigner Mr Hale of Tans was again brought before the Board and ordered to be accepted with the thanks of the Board The Director annoured the death of Sir Richard Wallace, Bart, H.C.B. a Member of the Board. The Board then adjourned. though 17 No 190 Chairman 179 Thursday Nov 2790 A meeting of the board was summoned for this day at 3 30 Oct. Present Viscount Cough in the chair The Revd Dr. Haughton Colonel Hopton Scott. Viscount Roversmith. and the Ductor. The Registrar was in attendance. the minutes of the last meeting were read & signed but there not being a quorum of the Governors present no other business was formally transacted. a C - Jan 1591 180 Thursday January 15th 1891 A meeting of the Board was held this afternoon at 3. O’Clock, Present Viscount Powerscourt in the Chair Viscount rough. Colonel Hopton Scott B. Colles Watkins, R.H. Thomas Fall, R.S.A. The Director. The Registrar was absent through indisposition The Minutes of the last meeting were read and signed and those of the previous Meeting were read and their signatures confirmed The Director read his drafts report for the year 1889 which was approved and adapted My Lords and Gentlemen, The following is my report for the year 1889 The Gallery was open to the public during the year with the exception of the mouth of October where it was closed for general cleaning &c. During the year the public attendances were as follows. 187 1 2 3 4 f Thursday January 15 1891 By fire admission 72591 Admissions by payment 1574 Students attendances 2825 The number of new Students, admitted to copy was 44 of whom 40 have Ladies. and 4 Gentlemen. The tribe of catalogues sold was 352 The fallowing pictures were purchased for the prices offered. For the sanal collection. Pochart of a war School of Albert Durer 2.0.0 river Scene by Simon de Veger £3110.0 The following five from the Hadsor collection Acanal boat Station in Holland by Ludoff de Lough 1525.0 A report by Abraham L. Paper 63.0.0 of these 26810 were attendance on Sunday 10 11 12 8 5 6 182 Thursday January 15 1891 Portrait of a Lady playing a Quitar by Daniel Mytens £42.0.0 Portrait of a young Girl with a Dog by J. B. Cap. 26.15.0 Portrait of a Jewish Rabbi by Tubant Vander Seckont £100 16.0 The interior of a handsome appartment in the early 17 Century by Derk Van Declare with figures by Dick als, 243-11-8 Purchased in Paris at the Sector, sale. A group of St Peter and St James the lead by Paul Verouse £5000 Madoune and child on clouds with Sanite interceeding for a plague Sticken City by Geo Reve 5000 A Hunting party by Dick Hoop 25.00 A winter scene by Faug. 10.10.0 For the National Portrait and Historical sallery 1831 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Thursday January 15 1891 Portrait of Father Lake Wadding by River to Spayneletto £50..0..0 Portrait of Sir Richard Stale, £20 0 0 by Sir Godfrey Kneller Portrait in paste of the right Honble Denis Daly by Hugh D. Hamilton £1515.0 Portrait of Miss Farren, afterwards countess of Derby in Partel by Oreas Humphrey R 2000 Portrait of Michael Balfe in an operate part in Crayour by John Wood 45.0 Portrait of Mrs Tutor, School of St Peter Reley $100.0 Portrait of Charles Byrne. the nature painter by himself $10.00 Minature portrait of Daniel £60.0 Council Copy in water colonies of a portrait of the Earl of Stafford by Vandyck by G.S. Harding 60.0 4 3 22 23 1 2 184 Thursday January 15 1891 Copy by G. J. Harding of a portrait of the Earl of Arlington by Sir Peter Lely 110.0 Lord Luca 100 The following donations were recieved for the Historice and Portrait Gallery A browse bast of the Earl of Wellesley Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, from Alfred Montgomery Esqr A Portrait small size oral, by Callerson Smith of the Earl of Bessborough Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, from the Houble Gual Ponsonby A Portrait in water colours by Samuel Cousins, after Sir Thomas Lawrence, of the Earl of Westmorland, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, from the Right Honble Sir Spencer Ponsonby Lane. Full length Portract in oil of Fild Marshall the 1st Viscount Lough by James from Viscount rough. 4 Drawings by R. Doyle from S. Mayne 185 Thursday January 15 1891 The sum of ₤100, was presented by the Committee of the Stuart exhibition, out of the profits of the Exhibition for the purposes of the National Historial and Portrait Sallery The following paties hee cleared restored and warnished. Those by Eckhort, Paul Browse Ribia, De Lough, and de Pape. The following were cleared and barnished Those by I Genite Cay Daniel Mytus School of a Durer. Catterson Smith and Harwood and Guido Rev The following we newly fraud. Those by De Jough Eckhout up La Pape & Myles All were glazed with the exception of the Portrait of Lord Lough by Harwood I have the honour to be My Lords & Gentlemen Your Obedient Servant Henry S. Doyle 186 Thursday January 15 1891 A Placter Bust of the first Director of this Gallery, George Mulany Esqr by Watkins was offered by Mrs Watkins for Lale and its purchase approved at the price of £15, the Bast to be placed in the Board room. The Ductor announced that His Excellency had been pleased to appoint the Very Read Gerald Mallay, D.D. a Governor and Guardian in the place of Sir Richard Wallace Bart, K.C.B. deceased. 23rd December 1890 Sir, I am directed by the Lord lieutenant to transmit for the information of the Board of Governors and Guardians of the National Gallery of Ireland the accompanying Manant of His Excellency appointing the Very Revd Gerald Molloy D.D. to be a Member of the Board in the room of Sir Richard Wallace, deceased. I am Sir your obedient Servant W.S.B. Kaye. The Director National Gallery 1871 Thursday, January 15 1891 The Director applied for leave of absence to go abroad for two months with the view of visiting Rome, The leave has granted and the journey approved of The Director reported that the new Catalogue almost completely, rewritten had been published in September and that the Stationery Office had consented to its price being reduced to six pence. With reference to the purchase of the portrait of Louis Vander Lirdis by Rembrandt the Ductor produced a document which he had procured - from Mr Dansent testifying to the history of the picture so far as he knows it to the following effect. Ordered to be mented in the Minutes Te sougine Antoin ansact proprieton 19 Rus de Champ de Mars a teller (Brunelles, declare que le portrait & homine par Rembrandt que goe vend are mois de quindener a monsieur Henry Doyle. C.B. Directive de la Galler National de Dublin a colours appurtence a man famille et quit is a che designe comme cant be portrait de Louis Vanderlinden Exelles (Breeks) 13 Decembre 1890 Dansert Signal 188 The meeting their adjourned. St 20/8/91 Thursday August 6th 1891 A meeting of the Board was summoned for this day. Present Sir Thomas Jones in the chair, The very Revd Dr. Malloy J. T. Tilbert, F.S.A. B.C. Watkins Esqr. R. H. A. The Director, The Register was also in attendance The Minutes of the last meeting time read but were not signed as there was not a quorum of the Tonnors present. The Ductor had a letter from His Grace the Duke of Leinster, announcing his wish to present to the Gallery the parture of the Meeting of the Volunteers in College Green 189 0 Thursday the 6th August 1891 by Wheatley which has been deposited here since 1872 Carton, Maynother 4 August 1891. My dear Doyle I wish to present what his future of the Dublin voluntees to the Irish National sallery where it has been deposited June 1872 as I think it will prove acceptable. Yours truly Leinster, It was proposed by Dr. Gilbert and seconded by Mr Watkins and came unanimously. That the marked thanks of the Board be given to His Grace the Duke of Leinster, for his handsome donation of the valuable and most important historical future of the meeting of the Volunteers in College seen, Dublin by Francis Wheatley, R.S. 2 3 4 5 1 190 Thursday 6th August 1891 The following puture purchased in London by the Director at the pieces annexed were submitted and their purchase approved by the Governors present. The Joy Letter by William Mulready R.A. for 304.10.0 This picture which was the last painted by the Artist, was exhibited at the Royal Academy in the year 1801 and was sold after his death, for close upon ₤1200, and was subsequently sold to Mr Matthews at the sale of whose collection it was now purchased) for a still larger sum, Portrait of a young girl with a dog by Francis Wheatley, R.A. for £19-190 Study of the head of an ecclesiastic by Sir. A Vandyck, for 12120 Portrait of Miss Munro, by Angelica Kaufman for 2210 Portrait of Speaker Ponsonby, Painter unknown, for 55.0 The fowling selection from the works 1911 Thursday 6 August 1891 of the late Keeley, Haswell, were purchased at the sale of the pictures and drawings left by him. A river Study in oil 23.2.0 study of river side with 221.0 clouds; it Study of rock and Mountain oil, 1818.0 Stokes a Castles propshire, water Colon 243.0 in watercoloss Woody sense 600 44.0 Study of Clouds &c. 8-18.6 River Side Study, 1 A portrait of Benjamin a 1 Hoadly, M.D. to the Archbishop Hoodly or 1 11 of Armagh, by William Hogant for $6000.0 Portrait of Sir Charles Wogan for $10.00 Purchased from Henry Ayne Esqr Co. Kildare A Portrait of Thomas Drummond, under Secretary for Ireland, pointed by H. Pickissill, R. A pointed for the late Sir Maire Brady, proposed for purchase from Sir Francis, W Brady, Bart, for 40, the purelease being approved by the Townors present. 192 Thursday 6th. August 1891 The Ductor was appointed to represent the Gallery as a judge at the competition for Taylor prizes The meeting their adjourned W. Sankey 20/89 - 193 D Thursday August 20th 1891 A meeting of the Board was held this day at 3.30 o'Clock. Present Suel R. W. Sankey, C.B. in the chair, Sir Thomas Jones, P.R.H. A. B. Colles Watkins Esqr. R.H.A. Dr. Gilbert, Thomas Saull Esqr. R. H. A. The Director, The Registrar was in attendance, The Minutes of the last meeting were read and signed and those of the previous meeting lane also signed The following pictures purchased by the Director in London were submitted and their purchase approved by the Governors. An allegory of the Incamation. by Tipole for 52.10.0 The guard room by Jane Due for 3000 194 Thursday August the 20 1891 Portrait of Queen Mary (Tudor by Lucas de Hera for 1212.0 The following original derivings by lettin wee purchased from the celebrated James collection, at Miss Christic Mandon & Woods. Tull length figure of a Lady back view in red chalk for $232.0 Group of a Lady and two gentlemen in red chalk for 1818.0 young man turning a violin black and red chalk for 1400 A Bouquet of flowers in a case, chalk and water color, by Van Hys £6 Head of a young mare black and red chalk for by Walter 166 landscape, chalk and water color by A cup A group of two men and a harte by P. Conernan, both for 9.0.0 Aminature portrait of Mr William 195 Thursday August 20 1891 Casey of Springfield Co. Clare by John Conford, Submitted from purchase for £770 was approved. The following nature of mation we given by Mr J. T. Gilbert Esq. S.S.A. That upon the presentation of the Directors report for 1890, in accordance with the exerting Bylaw, at the November Meeting of the Board to move that the said Bylaw be reseded and that for the future the report of the previous year be made in time to be presented to Parliament during the session immediately ensuing. The meeting then adjourned. Parch out 2641. 196 Thursday November 26, 1891 A hucting of the Board was held this day at 3.30 oclock Prevent Viscount Powerscourt R.S. in the chair Sir J A Jones. P.R.S.A. Colonel Hopton Scott The Revd J. P. Mahaffy The Director The Registrar was in attendance. There not being a quam of the Governors present the following business was hausted provisionally. The Minutes of the last hurting were read A letter was read from the Resident and Council of the Royal Academy requesting loan of the following pictures for their winter Exhibition of old masters at Barlington House 1. A wood landscape by Jacob Rydal with figues and Annals by Thos de Keyser 2. The Feast in Simons House. The request was granted, the former to be insured for £500 the latter for the same A letter was read from Lord Iveagh offering for amptance by the board for the Nacon Pochat Gallery, the following Portraits 197 Thursday Nov 26 1891 purchased at the Ely Sale in July last 1st Lord Chancellor Adam Loftus, Painter unknown, 2nd Charles Patterham M.P., in his boots Dear Mr. Doyle I bought at Lord Elys Sole of pectives a whole length Portrait of Adam Loftus Lord Chancellor of Ireland and one of Charles Lattenham McPknown I believe as Lattenham in his boats. I should be very glad if you will accept these pictures for the sum National Portrait Gallery they are at Misses Agnes in Bond Set, who will if you apply to them hand them over to you. Believe me Yours Sincely Ivagh Henry Doyle Esqr Ordered that the warm thanks of the Board be conveyed to His Lordship for his left to the sallery. The Director submitted a puture attributed to Capaccio purchased at the Cavendish Bentwick Sale for £120150 which was approved, also a small oil portrait of Robert Lucious West R. H. A pointed by himself, purchased for £2 purchase approved 198 Thursday November 26 1891 A rare engraved portrait of Patrick Sarsfield, Lord Lucan was offered for presentation by Dr. Gilbert J.S.A and ordered to be accepted with thanks. In connection with the Estimate for 189293 which was agreed to according to rule without altation the following letter to the Treasury proposing a scheme for the extrusion of the sallery was read and approved National Gallery of Ireland November 25th 1891 Sir, In forwarding the Estimate of this Department for the year 189293. I am dicted to bring to the native of the Lords Commissions of Her Marty's Treasury the urgent need which exerts for some extension of the accommodation for the works of Act animally increasing as they are under the charge of this Board For one years back this want has been brought under the native and pressed upon the attention of the Governors but it seemed to them that while large sums of money were being anually rated by Parliament for the neighbouring malum of science and act it would be in apper time to press the claims to enlargement of a 199 - one Thursday November 26 1891 kindeed institution. They think however that the time had come then those claims may be though aged. with the exception of a very limited space in one of the modern rooms, the walls of the Gallers are completely occupied and in the Great Gallery of old Masters recourse has already been had to the System of erecting Secent in the centre of the floors for the exhibition of love of the smaller and more important puture both of the Station and Dutch Schools, while there are a considerable number of larger works stored away which although not of equal meet with the puties at precent occupying the walls are still worthy of exhibition if space could be found for them and it has been found messary to hang some pictures in portions of the Gallery not in accordance worth their proper classification. Having given the Matter much careful consideration or scheme for the enlargement of the Tallery, is here suggested which would combine convenience with cronomy, and Sir Thos Deane who was consulted on the Subject has kindly sketched in outline on Ground plan and elevation shewing its extent and its relation to the 200 Thursday November 26 1891 present Buildings. He has also furnished a rough estimate of its probable cast which of course need not be all incurred in the first years with It may be remarked here that the exception of the fitting up of two appart ments under the same roof which were left unfinished at the opening of the Gallery in 1864 10 addition to the accom odation for works of art has been made sume that time. Hoping that the Subject may be taken into their Lordships favour able consideration I have the honour to be Sir your obedient Servant Henry & Doyle The Secretary of the Treasury Whitehall London The report of the Ductor for the year 1890 was then read as follows My Lords and Gentlemen The following is my report for the year 1890. 201 Thursday November 26 1591 The Gallery was open to the Public from the 1st of January to the 31st December 1891, with the exception of the month of October during which it was as usual crosed for general cleaning &c The number of visits to the Gallery, during that time was as follows. By fee entrance 84.449 of those 30, 53 were visits on Sundays By payment 1930 The number of Catalogues sold was, 136. students attendances, we 832 The number of new students admitted to copy was 29 26 Ladies and 3 Gentlemen The fallowing pictures were purchased for the general collection. Portrait of Louis Vander Lidin by Rembrandt From Mr Dansent of Brussels for 1880. Pilgrims at Clanmacnoise, Water Colour by George Petic R.S.A. for £80 202 Thursday November 26 1891 The gue of been by Van Haipe for £127.0.0 The Magdalin by Elizabetha Scrane for £39.180 A Ventian illumination for £15.15.0 for the National Portrait Sallery Portrait of His Grace John Hadley Archbishop of Armagh by Stephen slaughter, for £10.00 Portrait of Arne Hamilton counties of Donegal by Francis Cates R. for £39.180 Minative portrait of Lady Blessington 10.00 after Sr. J. Lawrence for Do Do Miss. ONeill by Sir William Newton for 12 12.0 Bust of the Earl of Carlisle by C Moore R.A. for $150.0 An engraving of the Battle of the Boyne by Duk Mack for $21.0.0 Two Volumes of Fac Smile from original drawings by Albert Durer for $230.0 203 Thursday November 26 1591 The following donations some received Portrait of the Revd Charles Foster in oil by George Richmond. R.A. chalk Sketch of Bishop Gebb by the same from the same Portrait of Edward Hudson Secretary of the society of united Irishmen, by William Caring H.H. A from Sir H. Kinishan, Bart Portrait of the most Revd John McSale Archbishop of Tuam by Capalte of Rome from Mon. McHall, A new edition of the Catalogue almost entirely re-written and illustrated with 45 foe senicles, of Signatures of the painties whole works are in the Gallery. with the Sanction of Hill Stationery Office and at very requit request the price was reduced from Spence to open 5 A standing seven for the exhibition of some of the smaller pictures was placed in the great Tallery so 204 Thursday November 26 1891 as to releeve some of the wall shall on the line. The picture by Rebrant was cleared gland carnished and placed in a mahogany cake with a new frame. That by are harpe was cleared varnished and glazed. The engraving of the bale of the Boyne was framed and glazed. The portrait by slaughter was cleaned warnished and glazed. Signed) Henry Doyle The Ductor proposed the following resolution in the absence of Dr. Gilbert who had ginger native of its terms at the last meeting at the last meeting of the Board. Upon the peculation of the Directors report for the year 1890 at the howere bee meeting of the Board in accordance with the by Law in force to move that said By-Law below now received and that the report for the past year be in future made in time to be protected to Parliament during the next ensuing session It was proposed by the Revd J. P. Mahaffy seconded by Colonel Heath that the Governors 205 Thursday November 26 1891 desire to call the attention of the Treasury to the expediency of lighting the Tallery with elective light in connection with the management arrangements made for the National Library and Licence and At Museum. The Meeting then adjourned. Leinster 208 Thursday March 10th 1892 A meeting of the Board was held this day at 12.30. Present. The Duke of Leinster in the chair, Viscount Comuscourt, R.S. Viscount Lough Lord Rosse, Lieut. General R. H. Sankey R.C.C.B. J. Luggan Esqre F. T.C.D. The Very Revd G. Molloy Thomas Fall Esqr. R. H. J. Cattison Smith Esqr. R. H.A. The tutes of the last meeting him read and signed. Proposed by Viscount Powerscourt and seconded by Viscount rough That the proceedings of the last meeting be confirmed. The following Resolution was proposed by the Revd J.P. Mahaffy and seconded by I Ingram Esqr That the Tournors of the National Sallery of Ireland at this then fist Meeting after the death of Mr Henry, E. Doyle, the Dinitor of the Gallery for 23 years desire to record their deep sense of the zeal and faithfulness as well as 209 Thursday March 10th 1892 the remarkable ability with which he performed his duties qualities which have left their mark for ever upon the Gallery. They desire this resolution to be communicated to Mrs Doyle. It was proposed by the very Revd Dr. Molloy and seconded by Viscount Power court, That public notice be given of the vacancy in the office of Ditor with a Salary of £500 a year and Travelling expenses, and that a Special Meeting of the Board will be held at the Gallery, Merrion Square on the 24th March 1892, at 1 of lack to appoint a Dinitor, and that all candidates for the Office are requested to send their applications and whatever recommendations they wish to add to the Registrar, National Gallery Dublin before the 24th March on which day the election will take place. A letter was read from Sir J. Jones withdrawing from the position of candidate for the vacant post of Ductor. Applications for the office of Ductor of the National Gallery of Ireland were received and read from the following 219 Thursday March 10th 1892 P. V. Duffy Esq. R. H. A. Catterson Smith R.H. A. W. W. Buck Esqr 1 Sir J.N. Deane matter Armstrong Esqr Houble F. Lawless. Read letter from under Senitary to the Lord Lieutenant of the 2nd March 1892 requesting to be furnished with a list of the present Journors and Guardians of the National Gallery of Ireland, showing the dates of their appointment, or ye appointment, Read answer dated 4th March to the above The following resolution was proposed by Lord Powerscourt and seconded by General Sankey, that the term of appointment of the following Governors having expred, the Registrar was dicuted to write to the Under Secutary of the Lord Lieutenant, that His excellency may be pleased to reappoint the following Governors whose terms of office have under the Act lapsed through affluxion of time, viz. Lord Powerscourt, Lord Gough, and Lord Adelaun, and that if possible the nominations may be made at an early date in view to the meeting of Governors which has been summoned for the 27 Thursday March 10th 1892 24th instant to finally elect a Director in lieu of the late Mr Henry S. Doyle C.B. The meeting their adjourned. Leinster that 24 Mar. 9. 212 Thursday 24 March 1892 at Meeting of the Board was held this day at 1 o'Clock Present, the Duke of Leinster in the chair Viscount Powerscourt R.S. Viscount Dough Lieutenant General Sankey, R.C.C.B. Very Revd Dr Molloy J. Lueran Esq. J.J.C.D. Sir Thomas Jones P.R.H. The Revd J. P. Mahaffy. I Thomas Fall R.S. J. J. Gilbert Esqr. J.S.A. Lieut Coloner Hopton Scott The Minutes of the last meeting were read and signed. The Board ruled that many votes cannot be admitted, A letter dated 16th March 1892, from the under Secutary to the Lord Lieutenant had read appointing Lord Townscourt. Lord Gough, Lord Ardelaun, Sir J. Strong and Sir Bernard Barke to be Governors and sumedians of the National Gallery of Ireland Another letter dated 21 March, from the Under Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant, was also read appointing Colonel Hopton Scott 213 Thursday 24 March 1892 to be a Governor and Guardian of the National Gallery of Ireland Read letter from Mr Brinslay Mailay to Lord Powerscourt presenting a puture of Lord Strafford by Vandyke to the National Gallery of Ireland in memory of Mr H.C. Doyle. C.B. the Dunter, ordered that a copy of the following resolution be sent to Mr Marlay That the Board of Connors and Guardians of the National Gallery of Ireland unanimously accept with the most grateful thanks the gift of the picture of Lord Strafford by Vandyke presented to the Gallery by Mr C Brinslay Mailay and Willisee that his wishes as to the tablet are strictly carried out The following letter from Mrs H.C. Doyle to the Governors of the National Gallery of Ireland was read, Mrs Henry Doyle desires to conney to the Governors of the National Gallery of Ireland the great 214 Thursday 24th March 1892 gratification it gave her to receive their resolution passed at their meeting on the 10th March expressing such warm approval and appreciation of her dear husband during the 23 years he was Denton. Appliations from the following Gentlemen for the vacant appointment of Director were read and considered by the Board namely, J.P. Duffy Esq. R. H. A. Patterson Smith R.H.A. W. Back Esqr Honble. Lawless. Walter Aston Esqr D. Sampson Esqr S. Harris Esqr A.C Psante Esqr A. Reade Esqr Colonel Madden, J. Goodman, Esqr S.S. Stephens Esqr J St House Esqre Captain Moore J. Buller Esqr The following names were then selected from amongst the number as being the most eligible for the appointment 215 Thursday 24 March 1892 The Honble J Lawless. Walter Aston, Esqre J, Catterson, Smith Esqr The Board there considered the Testimonials of these applicants and on the bates being taken the Majority were in favour of Mr Walter Astrong, it was accordingly resolved, That Mr Walter Astrong be appointed Dietor of the National Tallery of Ireland, One Mr Henry E. Doyle, deceased, and disations were given to the Register to write the following letter to him. Sir, I am desired by the Governors of the National Gallery of Ireland to state that at an extraordinary Meeting convened for the purpose this day you were duly elected Denver vice Mr Henry L. Doyle C.B. deceased Inconveying this information I am to add that a Residence at on near Dublin will be expected I have the honour to be &c Pender Registian 216 Thursday 24th March 1892 To Walter Aston Esqr St Fellows Road. London. N.W. Duntious time given to the Registian to write to the Secretary of the Lord Liutenant apprizing him of the appointment of Mr Walter Aston, which was done as follows Sir I am desired by the Governors of the National Gallery of Ireland to state for the information of His Excellency, the Lord Lieutenant, that at an extraordinary meeting convened for the purpose this day. Mr Walter Anthony was duly elected as Dinitor vice Mr Henry & Doyle, C.B. deceased. Dictions here also given to the to the Registian to apprize the different viewspaper in Dublin of the appointment which was accordingly done. The board their adjourned Sankey 16th June 89 be 217 Thursday 16 June 1892 A meeting of the Board was held this day, et half past 3 Oclock Present Lieut General Sr. R. H. Sankey, K.C.B. Viscount rough Very Revd Dr Molloy I sugram Esqr. J.C.D. Thomas Farrell Esq. R.H. A. J. Gilbert Esqr. S.A. Red J. P. Mahaffy Mr. T.C.D. I Catterson Smith Esqr. R.H.Q. The Director. The Registrar was in Attendance The Minutes of the last meet were read and confirmed. A letter was read from the Royal Dublin Society enclosing a copy of the Scheme for the administration of the Taylor First Fund, and asking the Board to nominate a replesentative of the National sallery to act as judge under that Scheme. It was proposed by Dr Ingram and seconded by Dr Molloy 218 Thursday 16th June 1892 that Mr Walter Annation be nominated as Judge in connection with the Taytor Trust and in reference to Clause 4 of the printed Scheme. This proposition was carried unanimous. 8 A letter was read from the Civil Service Commission atting for specific evidence of Mr Walter Anthonys fitness, for the port of Director of the National sallery of Ireland to be puserved in the accords of the Commission. and asking also what maximum Salary is obtainable in castomary course of promation by the holder of that past (the Ductorship.) It was proposed by Mr J.P. Mahaffy and seconded by Mr. J.J. Gilbert and cared unanimously that in reply to the Note of enquiry sent from the Civil Service Commission to this Board under the date May 13 1892, the Governors huby state that having enquired carefully into the quali- fications of Mr Armstrong on the occasion of his election they know Mr Arthone to possess the 219 Thursday 16 June 1892 qualifications necessary for the port of Director to their sallery. They further State that the may in Salary obtainable in customary course of promotion of this Office is $500 which Salary Mr Ameston now holds Mr Astone was directed to forward a copy of this Resolution to the Civil Service Commission. A letter was read from Mr harles Brisley Marlay, thanking the Board for its acceptance of the portrait of Lord Strafford offered in remembrance of the late Mr Henry Doyle. C.B. A Petition was read from the attendants of the Gallery paying for are much of Salary. The Ductor was requested to ascertain the facts as to the Salams paid for corresponding duties in London and Edinburgh, and the consideration of the petition was postponed until such information could be given. The following purchases by the Decutor were approved by the board 220 Thursday 16 June 1892 An Interior with two Soldiers and a woman at Backgammon. by Peter de Has £75.00 Harborne Church yard near Bermingham by David Cox 880.0 5 An Interior with Ladies and Canal by Peter Codde 73.10.0 the Board then adjourned 0 Lease 221 Thursday 18 August 1892 Acting of the Board was held this day at half past 3 Oclock Present Sir J. A Jones, P.R.H. in the Chair Thomas Fall Esqr R.H.A. Thomas Patterson Smith Esqr RA and the Ductor The Registian was in attendance, As there lies not a quorce of the Governors present the follown business was transacted promisedly The Minutes of the cast Mutiny were read With reference to the petition from the sallery Servants for an inmate of wayes the Denton Submitted information received from the authorities of the National Gallery of London, of the Berminghame Museum of the South Kensington Museum, and of the corporation gallery of Glasgow In the absence of a quor the further consideration of the matter was postponed. 222 Thursday 18 August 1892 The following letter was read from the Sanitary of the Civil Service Commission, and an acknowledge ment of its sept and of its enclosure was directed to be sent Civil Service Commission 6 August 1892 Sir I am dicted by the Civil Service commissioners to enclose a Certificate of Qualification for the undermentioned person Mr. W. Armstrong. I have the honour to be Sir Your Obedient Servant J. S. Lockhart Secutary The Governors of the National Gallery of Ireland. The following pictures, drawings and reproductions purchased by the Ductor were submitted for approval and approved subject to the confirmative of a full Meeting Pictures 1. Portrait of a Lady by Haus Sess Von Kaluback 42 223 Thursday 18 August 1892 2. Landscape by Antone Col. 45 Guineas, 3 Interior with merry makes by William Cornelis Duyster, 28 Guineas 4. Landscape Dedham Vale by John Constable, RA Water Colour) 50.0 5 Landscape near Flatford Mill by John Constable R.A. (pencil) 10. 6 Study in Black and Red chalk by Francisco Zurbara 2.10.0 7. Study of a floating figure in chalk by Isaac Fuller 1. 8. Portrait of O’Connor Mahon, ascribed to Mactise in pencil £8 Breston Castle, Cheshire by 9 Thomas Collier R. (Watercolour) ₤13. Portrait of Mrs. Letitia Pilkington 10 engraved in Mizzoint by R. Purcell after Nathaniel Hone R. A. 1.0.0 (For the Portrait Gallery 1.0.0 Reproductions. Sep. 234 224 Thursday 18th August 1892 11. Four Portfolios of fasincles after Rembrandts drawings, published under the Superintendence of Dr Lippinaria with the assistance of Dr Bade and Mrs Sidney Calvin, Seymour Hoden and J. P. Decline the whole amounting to more than 600 farmer. £1000 The Dicutor also announced the following Sifts to the Gallery, 12 A view near Bath, by Thos Barton of Bath, presented by George Salting Esqr 13 A Dutch Murrymaking by Barent Gael Presented by J. H. Plungst Esqr The Dinitor the read his report for the year 1891, as follows. My Lords and Gentlemen, The following is my report for the year 1891. The National Gallery of Ireland was open to the public under the usual conditions from the 1st of January to the 31 of December with the exception of October during which it was closed for cleaning &c. 2 225 Thursday 18th August 1892 within that pread the number of - Visitors was. Friedmissions 86633 of whom 25091 entered on Sundays By Payment 1606 Studines attendances 1197 The number of Catalogues sold 607 (against 136 for 1890) The number of new students admitted to Copy leas 4736. Ladies & Gentlemen The following picturer the purchased at the pieces appended, by the late Director, Mr. Dear Doyle E.B. sapproved the board For the several collection The day Seller by William Milady R.A. 304.10.0 Young Girl with a dog, by Francis Wheatley R.S. 1919.0 Head of an entrastic ascerted to Vandyck £12-120 An allegory of the Incarnation by Tipolo 52.10.0 A Guard Room by Jacob Duck, 30.00 An enthroned Madonna by Carpacio £120.15.0 The following selection of works of the late Keeley, Haswell were bought at the Sale of that Artist's allier at Christees: 226 Thursday 18th August 1892 a River Study 23.2.0 do. 221.0 Side of Rock & Mountain 50 1 0 Woody Scene A study of Clouds &c water colour 44.0 A Riverside Study 818.6 Stokes Castle Shropshire 243.0 The following original drawings Wallan love bought at Christies at the sale of the James collection Full length of a Lady back view in red chalk 232.0 group of a Lady and Two Gentlemen in red chalk, 1818.0 Young man turning a violen black and red chalk, 1400 Head of a young man. black and red Chalk, 6 16.0 The three following drawings were also bought at the same Sale Flower in a vase chalk and Water Colour by Van Hay sum £600 landscape by Albert Cay Troup of two men and a horse by Phelomouman, the 900 pair for 227 Thursday 18th August 1892 for the National Portrait and Historical Gallery Portrait of Miss Munro by Angelic £2218.0 Kaufman Pochart of Speaker Ponsonby, painter unknown, 55.0 Portrait of Bengan Hoodly M.D. nephew of Archbishop Hoadly of Armagh by William Hogarth 60.0.0 Portrait of Sir Charles Wogan 10. 0. 0 Portrait of Thomas Drummond, Under Secutary for Ireland, painted by H. Picksgill. R.A. for the late Sir Maguire Brady, was bought from Sir Frances Brady for 40 Portrait of Queen Mary Ludor by Lucas de Heere, 12-120 A minature portrait of Mr William Casey of Springfield, Co. Clare, by John Comerford £77 228 Thursday 18th August 1892 A small oil portrait of Robert Lanus West 2.0.0 A plaster bust of the first Director of the National Gallery of Ireland. George Mulaney by watkins was bought from Mrs Watkins for 150.0 The following donations were received during the year. The meeting of the Volunteers in College Green by Francis Wheatley, R. A deposited in the sallery by the late Duke of Leinster, was presented by His Gray the present Duke. A whole length portrait of Adam Loftus Lord Chancellor of Ireland, painter unknown has presented by Lord Seagh A rare engraved portrait of Patrick Sarsfield, Lord Lucan was presented by Dr. Gilbert J.S.A. A whole length portrait of Charles Patterham M.P. Known as Pattenham in his boots. from the Collection of the Marques of Sly. has also presented by Lord Ligh. 229 Thursday 18 August 1892 The least in the house of Simon by Luca Lignorelle and a landscape with figures by Jacob Knysdall and Thomas de rown time but to the Royal Academy of Arts of England for exhibition at the Old Marties. The future by Carpacio was cleared and layed I have the honour to be my Lords and Gentlemen your Obedient Servant Water Aston ster Chairman 3 Nov. 42 230 a Thursday, 3 November 1892 A Meeting of the Board head held this Day at half past thee O’Clock Present The Duke of Leinster, in the chair, Viccount fourscourt, R.S. Viscount rough, Lieutenant General Sol Sankey R.S Sir J.A. Jones P.R.H.A. J. J. Gilbert E.S.A. Very Rev. Dr. Molloy Ingram Esqr. F.C.C.D. Revd J. P. Mahaffy, J.C.C.D. Lieut Colonel Hopton Scott, Thomas Farrell Esqr. R. H. A. I Cattison Smith Esqr. R. H. A. the Director. The Registrar was in attendance The minutes of the last two meetings were read and sened, The Director had a letter which he proposed to send to the Treasury, asking that the Sum last to the sallery, through the vacancy in the directorship at the end of the financial year 1891 -92 might be made good either by a vote or increase in the bate for 189293, the letter was approved and the Director was requested to forward it to the Treasury. 231 Thursday 3rd November 1892 The petition for an increase of pay from the servants of Gallory, was puriously considered on the 16th of June and the 18th of August was again discussed and in view of the salaries and wages paid by the National Gallery of London, the National Gallery of Scotland and especially the Science and at Museum of Dublin, it was resolved that the Dentor should house to the Leary the unanimous opinion of the Governors and Guardians that the wages peed to the attendants of the National sallery of Ireland should be called ten her cut The Ductor called the attention of the Board to the fact that at the Meeting held on November 26 1891 a letter was written to the Treasury bringing to the notice of the Lords Commissioners the ingent need which exists for the extension of the Gallery buildings. The Director also submitted to the Board Scheme sketched out by himself in conjunction with Sir IN Deane & or Whereby a much larger addition could be made to the Gallery, than hither to entered in 224 at 234 Thursday 3rd November 1892 contemplated and that a comparatively small innate of cast. He was dated by the Board to renew the application to the Treasury and to remit with his letter the modified Sketch of the proposed extention. The Director exhibited the following future which had been offered to the sallery as gifts A landscape by J Barker given by e G Satting Esq. A Dutch marrymaking by Corneler Dusact, by S.S. Joseph Esqre 3 A Dutch murrymaking by Barent Jail given by J. H. Lungst Their acceptance was approved and letters conveying the warm thanks of the Board were dicted to be suit to the donors. The fallowing puties bought by the Dinctor were submitted and approved The actual catory by Adrian Browne purchased for 35 235 Thursday 3rd November 1892 Henry Wyatt hart of me by Holbeen purchased for £3205.0 The purchases sanctioned provisionally by the board of the Eighteenth of August were confined It was moved by Mr Catterson Smith and seconded by Sr. Jones That the Director be empowered of the art Oct to for and purchase examples of the late Bartholonnew Colles Watkins, and Charles Grey, both members of the Royal Hibernian Academy, after some discussion the tation was dropped. ster 240 Thursday 26th January 1693 A meeting of the Board was held this day at half past 3 Oclock. Present: The Duke of Leinster in the chair, Viscount Powerscourt, R.P. count Lough General, Sir Richard Sankey, R.S. Sir Thomas Jones, P.R.H.A. Dr Gilbert, The Very Revd Dr. Molloy Colonel Hopton Seatt Cattison Smith. H. S. Dr Ingrave, F. T.C.D. T. Farrell Esqr. R. H. A. The Director, The Registrar was in attendance. The Ditor read a letter from the under Sentary enclosing a Warrant of His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, appointing the Hon Frederick Lawless a soverior and Guardian in succession to Sir Bernard Burke deceased. The Director announced that the tam of 5 years for which Dr Gilbert had been 242 Thursday 26 January 1893 appointed a Governor and Guardian had expired on the 3rd Instant, and he was directed to write accordingly, to His Excellency, accompanying his letter with a recommendation that Dr Gilbert should be re-appointed for a similar term of of 5 years. The Ductor has instructed by the Governors and Guardians present to optain Copies of the Acts 17 and 18 Victoria and and 19. Victoria relating to the Sallery by which Acts the nominations to the Board are regulated. The Director communicated to to the Board a request from the Burlington Five Acts Club of London, for the loan for a limited period of the future of Christ in the House of devi, to complete a collution of the Works of Luca Signarelli about to be opened by the Club. He announced in at the Lave that a member of the Club, Mr R. H. Benson, had offered to find from his own collection a most valuable and interesting future of St Terrie in the Desert, by Guant Belline to fill the place of the Signorelli during its absence. 242 Thursday 26th January 1893 It was proposed by Lord Powerscourt and seconded by Sir Thomas Jones, that the picture in question should be lent provided that the Burlington Club paid all expenses and injured the picture against all risks for £500. This motion was carried unanimously. The Deter denounced that the Hon. Mr. Swinton had offered to present to the Gallery a full lenth portract of the late Lady Cland Hamilton by the late James Swinton, husband of the donor. The exhibited the picture and the Board unanimously voted its acceptance, and directed that a letter of warm thanks should be transmitted to Mrs. Swinton The Board then adjourned, Leinster 243 March 23rd 1893 A meeting of the Board was held this day at three thirty O'clock Present:- The Duke of Leinster, (in the chair Hon & Laweless, General Sir Richard Sandy. R.C. Thomas Farrell Esqr. R.H.A. Dr J. T. Gilbert, Dr Ingram F.C.D. The Very Revd Dr. Molloy Colonie Hopton Scott, The Ductor. The Registrar was in attendance, The Warrant dated 15 February 1893 of His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant appointing Dr Tubert to be a soverion and Quardian of the National Gallery of Ireland, for a further term of five years, was read. The following pictures and drawings purchased by the Dineton were submitted to the Board and approved. 244 March 23rd 1893 1. Landscape by J. D. Harding for 11. 2 Landscape by John Constable for $125 3 (drawing, by O Finch for 15 4 Drawing of a man's head by Antonio Mor for 4 5 Drawing of a child by Francis Boucher for 6 6 Dutch interior by N. Giselaer, ₤20 A landscape by the late Bartholemen Calles Watkins, R. H. A. submitted to the Board in pursuance of wishes expressed at the Meeting held on the 3rd November 1892, was accepted at the price of £50 The Director announced the offer of a portrait of Sir John Stephenson, Doctor of Muse, from the marques of Headfort R.S. for the National Portract and Historical Gallery. The offer was unanimously acted and the Dentor was instructed to convey the warmest thanks of the Board to Lord Head for for his valuable lift. The Board was pleased to accept a picture of the Robing of other by Willm de Porter offered to the Gallery by the Ductor The board the adjourned. epit. 245 Thursday 13th July 1893 A meeting of the Road was held this day at half past 3 Oclock Present The Duke of Leinster in the chair The Revd. D. Mahappy Thomas Lord Esqr. R. H. A. Colonel Hopton Scott, The Ductor The Registrar was in attendance As there was no quor the fallowing business was transacted subject to confirmation by the board. The Ductor reported the death of Sir Thomas Jones, R.S. and the consequent vacancy on the Board. It was proposed by His Grace the Duke of Leinster, and seconded by Dr Mahaffy, that at the first meeting of the Board of Governors and Guardians after the death of Sir Thomas Jones P.R.S the Board desire to express its deep suise for the loss it has incurred and to offer its since condolence to Lady Jones, and her family on their beavement. The Resolution was unanimously passed, and the Director was instructed to forward a copy of it to Lady Jones. 3 Nov. 93 246 Thursday 13th July 1893 The Ditor was reappointed one of the Judges under the Scheme for the management of the Taylor. Trust and for a further term of one year, and was instructed to forward his name to the Setary of the Royal Dublin Society. The following puties &c were submitted to the Board and provisionally approved:- male Assmall portrait by Andrea Solar £532 Interior by De Blood & Brower 47. Quas Still Life, by Peter Clary an Harlim ₤40. Landscape with Cattle, W. Romiser 35 Turneas Portrait of Rt shil 5 An intion of a Guard Room by Peter Potter, offered by Mr R. Miller, was accepted and a letter of War thanks for the gift directed to be written to the Donor Confested enter. 247 1 1 Thursday 2nd November 1893 Acting of the Board was hild this day at half past 3 Oclock Present His Grace the Duke of Sunster, 0 Account Powerscourt, R.S. Colonel Hopton Scott, Genal S Richard Sankey. R.S. The Very Revd Dr. Molloy The Revd J. P. Mahaffy. J. J. Gilbert Esqre. J.S.A. Thomas Parll Esqr, P.R. H. A. Dr Ingram FT. I catterson Smith Esqre. The Denton, The Registrar was in attendance. The minutes of the last metry were read and confirmed, The Dentor read the following letter from the Secretary of the Royal Hibernian Academy announcing that Mr Thomas Farren had been elected President of that body and had therefore become an ex officis Governor and 248 that the vacancy, thus caused on the Board would be filled up at the next Meeting of the RA. Louis Abbey Street, 111th. 93. Dear Sir, I beg to acquaint you for the information of the Board of the National Gallery of that Mr. Thos Farrell being elected precedent of the Royal Hibernon Acting, becomes an efficio Governor of the National Gallery The Vacancy on the Board canted by Mr Farrels Election will be filled up at our next General Meeting, I are yours truly scatterson Smith, Suitary The Director, National Gallery of Ireland The Dunto had a letter from the under Secutary to the Lord Lieutenant unto a quarrant appointing his Grace the Duke of Leinster a Governor and Guardian of the National Sallery of Ireland for a term of 5 years from the 26th October 1893 It was moved by Viscount Powerscourt and seconded by Dr Mahaffy that the Ductor be authorized to lands 3 Pictures from the Gallery to the Winter Exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts, London, in the coming winter This resolution was came unanimously The Director submitted a small Portrait by some excellent Master of the Dutch School for purchase at £105, and the fuch are was unanimously, approved. The Director there read his reports for 1692 249 My Lord hablemen I have the honour bout the following report for 1892 The year a question will ever be signal. ged on the rate of the National Gallery of Ireland by the Camented death of Mr. Henry Doyle C.B. who twenty three years ful pitted the duties of Director with extraor dinary success. During his incumbence of the port some two hundred and thirty me or pictures, to say nothing of drawings, engraving, and other works of art were added to the collection, with the call that it has become, perhaps, the best gal le in existence in proportion to the means at its disposal. Mr. Doyle died on the 17th of February and on the 24th of the following march, you did me the honour to appoint is his successor. The father was open to the public under the usual conditions, from the of January to the 31st of December, with We exception of October, during which month it was closed for cleaning and arrangement. With that period the number of vision was - the admisions 73,836 (whom 27692 entered on Sundays) By payment 1646 1103 Students attendances The number of catalogues sold 250 was 641 (against 607 for 1891 and Ble for 1890. The number of new Students was 13, gla dies of gentlemen The following pictures were purchased; at the prices appeared 53 by Mr. Dile study of a male head, & W. Hunt bought 4.10.0 Dutch interior, by de Hooch 75:0:0 Harbors Church and by David Co. 88.40 a Dutch Fuller; by the Codde 73:10:0 Portrait of a Lady, by Haust. Pulmach. 42:0:0 Dutch Landscape; by Anton Cross. 47:5:0 Dutch Interior, by a will Corner Dunster 29.8.0 Cork. Henry Wyat school of Naus Holbe 320.50 A Hemish Interior, by Dr. Brower 35.0.0 Dedham Vale; water colour by John constable. 5.00 Lock on the Stour, pencil; by John Constable 1:0:0 Beeston Castle, by Thomas Collier 13:0:0 Study in black Red Chalk barbara 2:10:0 French College, water colour on etched out line & James Malton 11:0:0 study in Red chalk by MacFuller 1.0.0 Draped figure in Red Chalk by Guido 2:10:0 for the National Portrait & Historical faller: Portrait pencil of the O’Corman Mahon, as 8.0.0 cribed to Daniel Machine. four portole, containing about 230 fac- similes after original drawings by Rembrand were also purchased for 10.00 252 the following donations & bequests were re- ceived during the year:- A portrait of the Earl of Shafford, ascribed to Vandyck, was presented by Mr. Charles Bris- by Marlay in a memory of his friend Mr. Henry Doyle CB & placed as the Historical fallery. Aview near Bath, by T. Barker, was present ad by Mr George Salking. a Dutch merrynaking, by Barent fail, was presented by Mr. J. H. Plungst a Dutch Merrymaking in Cornelis Dusart, was presented by Mr. S.S. Joseph a marble bust of the Rev. Bartholomew Lloyd D.D. was bequeathed by Miss Elizabeth Floyd A marble bust of Mactise, by Thomas, was presented by his Middleton. a small plaster bust of Thomas Osborne Davis was prevented by Sir Charles favor Duffy. the feart in the House of Simon, by dignorell, a the landscape with figure by Rydal & I desyre, were safely returned from the Royal Academy parts and hunger the fallery. Duny the October vacation the partial rearrangment which had become necessary through the increase of the collection was carried out. The matter Dutch pictures were concent hed in Room No. 2 leaving more space for the Italian Collection & for the layer pictures of the Dutch & Hewish Schools. The water colour collection was removed to the intermediate fallery, The Germanic pictures of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centaries were concentrated Room 5, where space was also found for the display of 40 selected species from the collec tion of Reband assimiles above mentioned. I cannot close this report without again referring to the pres need for an extension of the Gallery Buildings a scheme for this extension was ap- 2 proved by the Board at a Meeting held on the 3d November 1892, and forwarded to the Treasury, but So far has not received their Lordships assent. Meanwhile a laye number of pictures, drawing and engravings are perforce, with held from the public and many of those exhibited are only been under great disadvantages. I am my Lords & Gentlemen, Your obedient servant Walter duty on the proposal of Viscount Constant Seconded by Dr Selbrit, the report was adopted and with reference to the last paragraph the followny resolution was moved by Viscount Powerscourt, seconded by Dr. Mahaffy and unanimously adopted. That the Board of Connors and Guardians of the National Gallery of Ireland beg to call the attention of the scary to the concluding paragraph of the Directors report which paragraph is in accordance with the resolution passed by the board on the 3rd of Nouember, 1892. With reference to the urgent messity for in ceased accommodation for the sallery Collections was moved by Dr Fram, second ed by Mr. Thomas Farrell and carried and our that a copy of the solution be forwarded to the Board of Works with a 253 request that the necessary provison should be included in the estimate for is 18945 The Board then adjourned Pance C No 1594 254 15 February 1894 A meeting of the Board was held this day at half past three of lack Present Viscount Powerscourt Lieut General Sir. R. Sankey, The Very Revd Dr Molloy Thomas Farrell P.R.H. J. Catterson Smith Esq Nathaniel Hore Esqr Dr Ingram J.C.D The Denton The Register was also present. The Minutes of the previous metry were read and confirmed. It was proposed by Sir Richard Sankey, seconded by Dr Molloy and carried. unanimously, That at this the first meeting of the Governors and Guardians of the National Gallery of Ireland after the death of his Tran the Duke of Leinster the Board desires to express its deep sense of the loss it has attained and to offer its since and respectful condolences to her Grace the Duchess of Leinster on her bereavement, The Dictor was instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Duchess of Lunster 1 & 255 2 Thursday 15th February 1894 The Dunto had a letter from the Tentary of the Royal Hiberman Academy acquainting the Road that Mr Nathaniel Hone R.H. A. had been selected to fill the Vacancy left by the election of Mr Thomas all to the presidency of the Royal Hiberman Academy. The Ditor exhibited a large Italian parel, the Martyrdom of a Saint ascribed to the School of Landizes Ferrari which had been offered for purchase at the purchase price of ₤10 the purchase was approved. as a damned The Board then adjourned. Santon But 29/94 256 Thursday 29th March 1894 A meeting of the Board was held this day at half past three O’Clock resent Viscount Powerscourt in the chair Earl of Mayo Mr Ingram Right Hon Alderman Meade Nathaniel Hore Esqr. H. Lieut Genke Richard Sankey Lieut Col. Hopton Scott S Catterson Smith Resy the Director. The Registrar was in attendance The Director read a letter from the under Secretary Sir David Harrell inclosing warrants from H.E. The Lord Lieutenant appointing the Earl of Mayo. and the R.Hon Joseph Mr Meade to be governors and guardians in succession to the late Duke of Leinster and to Viscount Powerscourt who has succeeded to an offices seat at the Board The Director reported that the 3 pictures. lent to the Royal Academy of arts for exhibition at the Old Masters had been safely returned The Director recommended for purchase the following pictures (at the prices appended 257 Portrait of an old watch Lady 100 By Fordmand Bal fortrait of the 2nd Earl of Charlemont By Sir Thos. Lawrence 50 Sketch for the Greenwich Pensioners By John Burnett 24 Landscape with cattle By Jacob Van Strey £2:10 Landscape with figures 5.0 By Peter Van Arch These purchases were approved The Director read the following letter from Mr P. W. Kennedy the Registrar an- nouncing his intention to resign his post on the 30th April 1894 Copy National Galley of Ireland 20th. February 1894 Sir I beg to inform you that in the 30th April next I propose to retire from the post of Registrar to the metal of Ireland an office I have now filled since November 1872. In placing my resignation in your hands I may perhaps be allowed to point out that during the 21 years of my service I have received no increase of pay and have never had any vacation with the exception of one week during the summer of 1885 I am Sir 258 Your Obedient Servant P.M. Lennedy Signed) The Director. So I It was proposed by Dr. In seconded by Mr Alderman Meade carried unanimously That the Governors of the National Galley of Ireland have received with very great regret the resignation of McKennedy the Registrar and desire to place on record their satisfaction with the punctuality and devotion with which he discharged his duties during his long period of Service It was proposed by Mr Richard Sankey seconded by Mr Hone and carried un- animously That the Superannuation Statement of Mr. P. W. Kennedy Registrar of the National Gallery be forwarded at once to the Secretary to H.M.S. Treasury with a re- commendation that looking to his great age (85 years) and to the facts that during his 21 years of service he has received on by one weeks leave of absence and has never received any remuneration for extra Service (Sunday Attendance while the other Servants of the Gallery have done so some substantial increase may be awarded by their Lordships to the pension 259 he has earned under the super- annuation act The Director was instructed to take measures for the Appointment of a new Registrar following the precedent on the last occasion The Board then adjourned. May 6 April 19. 189 I 260 19th April 1894 A meeting of the Board was held this day at half past three Present The Eare of Mayo Sir Richard Sankey Mr Alderman Meade Thomas Farrell E. P.R.H.A. Nathaniel Hone Esq. R.H.A. 18 E. Catterson Smith Err. R.A.A. Dr. Ingram Dr. Mahay Dr. Gilbert The Director The following letter from Mr P. W. Kennedy was read to the Board. 18 April 1894 Dear Mr Armstrong Will you kindly convey to the Board of the National Gallery of Ireland my gratitude for the more than kind resolution which they passed at their meeting of the 29th of March last, relative to the discharge of my official duties, and also for their strong appeal regarding my claims on the Treasure I remain very truly yours (Signed) P. W. Kennedy Watter Armstrong es Director 261 III 17 II The Director then recapitulated the steps which had been taken towards the election of a Registrar in succession to Mr Kennedy. The testimonials of the candidates were considered, and after considerable discussion, the names of six selected candidates were put to the vote, the Governors an¬ nouncing in turn the name for which they voted. A clear majority of the electors present gave their votes for Mr. Water. G. Strickland, who was accordingly elected. The Director was instructed to inform Mr. Strickland of his election It was proposed by Dr Frigram, and seconded by Mr S. Patterson Smith, that the Director, Mr Walter Armstrong, be appointed the judge representing the National Gallery of Ireland in the competition for the Taylor Scholarship and prizes for the year 1894-5 This was carried unanimously It was proposed by Mr S. Patterson Smith and seconded by Mr Farrell and resolved unanimously, that the Right Hon. Joseph meade should be invited to form one of the Financial committee for the passing of ten Gallery accounts. Mr Meade accepted - The Board then adjourned Read & confirmed at Meeting of Board held 2nd day of August 1894 Aug 2 on 1 94 1 Chauman 262 2nd August 1894 A meeting of the Board was held this day at half past three Oclock. Present Viscount Powerscourt R.P. (in the chair, The very Revd Dr. Usely. Hon. Frederick Lawless Lt. Colonel Hopton Scott St Gilbert S. Patterson Smith Ex R.H.A. and the Director The Registrar was in attendance The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The following Pictures were exhibited by the Director and their purchase approved at the prices appended. Vertumnus & Comon by Nicholas Maas. 120.00 Dutch Interior - by Thomas Wick 80.0.0 Portrait - by George Penz 1616.0 Hunting Party by Lingelbach 50.0.0 Titania, Puck & the changelings by G. Romney 215.00 Portrait of G. Barret by Himself 20.0.0 Maria Gunning by J. Coles R.A. 250.00 Countess of Coventry Landscape, by Emile Lambinet 85. 0. 0. Snowstown, water colour, by Thos. Collier 12.10.0 A water colour drawing view in Name 263 by J.S. Colman, offered for presentation by Mr J. Hleischman, was accepted; and a letter of thanks ordered to be written to the donor. the Board declined to accept a photograph of a portant of Sir John Doyle offered by Mrs Mollan, as a portrait of Sir John already exists in the Gallery, and photographs can only be received in very exceptional circumstances. The following letter from the treasury was read in connection with the award of a pension to Mr. P.M. Kennedy, late Registrar to the Gallery. 10 July 1894 Sir The Lords Commissioners of H.M. Treasury have had before them your applications of the 15th April and 25th May last for a pension to Mr P. W. Kennedy, late Registrar National Gallery of Ireland My Lords observe that under it. 11 of the superannuation form you refer to his previous service under the Poor Law Board, implying that such service exempted him from the necessity of obtaining a Civil Service certification his appointment to the Gallery in 1872 their fear however that the circum¬ stances in which he left his former employment reduction of Staff and the 264 long interval which clapsed before he obtained his office at the Gallery, do not support the assumption that he entered on his second post as an already established officer entitled to the benefits of the Superannuation Acts a If however it can be made to appear to their Lordships that it was through inadvertence on the part of the Governors and Guardians that Mr Kennedy was appointed without a Civil Service Certificate My Lords will be prepared to exercise in his favour their powers under Section 2 of the Superannuation Act 1884, and they could then proceed to award the pension to which his services would entitle him am Sir + Signed) Francis Mowatt It was proposed by Dr Molloy, seconded by Mr Patterson Smith and carried unam¬ mously, that the Governors and Guardians of the National Gallery, Ireland, feel confident that it was through inadvertence on the part of the Governors and Guardians of the time that Mr Kennedy was appointed in 1872 without a civie service certificate. Lord Powerscourt, the only member of the Board present at Mr Kennedys election who was again present now, said that he had no doubt whatever that of the necessity of such a certificate, notwithstanding 265 that Mr Kennedy had been originally appointed to a post in the live Service before examination was instituted. had been known, Steps would have been taken to obtain it The following letter was therefore written to Sr Francis Morate by the Director. Sir Referring to your letter of 10 July (No. 85449) on the subject of a pension to Mr P. W. Kennedy, late Registrar of the National Gallery of Ireland, by which it appears that the Lords Commissioners of H.M. Treasury will be prepared to excesse their powers in awarding Mr Kennedy a pension if it can be made to appear that he was appointed without a Civil Service certificate through the inadvertence of the Governors and Guardians, I am now directed to to you the following transmit passed at a meeting of resolution the Board held yesterday the 2nd instant, that the Governor and Guardians feel confident that it was through inadvertence on the part of the Governor and Guardians of the time that Mr Kennedy was appointed in 1872 without a Civil Service certificate withermore & have to add that Lord Powerscourt the only member present yesterday 266 who was also present at the meeting at which Mr Kennedy was appointed, has no doubt whatever that if the necessity such certificate, seeing that Mr Kennedy's original appointment to a post under Government dates from 1847, had been known, steps would have been taken to obtain it. In view of these facts the Governors and guardians hope that His treasury will now sanction the apportionment to Mr Kennedy of the pension due to his service I am Signed) Walter Armstrong Director It was proposed by Dr. Gilbert, seconded by Mr. S. Patterson Smith, and carried animously, That the Civil Service Commissioners be recommended to fix the limits of age for appointment to the Registrarship of the National Gallery, Ireland. at from 25 to 45 years. A letter embodying this recommendation was ordered to be sent to the Secretary to the Civil Service Commission The Director then read the following report for 1893 National Gallery, Ireland, Aug 21894 my Lords and Gentlemen I have to submit the following 1 26 Report for 1893 Mr National Gallery of Ireland was open to the public under the usual conditions from the 1st January to 31st December, with the exception of October, during which it was closed for cleaning & Within that period the number of visitors was - 73366 Free admissions (of whom 21531 entered on Sundays) 1545 By Payment 12.55 Student attendances The number of Catalogues sold was 429 The number of new Students admitted to copy was 4235 ladies and 7 Gentlemen The following pictures were purchased, at the prices appended, and approved by the Board for the general collection 125.0.0 Landscape (near Salisbury?) by Jn Constable. 11.0.0 Landscape in Wales, by J. D. Harding - Irish Landscape, by Bartholomen Colles Watkins 50.0.0 15.0.0 Classic landscape (water Colour) by J.O. Finch 20.0.0 Interior of Herish Mansion, by Nicholas Giselaer 29.77.0 Farm House Interior, by D. Terriers 36.15.0 Landscape with cattle, by W. Romen 10.0.0 Martyrdom of a dant. School of Gardensis Ferrari 40.0.0 still life, by Peter Clair 268 Porticut of an Italian Gentlemen by Andrea Solaris 532.0.0 Portrait of a Gentleman, Butch School 105.0.0 Portrait of a Lady, by Jewas 55.0 Head of a man, pencil drawing) by Antonio Mot 6.0.0 study of a child (chalk by Francis Boucher 4.0.0 344 for the National Portrait and Historical collection A series of Lithographs after the cartoons of B. (John Doyle 4.0.0 A miniature portrait of Richard Lator There, by Havert 5.0.0 The following donations were received during the year: a Porticut of Lady Cland Hamilton by James Swinton, was presented by the Hon. Mrs Swinton, the widow of the painter A Portrait of Sir John Stevenson, Mrs. Soc. was presented by the margins of Headfort for the Portrait Gallery The Robing of Esther, by Willem de Porter was presented by the Director. An Interior of a guard room, by Peter Potter was presented by Mr. R.S. Miller The Interior by Peter bode, the Shepherds resting at night by Rembrandt and the portrait of a Jewish Rabbi by Gertrand Van den Leckhout were lent to the Royal Academy of Arts for ex¬ hibition at the Old Masters I am my Lords and Gentlemen your obedient Servant 1 Walter Armstrong Director 269 The Report was unanimously adopted, but it was proposed by the very Rev. Dr Molloy seconded by Mr. S. Catterson Smith, and unanimously resolved that In adopting the Directors Report for 1893 the Governors and Guardians of the National Gallery, Ireland, again take the opportunity of pressing on Her Majesty's Government the urgent necessity for an extension of the Gallery buildings in accordance with the Scheme Submitted to the Treasury in November 1892 The Director was instructed to forward this resolution to the treasury and to the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant, together with copies of the report. The Board directed that in future then hours of meeting should be two o'clock. The Board then adjourned. confirmed at Meeting Read and the Board led 13th day of December 1894 mail human 5 270 13th December 1894 A meeting of the Board was held this day at 2 Oclock P.M. There were present Viscount Powersesuit, in the chair The very Revd Dr. Molloy Nathaniel Hone Esqr R.S.A. The Hon. Frederick Lawlers The Revd. J. P. Mahaffer 1765 the Right Hon Joseph M. Meade J. H. Ingram L.L.B. Lt. Colonel Hopton Scott The Director The Registrar was in attendance The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed The Director read a letter from the Under Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant inclosing a warrant of the Lords Justices, dated 13 September 1894, appointing the Revd J.P. Mahaffy to be a Governor and Guardian of the National Gallery of Ireland on the expiration of his previous service of five years The Director read a letter dated 30th August 1892. (No. 12999 from the Treasury granting to Mr Kennedy late Registrar to the National 27 Gallery, a retiring allowance of 52.10.0 per annum, in addition to the pension of £35. Awarded in 1857 The Director read the following extract from the will of Julia Lady Fitzgerald. deceased, dated August 24. 1893 e After the decease of Miss Maria O’Grady or in case she shall cease to occupy and use the House No 29 Merrion Square, and save that the Trustees of the Irish National Gallery shall have the choice for the absolute use of said Gallery, free of any duty of any 6 pictures purchased by myself and not having been presents from my mother, and also of any antique articles of furniture and other effects then in said house shall go to the send Dr. Edward Stamer 6 Grady The Director read a letter from the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission enclosing a certificate of qualification for Mr W.L. Strickland, Registrar to the Gallery the Director submitted to the Board five copies of Italian Picturer, viz: 1. Picta by Giotting, in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence 2. St Stephen preaching. Frose by a Hugelico in the Vatican chapel of Nicholas I 3. A woman with a child in her arms, from 212 the same fresco 4 and 5. Two small pictures by Giotto in Academia florence which pictures had been bequeathed to the National Gallery of Ireland by miss Thompson of 16 Fitzwilliam Peace, Dublin, deceased. It was resolved that the bequest be accepted and a letter of thanks sent to the Executors of Miss Thompson The Director exhibited a picture of the Betrayal of Christ, by Gerard Van Houthorst, which had been offered to the Gallery by Mr George Donaldson of New Bond St London, as a memorial of his mother, a native of Dublin It was resolved that the picture should be accepted and a suitable inscription placed upon it. The Director was also instructed to forward the warmest thank of the Board to Mr Donaldson for his generous gift The Director announced that Colonel Burges of Parkanaur, to Myrone, had offered to lend to the Gallery for a period of 10 months seven pictures from his collection 33 Portrait of Burges, by G. Romney 2. Portrait of a man, by Paulus Moreelse 3 Portion of a child, by Eglon Vander Meer 4. Shipping in a calm, by Hendrik Dubbels. 5. Landscape by Van Goyen do do 6 do do 273 It was resolved that the loan should be accepted, and a letter of thanks be sent to Colonel Burges The Director exhibited the following pictures +c, purchased by him at the prices appended 1. Study of a Highland forester by Charles Grey R.R.A. 5.0.0 2. Thomas St, Dublin, water. colour drawing by Jar Malton. 17.10.0 3. A pair of Portraits in pencil by Thos. Gamborough R.A. 5.5.0 these purchases were approved. The following letter from the Secretary to the Treasury, granting an increase of of pay to the Gallery Attendants, was read. Treasury Chamber, 19 September 1894 No 1355194 Sir The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury have again had under consideration your letter of the 7th January 1893 submitting a resolution passed by the board of Governor & Eadians of the National Gallery of Ireland in favour of adding 10/0 to the wages of the National Gallery Porter At present the first 4 Porters receive £52 per annum and the 5th Porter £40 per annum, together with uniforms 279 and extra pay (21) for Sunday attendance, and the Senior Porter is provided with rooms, fice and light. Their Lordships cannot admit that any few comparison can be drawn between the wages of these Porters & those of the attendants in the Edinburgh, or the Porters in the London, Galleries, but having regard to the pay of the Porters employed in private establish¬ ments in Dublin such as the Bank of Ireland and the Royal Bank, they are of opinion that, even after taking into account the shorter hours of attendance in the National Gallery, a fair care can be made out for an improvement in the wages of the present Staff of Porters in your department. At the same time their Lordships observe that, whereas the two Banks in question employ Government Pensions Solely your Department employs none. The extended employment of Pensioners has been recommended by the recent committee on Messengers mentioned in Treasury letter of the 23rd March 1893 and I am to inclose herewith copies of the Committees Report dated the 3rd May 1893 and of Treasury minute thereon dated the 14th March 1894 and to suggest that future appointments to Porterships in your Department excluding the post of Senior Porter) might be offered 275 with advantage to Pensioners from the Army, itary or Police, on the terms sanctioned by that Minute do far as the existing staff are concerned. Their Lordships are prepared even to go beyond the recommend¬ ation submitted in your letter of the 7th January 1893 and to grant the following scale of wages, to take effect as from the 7th April last, and to be personal to the present recipients only viz: Dunne Pedress 24/ a week Lord 23rising to 24/- after Cleary 10 years service Boyle 20 rising by 1 per week per year to 24 I am Sir Your obedient Servant signed Francis towatt The Director was instructed to thank the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for their letter, and for the increase granted. The Director then submitted ten Estimates for the year 18956 amounting to $2502 being an increase on the previous year of ₤100, one moiety $5 276 of that, being required by the increase in wages, the other moiety being regined to recoup the Gallery, which out of its ordinary vote has defrayed the extra expense for the current year. It was moved by the Revd. J. P. Mahappy seconded by the very Revd Dr. Molloy, and carried unanimously, that I forwarding the estimate for the coming year the Governors and Guardian feel obliged to refer to their resolution forwarded on 3rd November 1892, and repeated on 2nd November 1893 wherein they urged upon H.M. Treasury the necessity for an immediate increase in the Gallery Buildings. The Governors submit that the inadequacy of the present space is becoming daily more obvious to the public and more oppressive to the Governors and their officers, whose desire that the treasures acquired for the collection should be properly displayed has now become impossible of satisfaction. The Governors therefore pray that the Lords H. M. Treasury to take the question referred to in this resolution into their serious consideration The Director was instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Treasury with the estimates, and another to his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant The Board then adjourned. Read and confirmed at a meeting of the Board held on day of August 1825 Forms + - 277 Registrar May 189 a meeting of the Board was held this day at 2 o'clock P.M. then were present The Earl of May in the chair Mr Revd. J. P. Mahaffy fr. Gilbert, Sr. 125 S. Patterson Smith Ex R.H.A. The Director The Registrar was in attendance. 1. The minutes of the last meeting were read, but were not equed, as the men¬ bers of the Board present were not suf- ficient to form a quorum The following business was proceeded with subject to confirmation at ten next meeting to the Board The Director read a letter from ten Royal Dublin Society, dated 26 April 1865 asking that the name of the Judge nominated by the National Gallery, for the Taylor Scholarships and Prizes should be transmitted as early as con¬ venient. It was proposed by the Revd. J.P. Maheffy, seconded by Dr. Gilbert, and carried, that Mr Walter Armstrong Director of the Gallery, be appointed the Judge representing ten national Gallons of Ireland in the competition for the 278 Taylor Scholarships and prizes for ten year 1656. The following pictures were exhibited by the Director and their pinchase ap- proved at the prices appended Portrait of Count de Rouen artist unknown. 1111.0 Landscape by J.C. betson 40.0.0 St Dominick, by Rubens 150.0.0 Portrait, by Sir H. Return 130.0.0 Portrait, by Gerard Don 50.0.0 Miniative Portant of G. Petric 55.0 Interior of a Church, Water Colour, by James Holland 31.10.0 Portraits in Mizzoint. Of Cornelius Callaghan, by Brooks, rare state. 2.2.0 Thomas Parnell unknown 11.0 James Stewart, M.P., by C. Turner, after bregan 10.0 Lord Bailey, by J. Smith after burning 10.0 W. Burton Conyngham, by Hodges after Stuart 25.0 Dan OConnell, by R.M. Hodgetts 2.2.6 Arch. Whateley, Sandes after Patterson Smith Lt. Chancellor Blackburne, do do 15.0 Arch Beresford, J. R. Jackson do Lord O’Neill, by S.W. Reynolds, after Peters 18.0 Sir H. Blackwood, by C. Turnor 17.0 Walter Blake Kirman, by G. Clent after shee 2 5.0 Portraits a line engravings of Margaret C. Rudd, by Sibelius 1.0.0 G. Carew Earl of Totnes, by Verst 1.15.0 Thomas Earl of Ossory, by Vanderbane 2.0.0 Earl of Craney, by Houbraken, proof. 1.10.0 279 Aquatent. Countess of Desmond, by N. Grogan, of Cork 2.0.0 The purchase of a Portrait of Richard Robinson, Lord Rokey, Archbishop of Armagh by Angelica Kaufman, offered by the Revd Mr Wates of Beverley, was declined by the Board. A rare engraving of the meeting of the Volunteers, offered as a gift to the Gallery by Mr John Ribton Garston of Braganstown was accepted by the Board, and a letter thanking the donor ordered to be written. The Director informed the Board that the Committee of the Arts and Grafts Ex¬ hibition to be held in Dublin in the Autumn, were desirous of obtaining the loan of the Raphael Cartoons belonging to the Gallery. It was proposed by Mr. Catterson Smith, seconded by Dr Mahaffy, and carried. that the two cartoons, copies of the originals by Raphael, be lent to the Com¬ mittee of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition for a period not exceeding two months; and that they be insured by the said committee for the sum of ₤300 On an application from Dr. Gilbert, it was proposed by Mr. S. Patterson Smith seconded by the Earl of Mayo, and carried, that the Director be authorized to lend 280 to Dr. J.S. Gilbert a number of engravings not exceeding three in number at a time. for reproduction in a forthcoming public ation Read & confirmed at a meeting of ten Board field on 8th day of August 1825 P nomber 14/9 282 8th August 1895 A meeting of the Board was held this day at two pm. Present Viscount Powerscourt, RP. in the chair S. Cattison Smith Esq. R.A.A. J.B. Gilbert Esq. LL.D. The very Revd Dr. Molloy Lt. Col. Hopton Scott Hon. E. Lawless Nathaniel Hore Esq. R.H.A. Mr Director the Registrar was in attendance The Minutes of the two previous meetings were conformed and signed. the following letter to the Director from the Secretary to the Board of Works, was read C 12 June 1825 88 Merrion Sqr 8040.95 Sir I am directed by the Com¬ missioners of Public Works to state that Mr Michael Murphy of 88 Merrion Square has asked for per- mission to fix grilles or the windows of his house facing Leinster Lawn Mr Board see no objection to the proposal, but before conveying their 282 permission they beg to ask for the favour of your Governor's views on the ap- plication. enclose plan showing proposed arrangement which you will be good enough to return with your reply. I am Sir Your obedient Servant Signed) P.S. My Secretary Mr Director 35 National Gallery, Dublin The Board was of opinion that no interference with the low wall bounding the property of the National Gallery on the side next Mr Murphy's house should be allowed, and the Director, on the motion of Gilbert, seconded by Mr. Patterson Smith, was instructed to write a letter to that effect to the Secre= tary of the Board of Works. The Director submitted a small sea- piece by George Chambers, purchased in London for £12. It was approved. He also submitted a small German portant, of the school of Bartholomew Brun, offered as a donation by Mr. Henry ringst. It was accepted, and a letter of thanks ordered to be written to the donor. also a picture by Octbervell, Lady with paper $31.10.0 purchased through Mr. S. Goode, at a sale at Fosters 283 the Director announced that subject to the approval of the Board he had been obliged to dismiss Denis Cleary one of the Gallery Porters, for being under the influence of drink while on duty The Board confirmed the dismissal and instructed the Director to take the necessary measures for freeing the vacancy The Director then read ten following Report for the year 1594 National Gallery of Ireland 23rd May 1895 My Lords and Gentlemen I have to submit the following Report for the year 1894 The national Gallery of Ireland was open to the public, under the usual conditions, from the 1st January to the 31st December, with the exception of October, during which month it was closed for cleaning &c Within that period the number of visitors was Free admissions (whom 21249 entend on Sundays) 72290 1480 By payment 1345 Students attendances The number of Catalogus sold was 397 The number of new students admitted to copy was 44 37 ladies and 7 Gentlemen. 284 The following pictures were purchased at the prices appenda, and approved by the Board. - for the General collection Portrait of an old Lady, ascribed to Bob 100.0.0 Portrait of Fr. Wm 2nd Earl of Charlemont, by Sir Thomas Lawrence 50.0.0 Sketch for picture of Greenwich Pensioners by John Burnett 24.0.0 Landscape, with catter, by Jakob van Str.10.0 Landscape, by Peter Van Hoch 5.0.0 The Three Philosophers, pastices upon Georgione, by D. Ferers 20.0.0 Vertumnus and Pomona, by Nicolas Maas 120.0.0 A Dutch Interior, by Thomas Wick 80.0.0 Portrait of a man, by G. Pene 1616.0 A Hunting Party, by Johannes Lingellach 50.0.0 Eitania, Puck and the changeling. by G. Romney 25.5.0 Landscape, by smile Lambinet 85.0.0 Sketch portrait of a Highland forester. by Charles Grey R.A.A.5.0.0 Early snow or the Welsh Hills, by water colour) by Thomas Collect. 12.10.0 A Pair of Portraits (in pencil) by Thomas Gainsborough 5.5.0 for the National Portrait and Historical Collection. A Pair of Portraits of Mr & Mrs Connolly. artist unknown.22.0.0 A Portrait of George Barret, junior by Himself 20.0.0 285 Portient of Maria Gunning, Counties of Coventry, by Francis Cotes R.A. 250.0.0 View of Thomas Street, Dublin, in 1797 water colour) by James Malton 17.10.0 Portrait of Rev. Arthur 6 Leary (messotint) 11.0 by G. Keating after J. Murphy. The following Donations were received during the year:- The Betrayal of Christ, by Gerard Houthorit; Presented by George Donaldson Ex: London view in Namur, (water colour) by P.S. Colman, Presented by H. Fleischman, Ex: London. Five copies (in water colour) by H. Wheelwright from early Italian paintings. Bequeathed by Miss Thompson of 16 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin The following have been kindly lent to the Gallery, for a Comited period: 1. By Colonel Binges Parkanan, to yrone a Portrait by G. Romner three Landscapes, by J. Ven Goyen Shipping, by H. Dubbels A Portrait of a child by Eglon Vander neer A Portrait of a man, by Paulus Moreelse. 2. By J. Jameson Es. 5 Upper Merrion St. Dublin two Portants by Sir H. Rabin The Interior by Peter Codde the Shepherds re- posing at night by Rembrandt, and the Portrait a Jew, by Gerbrandt ander Eckhout, which 286 had been sent to the Royal Academy of Arts, for exhibition at the Old Masters, were safely returned, and reling in the alley. The Lucretia by Francia was lent to the Exhibition of Works of the School Ferrara Bologia, held at the Burlington fine arts Club, London, & was safely returned, and replaced in the Gallery During the year the following pictures were surface cleaned and varnished No. 117 The Virgin enthroned, by Mr Palmezzans 99. Phines and his followers, by N. Poussin 277 St Jerome, by G. Vastri 96. Landscape, by Salvator Rosa 94 Timolea and Alexander, by P. della Decla 89. Christ on the Cross, by A. Carrace 87 news and Meleager, by L. Bartan 46 Theology, by Jake Lordans 57. The Supper at Emmans, by Jak Jordans 205. The Marriage of Strongboro, by D. Maclose 240 Pope Pias VII and Napoleon, by his D. Wilkie III. Adoration of the Shepherds, by Scarsellis During the month of October some re-arrange¬ ment of the pictures in the Italian and Modern Galleries was made Twenty-four of the reproductions of Remards drawings were framed, and added to those already exhibited on the screen in the Gallery In the Historical and Portrait Gallery 287 besides some re-arrangement of the pictures and drawings, the whole of the mizzoint and engraved portraits have been classified and re-hung and fifty additional portraits chiefly from the Chaloner Smith collection framed and added to those already in the Gallery. All these have been correctly labelled. The entire collection of Portraits belonging to the Gallery has been care. fully gone over and a complete Alpha¬ betical catalogue compiled. This includes not only the exhibited portients, but also all the engravings which, owing to want of space, cannot at present be hung. Visitors to the Gallery are thus enabled to at once obtain inform ation as to any portrait they may desire to see Following the resolution of the Board of Governors and Guardians passed in 1893 in favour of an increase in the wages of the Porters of the Gallery, the Treasury, on the 19 September 1894, consented to an increase as follows:- J. Dunne to receive 24/ a week L. Pedrench Meforde to have 23/ a week rising to 24/ after 10 D. Cleary years service. E. Boyle. to have 20, rising 1/ a week per year to 24 1 288 this increase was to take effect from ten 1st April 1894, and accordingly the Porters have been in receipt of their increased wages since that date. On the 30th April Mr. P.M. Kennedy Registrar of the Gallery retired or a pension after a service of 21 years; and the Governor and Guardians at a meeting held on the 19th April, appointed Mr. W. G. Strickland to be Registrar of the Gallery. This appoint. ment was confirmed by the Treasury, and Mr Strickland entered upon the duties of his office on the 1st May 1 am my Lords and Gentleman Your obedient Servent Signed) Walter Armstrong Director Appendix Descriptions of Pictures and Drawings acquired during the year. Fordinand Bol, ascribed to (1611-168) Butch School. Portiont an Old Lady An old Lady seated, three quarter length, directed to the right, looking to the front. Wears a loose black mantle over a light fitting body I red trimmed with gold lace, with a large jewel in front, and cut low to show white chemisette and collar, on her head the wears a close fitting black cap with gold and pears in front and sides, and lace veil hanging behind. Her left hand rests or her knee, her 289 2 right had across the body. on parel, 2 feet 4 ½ inches high, 1 foot 11 inches wide Purchased in London from Mr. Jo. Abictam Hung in the Gallery in small Dutch room, and number 346 Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. (1769-1830) Brith School Portrait of Francis William 2nd Earl of Charlemont Half length, directed to the front, looking downwards to the left. Dressed in light fitting coat with fur coller. This portant is a fragment from a full length group of Lord and Lady Charlemont and their infant son, formerly at Roxborough Carth, May, Co. Tyrone, the seat of the Earl of Charlemont Caras, 2 feet 6 inches high; 2 feet wide. Pincland from S. Gooden London. Heing in modern Gallery, and numbered 379. 3. John Burnet, (1784-1865 British School. Sketch for the picture of Greenwich Hospital and Naval Heroes, now at Apsley House, London. Canvas 1 foot 5/2 inches high, 2 feet 5 inches wide. Purchased from Shepherd Brothers, 202 don. Hung in modern Gallin, and numbered 378 4. Jakob Van Strig (1766-1815) Dutch School. A Landscape; in fore ground stands a black cow; behind an two others a dun and a red, lying down. 6 5 290 On Pane 2 feet 4/2 inches high, 1 foot 11 inches wide. Pincland from Mrs Algie Dublin. King in Small Dutch Gallery, and numbered 344 Peter Jen Van Bach (16031675) Dutch School. Landscape; on ten left is a building on a high rock overlooking a river spanied by a bridge. A road over the latter leads part a thick wood on the right; or it an two figures on horseback, a man walking, and a woman, with a basket seated Otagonal panie, 1 foot 412 inches high, 1 for inclus wide. Signed with initials Pinclared from Mrs Algie, Dublin. Arong in main Gallery, and numbered 343 David Ferers (1610 1694) Dutch School. three figures in a landscape, Pastices upon Georgions three Philosophers at Vienna. In fore ground of trees & rocks on three figures, two standing and one seated, which originally represented the three Philosophers, or mage, but here attend by Teniers to Beggars - In the back ground are mountains and a town. on Pance 8th inches high, 1 foot wide Formerly in the Blenheim Palace collection. purchased from Mr Donaldson, London. Hung in Main Gallery, and numbered 390. 7. Nicholas Maas (16321693 Dutch School. Vertumnus and Porona. vertumnus in the guise of an old woman 291 is exciting her persuasive powers upon Tomona, a young give, who listens attentively. Both seated on a stone bench with balus trade behind. Dertumnus is dressed in black and brown, with white mot cap, Pomona, all in bright vermillion, with white under dress showing at Shoulders and carris. A black and gold girdle with rasselled ends, round her roast from which Langs also a bunch of Keys and a large it. On her head the wears a wide leaved straw hat. In foreground at her feet, a large basket of fruit On parel, 1 foot 6 inches high, 2 feet wide, Signed and datid, on end to the Genl. Maas 1673 Purchased in Paris from Mons. S. Bourgeois Hung in suall Dutch Gallery, & numbered 347 8. Thomas Wick (d 1677 Butch School. Interior of a Weavers cottage. A room with a weaver on the right working at his room, and apparently conversing with his wife who is to the left of the picture. near her an two children, one of whom its in an inclosed box chair, scattered about an various utensils, a barrel brickets &c. Two small windows to leaded glass admit the light On Panch, 1 foot 3th inches high, 1 foot 2 inches wide. Purcland in Paris from Mrs. S. Bourgeois Hung in Small Dutch Gallony, and numbered 349 292 A. Georg Penza. 1550 German School. Portion of a young man, half length, to left; wearing a black doublet with short full sleeves, below which appear light fitting leaves of town, small free or suff round the neck, and or his head a flet black cap or bonnet. In his left land he holds a shall Pance, 1 foot 4 inclies high, 11 miles wide, Inscribed on left upper coiner, States since XXV Anno 1547 and the mitials, in monogram, G.P. Purchased at Christies. Aring in South halle and numbered 372 10 Johannes Lindelach 1625 1657) Dutch Schor. Landscape. In the foreground are two huntsman and a lady on horseback, the latter on a white horse, before an in from which a man is bronging refreshment. three other figures are seated or standing before the doorway, and on the right is an attendant with dogs. In the distant back¬ ground are others of the party with does and hawks Panel, 1 foot two inches high, 1 foot 42 inches wide. Signed on ground at bottom of fance, I longelbach Piclased in London from Mr. S. Gooden King in small Dutch hallery, and numbered 348 11 George Romney (1734-1802 British School Titana, Tuck and the changeling 293 on left, Titania, mide to the waist with red robe, and a white ribbon in her haw, reclines on ten ground her head supported on her hands. On ten right is tuck playing with the Clangeling a made infant rolling or his back on the ground. Caras, 3 feet 5 inches high, by 4 feet 5 inches wide. Engraved in 1810 by E. deriven Pinclased at Miss Romneys Sale at Hung in modern Gallery, Christies, and numbered 381. 12. Emile Lambinet 1815 1877) French School. Landscape. In foreground a greenfield in which are cattle, slopes down to the edge a stream or pond. In the back ground standing against the sky, a large tree with two smaller ones; a farmhouse behind Canvas 2 feet 11 inches high, 2 feet 32 inches wide. Signed in right hand bottom corner, tile Lambinet and in opposite corner, Guillet 1851. Purchased in London from Mr. J. McLean, Hung in modern Gallery, and numbered 424 13. Charles Grey, R.A.A. (about 1808-1892 British School. Sketch portrait of a Highland Forester. Donald McLea head firster to the Duke Sutherland. Sketched in 1559 at Rhidorrock Ross shire, a study for finished picture in 294 possession of Lord Powerscourt. Hall length, an old man wrapped in a plaid, holding a stick in right hand, and telescope under left arm Millboard, & inches high, 6 inches wide. Signed Grey R.H.A and dated 1859. Pinclased from the artists son, King in modern Gallery, and numbered 426 14 Thomas Collier 184-189) British School. Early snow on the Welsh Hills. bleak moorland with bare hills, lightly covered with snow, against a background of lowering leaden clouds. Water colour. inches high, 1 foot 6 1/2 inches wide. Purchased in London from Mr. S. Gooden 15 Thomas Gamborough 177 1785 British School A Pair B. Portraits, a man and a woman, in pencil; each cardboard, oval, 5 inches high, 4 inches wide. Signed, in pence, Thos. Gainborough fecit 1743-4 Pinclased from Mrs Snow, of Waterford Painter unknown 16 A. Pair of Portraits. Mr Connolly of Castletown and his wife Canour. Mr Connolly, shown to knees; dressed in long. Skirted blue coat, faced and trimmed with gold embroidery or lace. Holds his hat under his right arm. Landscape back ground 295 Mrs Connolly three quarter length Right land points to right, while with the left the holds up a loose, floating. blue scarf. Dressed in amber Satin dress cut low. Landscape, with waterfall, in background. Both on Canvas 4 ft high, 3 feet 2 inches wide Purchased from Mrs Gage King in Portrait hallery, and numbered 421 and 422 17 George Barret, jun about 1774. 1822) British School. Portrait of the Artist. Three quarter length; seated to the left before an ease, on which is a painting of a landscape, looking to the front. Dressed in a green coat with high collar of yellow waistcoat show- ing. Holds a brush and Mastick in his hands. Pance, 2 feet inches high 2 feet wide Purchased from Mr. John Ward, Blackburn, Lancashire. Hing in Portrait Gallery and numbered 15. 18 Francis Goles, R.A. (1726 -1770 British School. Portrait of Maria Gunning, Countess of Coventry. to wait, turned to right, facing to front Low cut grey satin, or silk, dress with 2 rows pink rosettes down the front and on shoulders, and slashed sleeves, loose blue scarf. Hair black and ceiled at back, with string of pears. Canvas oval, 2 feet 6 inches high, 2 feet, I much 296 wide Painted in 1751, and engraved in mezzstent by J. MacArdell. Formerly in possession of the Revd Gilbert George Coventry. Pureland from Messrs Lawrie and to London. Hung in Portrait Gallery, and numbered 477. 19 James Malton (d. 1803 British School View of Thomas Street, Dublin, in 1797 St. Catherines Church, and figures in the fore ground. The latter differ from those in the engraving of this view published the same year. water color, 1 foot gineties high, 2 feet 6 inches wide. Purchased from Messr. Dureacher, London. King in Portrait Gallons 20 Gerard Van Houthort (1590 1656) Dutch school. The betrayal of Christ Christ seized by the servants and soldiers of the High rest. A young man stands prominently in the fore ground, with right hand clenched, and seemingly uttering threats or imprication He wears a shall steel correct over a bright brown or yellow garment, loose red breeches and a flat black cap with strick feather on right is boy holding a torch which lights the scene. Peter, or the left stands with uplifted sword over the High Priests sor. vant who has fallen to the ground, and whose lantern lies near him. In the back. found, with other figures, fridas appears ding a bag of money 297 Canvas 6 feet inches high, 9 feet 2 miches wide Presented by George Donaldson, Sr. London, to the Gallery, in memory of his mother, a native Dublin. King in South Gallery, and numbered 425 24 John Sell Colman (1782 1842) British School. a view in Nanion. Water colour, 104 inches high, 1 foot 3/2 inches wide Presented by F. Heischman Ex. H. Wheelwright 22 five copies, in water colours, after early talian paintings, viz: Picta by Grottin in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence 1 2. St Stephen Preaching, Proses by Fra Angelico in the Vatican Chapel of Nicholas 3. A woman with a child in her arms, from the same fresco 4 and 6. Two small pictures by Grotts in Academia ference. bequeathed by Miss Thompson of 16 Fitz William Place. Dublin On the motion of Mr. Catterson Smith, seconded by Dr Molloy, the Report was adopted, and ordered to forwarded to Her Majesty's Treasury The Board then adjourned. Read and confirmed at a meeting 16 ten Board held on 14 day of Novemb 895 Pound Ch. 302 14 November 1895 a meeting of the Board was held this day at two o'clock. Present Viscount Powerscourt in the Chair The Earl of Mayo Mr Rt Hon Joseph meade Sir Thomas Farrell. P.R.H.A. Lieut Colonel Hopton Scote J.J. Gilbert Esq. L.L.D. S. Patterson Smith Esq. R.H. The Director The Register was in attendance The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed The Director exhibited a Bronze Brist of ten late Revd James Healy, executed by L. Charalland, & London, which was offered as a gift to the National Portion Gallery by Mr Henry Yates Thompson and read the following letter 1 Nov. 1895. 26th Bryanston Square, is Dear Mr Armstrong I am glad the bust of father Healy is liked by those who have seen it. Coundering that the artist had only a few photographs to work from it seems to me quite wonderful. 308 kindly mention to the Board of Governor that my reason for venturing to offer it to the National Gallery of Ireland is my high admiration for the Character of my late dear friend. He was, as all the world knows, a fine humorist. But he was much more than that. He always seemed to me to be the embodiment of Christian Charity, a virtue which Ireland like other countries does well to honour If your Board accept the bust I shall ask to be allowed to find for it a suitable pedestal of some Irish marble, and to inscribe on the Tedestal, Subject of course to their approval The Gift of Henry Yates Thompson, one of Father Healy's many English friends, 1895 most truly yours (signed) A. G. Thompson Walter Armstrong Ex the Board resolved unanimously to accept Mr Yates Thompson's gift, and instructed the Director to write a letter of cordial thanks to the Donor The Director submitted the estimate of the amount re- Quind to pay salaries & expenses of the National Gallery for the year ending March 31, 1887 amounting to a total of 2443.4.5 The Board approved, and directed this Estimate to be forwarded to the Treasury 304 The following pictures and engrav. ings were submitted by the Director and their purchase approved by the Board. From the Earl Mayo. Soldiers in a born Oil picture by W.C. Dryster 50.0.0 from J.C. Navy, Landscape, water colour by S. H. Campbell 2:10:0 from A. Roth Mezzoint portant of Edward Cooke 55.0 From J. G. Robertson, Mizzoint portrait Owen McSwine 1.10.0 from A. Roth Mezzoint Portrait, Duke of Ormond Sir Charles Doyle Line Esq David Latouche Sir Phelim Oneale - Stipple. Henry Tresham. R.A. 1612 - Lord Hutchinson Lithograph Sir Wm Betham Robt 1st L. Derry 1 Lord Rosse Colonia print Lord Rokeby The Director detailed to the Board the steps which had been taken in filling up the vacancy on the staff of Porters caused by the dismissal of Denis Cleary The Board approved of the appointment of Pensioner Sergeant William Murphy. and instructed the Director to communi= cate with the War office and the treasury in order that Sergeant simply might be appointed under the provisions of the Treasury 305 minutes of 14 March 1894 and 25th July 189; such appointment to date and carry pay from 1th October ultimo The following resolution was proposed by Dr. Gilbert, seconded by the Earl of Mano, and carried unanimously; that a communication be addressed to the Lords Commissioners of H.M. Treasury asking their consideration of the great inconvenience caused to the public in Ireland by the madequacy of the existing accomodation for works of Art in the National Gallery, Dublin, and begging their kind attention to the representations made to their Lordships on this subject from 1891 onwards The Board authorized the Director to lend not more then three pictures to the Exhibition of Cla Masters to be held at the Royal Academy, London, in January, February and March 1826 Mr Board then adjourned. Read and confirmed at Meeting of the Board held on 12 day of Mank 1896 and the 1 306 12 March 1896 A meeting of the Board was held this day at two o'clock. Present Viscount Powerscourt R.P. Dr. Malaffy Dr. Ingram D. Molloy W. Hore Esq. R.H.A. S. Pattison Smith Ex R.H.A. The Director The Register was in attendance The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed The Director read warrants of the Lord Lieutenant dated 18th February 1896 Ap. pointing Lord de Vesci, and reappointing the Very Revd Gerald Molloy, to be Governors and Guardians of ten National Gallery of Ireland, the former vice Lord Gough, deceased. The following pictures and engravings were submitted by the Director for purchase at the prices appended, and approved by the Board. Oil Picture, Landscape, by Jas Holland 60.0.0 do Portrait of a Lady, by Bandrek 315.0.0 307 20.0.0 Oil Picture, Interior, by W. de Porter Water Colour, Deeppe Harbor, 16.0.0 by Samuel Austin Missott Portraits of Revd Abornity, by John Brooks after Jas Latham Humphrey French, Engraver unknown. Dr. Thomas Deland, by John Dear after Reynolds Sir Samuel Martin, by W. Walker after Phillips. Duke of Ormond Stipple Engraving, Portraits of W. Baille, by himself 9.0.0 1 G. Ensor, by H. Meyer after Comerford Longraving, Portraits of Isaac Bavie, by 7th Hall after C. G. Stuart Mr Low, engraver unknown Duke Tirconnell Dutch Crint Lithograph, Portant of Sir De Lacy Evans, by H. Lynch Egravid Portrait of Lord Avonmore by S. Robinson 1.15.0 The following engraved porticuts from collection of the late John Chalone Smith, Gold in London in February 1894 Megistent Edwd Fitzgerald of Newark, by W. J. Armes after 3. Nugent 10 General Lord Blakeny by J. MacArdell, after G. Chalmers. 10 Revd. T. Blackford by J. MacArdell 1 Lord Pery, by W. Say, after Stuart 4 Arch Lord Somerton, by W. Say after Stuart 1 Robert Shaw, M.P. by W. Ward after stuart 2 States) 10 Erasmus Smith, by George white Stipple. Lord Fitzgibbon & Bart. lozze after Cosway is Lady Duncannon, by Batolog, after Downman so Lord Dungarvan, with Mr Honble Courtonan and Charles Boyle, by Mr. Jones after Cosway Lime &c. Rev. D. Maguire, by H. Brocks after O’Douch Thos. McKenny, by N. Brocks Revd. C.R. Mation, do Thos. Grady Sir John Stevenson C. Macklin Bruce 18 30 2 309 Tried out, a picture by the late Edward Sheil, was submitted for pur¬ chase by Mr Navin, but declined by the Board an application by Father (assidy, of the Franciscan Convent, Merchants Quay. for ten loan of the Portrait John Hogan by B. Mulrennin, in order that it might be copied by Mr Hogan's daughter a cloistered nun of Loretts Abbey Rath- farnham, was considered by the Board who instructed the Director to inform Father Cassidy that his application could not be entertained, as the loan of pictures to private individuals was against the rule and practice of the Gallery. It was moved by Dr. Molloy and seconded by D. Ingram that on those Public Holidays and Sr. Patrick day the Gallery, shall be open from to the This was carried unan. Public mously The Board then adjourned. Read and confirmed at Meeting to the Board held on 6 day of August 1896 mation Abernathy, John, ing portrait of 307 Aldegrevor, H. Picture by 159 Angelico dia Pictim by 107.108 do drawing after 271 Anthonizen, a Picturity 15 Arlington, Earl of Portrait 148 Armstrong, Walter, Election of as Director. 209.214 215218222 Arch P. Var. Picture by 257 Arper, Ham sent to R.A. 87 Austin, S. water colour by 307 Autographs. 118 Armore, Lord upon Portrait 307 1 Picture by Backinson, ing portant of Ballin, Wm chalk portion by 10000 Balf. M. Basin, John Porticut of Michael do do Piction by lent to H.R. Barbar Pictim by Barker, Barre race ing portrait Piction by Barret G. ye Portion of Barret G. James Eng Portrait Barry Portrait by Bellin Picturity, offered or even by R.H. Benson do. Pictures by Belotto Loan from Benson R.H. Pretty Staghunt Bercem do do eng Portant Berford, rep. Bergen, Dan. Pictim Bessborough, are of portant by Paterson Smith Betham, Sir, Eng portant Blackford Revd. I Eng portant of Blackbrone, Ld Chancellor, do do do do Blackwood, Sir H. do do Blakeney, Lord Bleker, Picture by Blessington, Lady miniation Porticut of Board meeting hours Picture attributed to Bot miniature by Bone Bonfagio, Picture by 10th, Picturely, drawing by Boucher, I 56 307 148 72 91 131 224 357 2 262 86 107 241 56 241 113 80 278 129 149 304 308 278 278 307 91 178 269 100 3 40 12 244 1 Boyle. appointed Porter 130.132 Boyne battle of engraving by mas 271 Brady, Ld Chancellor, Porticut of lent to Manchester 116117. Brikeleramp. Picture by 41 Brown counting portrait of 14 Bronor, Picture attributed to 246 Bruce ing portant 308 Brign B. Picture of school 281 Burger Colonel Pictures best by 272 Burke Edmund Portrait of deposited by N.P.R. 56 Burke Edmund & 6 fore Portrait 166 Burke Richard miniature portant by Bone 2 Brock Richard Portrait by Reynolds 138 Burlington Allet Loans to 241 Burnett Piction by 23 Burton Judge in portant of 24 Burton, A appointed Porter 2 79 do do death 130 Byrne Charles miniation portant 148 Cornelius Callaghan Eng portant of 22 Portrait Camden, Campbell J.H. water colour by Canalett Picture by Piction by appell portant of Carew, Sir Geo: ing Pastel Portion of Carhampton, Lord Carleton, Wm Patient Carlish, Earl by Brost aspects viction by Patient Carter, Lord Casey Wm mination portant of 1 application for boar of drawing Cassidy, Catalogining of Portract Gallery Catalogi 1890 picture by Chambers. G. 1st Earl of Portient Charlemont, do 2d Earl of Portrait Charles Autograph do Charwoman appt Chesterfield Earl. Pastel portant of Prition by Class, P. Portrait of Clan Appointed Porter Cleary Denis Dismissed do do Piction by Codde Water Colours by Collin miniature portant of Sears. Comerford infinished 80 do do do do do of W. Casey Constable, J. Water colour drawing pencil drawing do do Picture 278 141 304 91 141 278 80 72 271 197 138 194 309 287 282 35 257 113 118 21 143 246 143 104 283. 304 220 262 223 81 114 194 223 223 244 Conyngham, to Boston, engraved Portal 28 Cooke ing portrait 304 Coppinger B. Chall portract 86 Cogues, Gonzalo Picture by Corriggio, Piction by 21 Colman, J.S. water Color by 52 Cousin, Year. Pictor by 6 Cox David Piction by 22 Crampton, Sir Portrait 8 Crofton Mrs Portrait 1 broker, J. M. Portrait 12 Cromwell, Oliver Portically Cooper 113 do do do by Britfinch 1 do Richard do by Cooper 11 Cross a Piction by Croming Portrait of Charlemont, by 35 Crip. G. Piction girl & dog, by 151 up li drawing to 124 Daly, Denis, paster portant bost of Davis, TO Delan, Dock on Section by Desmond, countess B. Porticut Increase of Salary Director:- Journeys abroad do e Election of do Portrait of Charles Dobson, Portical group do Picture by, Jere Domenichis - Donaldson Geo Gift by Donegal Countess of Portient by Coles Don Picture) Eng Portical Sir 6 Doyle Boyle Photograph of Sir John made C.B. H.2. Doyle left from do do Death R do do Letter from Mrs Doyle Drawingly Doyle R. drawingly Stephen do Pictionly Dragot Portrait by Vickeragill Drummond, I Porter Dunne, Joseph Picturely Buck J. Duffy, Sir. 6. gift by Duncannon, Lady - Eng particut by Bartology Dungarvan, & brothers; ing portant chalk portion Dunn, Rev. D. Durer A. Portrait of a man fac similes of drawings do Picture by Busart 148 132 162 278 2227.50 32 209.214218 113 114 129 272 177 277 304 203 6 82 208 273 113 49 91 191 64 193 132 308 308 274 59 171 234 Dutch School porticut Dunster pictures 1 Buck in a van, pictures by 248 223304 80.190.306.114 Eckhout Granden. Pictim, our Lord in Temple 90 do a do Portical 161 Enson. A enge portrait of 307 Essex, Earl of Portrait 106 Etter to 1 Picture. The Duct 6 Evens, Sr. Dr Lacy ing Portrait of 30 Extension of Gallery Buildings 262 276 305 Farren, Eliza Porticut by Humphrey Ferg Piction by Farrar, Gandenzo Picture Finance Committee Finch 7.0 by Fore in Gallery. FitzGerald, Lord Edward Portrait do do miniatio Portion Fitz Gerald, had Bequest FitzGerald Edward 8 Newark. Eng Portical Fitz Gibbon, Lord Eng portrait Fitz William Lord Eng Portrait Fleischman, I Giftly Finch Govert Portrait by Flors, Frans Picture, The Golden Calf Foley. Casts Forde. appointed to Foster, Revd. 6. Portant Frille, Isaac drawingly French, Humphry end porticut of 147 162 255 261 244 10 84 85 27 308 308 114 26 223 40 11 68 17 22 35 Gael Baront picture 224 Gamborough 56 Landream by 7 do Pair of pencil portraits 273 Gandon, I miniation portion of 81 Gortin Gift by R. 279 6 Gilligan appointed Porter 716468 Giotto drawing after 27 Giotto do 272 Gisellan Piction by 244 W. Gesignes sale. 20 Gough Lord 164 Portion do Eng Portrait 107 Grady to ing portrait 308 Brist 35 Gratton, I - Autographs presented by 118 Green, Rich Pictures by him to be bought Grey, C. 235 do Piction, a Scord Forster 273 Guerein Pictum St. Joseph by 20 Gunners Sir 2.6. Gift of money to punch sualso each ingravings at Cheloner Smith Sale - 126.1 Gernon, Maria Portrait 262 Hat I Picturely 10.11. Haswell Keele Pictures 191 Hamilton Palace Collection 37.49.54 Hamilton, H.D. Portion Lord Clare 242 do Pastel portrait of Lord Carhampton 80 Harding, J. B. Piction by 244 Harbert. Picture by lent to R.A. 8 Hayden appointed Charwoman 281 Hayman Pection by 44 Headfort, Margis lift from 244 Healy Revd. I Brist of 302 Her. Petty C 277 Hickey Portrait 2 244 Hadley B. Portrait 177 B. Hadley Porticut of 191 Ardson Sr Geo: Lifty 82 Hogan application for loan of portant 30 Holbeen A. Portrait of Vogat 235 Holland water colour by 27 do Picture by 356 Portrait by Home, N. 56 left by Hon. N.R.H.C. Picture by Honthort G. 3 Hooch P. de Picture by 20 Hogh Rd. Prints by 8 Portrait of Mr Munster Hopper, 11 House in Marion gear, alterations. 140 Hudson, Ed. Portant 174 Hunt, W.H. W.C. Cottage to 8 do Young Squor do 127 Hutchinson, Lord Exr Portract 304 Human Pretion by 40 do Watt from 194 belson 7.6 Picture by Ireton M. Portrait Iveagh, Lord & see also Growness James Collection Feb. Bp. pencil portrait Fough Ld. Piction by Tripter, case of Head 277 162 12 193 126 161 82 5 48 Kavanagh, Julia Portrait of Kennedy, W.D. Picture by Kennedy, P.N. Registrar, Retirement of Keyser and Kindall, Pictum by 69 127 257.260.263 270.288 129.130 4 X Lambert. Pictury. 262 Lands, Sr. Drawing of Lion 80 do Waterloo 67.68 Latouch enge portion 304 Portrait Lawrence. In the Lord 2.2 Leicester Lord Portrait to 144 Leigh - Porter 64.180 Leigh Mr 64 Leinster, Duke Giftly 84 Leland. His a portrait 30 Portrait of a goe Lely, on Peter 13 Portrait Lever Charles 127 Lighting of Gallery by electuate 205 Picture by Lingelback 262 1 Lown of Pictures by Gallery for Exhibition. 7.15.23. 2627. 216. 131. 136.137. 196241 248.305.309 Loan of Raphael Carroons to Corts & Crafts Society 279 Loan of engravings to Sr. Gilbert Partian Loftus, Sir A. 197 Londonderry, Robt. Margins of Lithe Portrait 304 Portrait by Lough 107 Lucan Earl of N.C. Portrait 48 Lyon Mr Eng Portrait 307 Portrait Lynight 144 Mar. N. Picture by McHele, Arch 67 Porticut McKenny to ing portant Macklin, 6 Portrait by Deroid do do Roffany to ing portant Maclose, D. Pictim, Merry may McSwine, O ing portant Magine Count Eng portrait of Mason, Revd do Mahon, Gorman pencil portrait Malton, Jas W.C. drawn T.C.D. do do St. Catheris Chanch Manchester Exhibition Loans to marles R.B. gift from Bp Malary portrait - Martin, S. end portant Portrait by Dr Heire Mary 1, Our Mary 1 Queen, Portrait mature, 6 eng portant Mayo Earl of Gift by Meehan Revd. 6. Gifts by Melborne, Low Portract Miner, R. gift by Monroe, D. Portrait of Moore, Thomas Portrait of letter from do do Autograph do Portraits of Father & Martin Moore, John Porte, resignation of Mrs do do Mor Antonio, drawing by Morise. P. Pictim by Moreto Picture by now Fintan 252 174.178 308 11 144 308 11 116 308 86 308 223 91 273 116 213 101 30 194 113 308 81 82 117 246 190 129 129 12 127 55.64 64 244 104 41 Morland. viction by Mountrath, Lady. Portrait Mulready to a The young brother a The to Selle do a Mullan, S.C. The Lazar by do Brist Mills B. Picture after Murphy, the pence portrait Murphys House, alterations to Murphy, Porter, appointment of My tens Portrait of Lady 65 143 67 190 49 186 107 148 141.281 304 161 - - National Gallon London Locons from National Portion Gary a a Newport, Sir John Eng portant Normany, Margues of Portrait Norton, M. Portant of gent, Genl. Portant of Nugent Count Lithe Portrait of Niz Maris viction by 66.79 56 129 22 129 207 149 105 1 X OBrien, Mr retirement of O Brien, Wm Esq Portrait OCallaghan, J.C. Porticut child, Picture by OConnell Daniel, - That by Mullan, do Bust do do to Lithe portant do do Minutive do do Mrs Porter Hagan, Lord Crayon portion ONeale, Phelim and portrait O’Neill. Henry Portrait of O’Neile, Daniel, offer a bit of Wellington O Neill, Miss Eliz. Mazzo portant do do miniation by Newton ONeill, Lord ing portion Ockney, Lord, ing portant of Ormond, Duke of engraved portants of giftly M Shannon Ossory, Earl end porticut of Ould, Sir Fielding portant 304 1115 118 65 2 82 72 85 49 162 278 125 304 85 85 117 178 278 278 307 24 278 41 1 X Piction Palmatic his lent to R.C. do do 55 1 Palliser, Sir Wm 139 Porticut of Parme tent to R.C. 23 Pape, de Petty 161 Parnice, Tho. eng portant of 278 Patricks day Holiday 309 Panall, W. B. Gift by 85 Peace. Pritin 262 Porigins, fiction by 40 Pery Lord - ing portrait 5 308 Petrie, George miniation portrait of 278 do do Comenon 171 front H. left by 282 Pilkington M. eny portrait 223 Plunket, Lord Stamittee to 24 do in portant 24 Roll, and victim 144 portant Ponarily, I 190 4 244 Porter, W. D. Piction, Robing of Esther 1 do Intern do 307 Picture by Pordenon, 40 Portarlington, Lord, fifty 88 Porter, additional appointed - 2448 46.62.72 Porters, incran Pa Portrait Gallen. fitting up room for 11.24 do opening 82.98 do Catalogued 28 Potter, Prete, pection by 246 The Encombent Poussin, R. 40 Power, from enge portant 118 Porticut of Pincell. P. 85 X 2 X Portrait of Sir Stewart 278 Radburn, Portraits of Raleigh 127 Raphael Cartoons, sent to Corts & crafts Exhibition. 279 Registrar, increase of Salary 4245. 48.51.53. 114 do 265 torms of appointment. Rembrandt Shepherds reposing 65 60.62 35 do engraving do do Portrait of a young men. 175187 do 224 Reproductions of drawings Remaid Picture 161 Report of Director for 1879 12 1880 36 57 1887 1882 73 82 1883 22 1884 1885 120 1886 132 150 1887 165 1888 180 1889 200 1820 181 224 249 1892 1893 267 1894 283 69 Copy to be furnished to trans 4 195.204 Time of presenting Reynolds, Sir J. Pritrait of Ld. Northington 60.62.7379 Ribera St Jeroment to R.A. 131 120 Richmond Geo: Gifts by 174 279 Robinson, archips. Portion by A. Kaufman, officer. 86 Rock Jas. peral portrait Rokely, 28 colored print 304 Romeyn, co. Piction by 246 Romney, Geo: Picturely 262 Ross, Mr 129 Reft Rosse, Lord Lithe portant of 304 Rossett drawing by 65 Rothwill R. Portrait 117 do 2. Pretty 56 Roncy, Contide, Portant 278 Royal Academy Loan to 215.232627.30. 41.8 105131136.137 195. 186248 305 Rubens St Dominick 278 Ridd Eng portant of 278 Rydal J. Picturent to R.C. 16 Rede, and de Rege Pictor by 129.130 7 2 Sarsfield ing portrait 198 Scots andria de Picture lent to R.A. 137 Schoenberg, ing particut 81 Scully, V. giftly 85 Shaw, R. in portrait of 308 hearer Mr Portical 81 Sheil. Pictory, declined 309 Signore, L. Picture 128 do do 126 lent to R.A. Sam. Picture by 177 Slingeland portant of a Lady 113 Smith, S. Catterson gift by 81 Smith, J. Chaloner sale, 1887 & 1888. 1826. 126. 141.30388. Smith, harms, Eng Portial 308 Mario. Petty 246 lomackers. Picturity 40 Somerton, Lord Eng portant 308 30 Pretty 113 Steel, Sr. R. Portrait of 147 Steen, Jan. Village School rent to R.A. 23 do The But 144 Steenwick Picture by 144 Portion Sterne 129 Stevenson, In eng portant in 244.308 Stewart Exhibition committee meetings & gift from 15 1623 Stewart, James and portion 278 Sloop, D. Picture by 161 Strafford, Lord portant by Harding 148 do do Portrait presented by Mr Morley 213 Sickland, W.9 Appointed Regular 261265271288 Did by Stry Ivan 57 Sness, Ham Section 222 Swinton, J. R. Portrait of Lady Cland Hamilton 242 I X 261 227 Taylor Prize Competitions 165 10822144, 192217 246. co do election of substitute for Judge enable to act 208 Teners 3 copies by 114 Torbing Portrait by 112 Miss Thompson, Bequest 171.172.227 Thompson. H. Gates, left of bust of Healy 302247 repoto Picture by 193 Tition Ecal Homer 90 do Supper at Emma tent to R.A. 136 Tormer 5 gift by 229 Pritiat Tottenham, 6 197 Kesham, Heng portrait 304 Portrait of To Arch 69 Turner, J. M.W. Pictures deposited by N. G. London 80 do its Sketches by Gent by N. G. London 32 Tawley, Lord ing portant 278 connell, Earl Indian tall portrait by Bulfinch 118 do do Dutch portant 307 X Adon as an Prelim adder Pan of Landscapes Picture by Valer. Baron Picture by 4 Vecchio Palma, Pretenly to and Weld the elder Pictim by do do do the younger do do do Drawings Ventian illumination Vernon Preture by Vince Lord Picture do do lent to R.C. Picture bliger, Sd. Volunteers in College Green Picture do do etching 105 113 107 14 8 8 127 81 177 161 40 131 159 188 279 2 to Wadding, Luke. ing portrait of do do Porticut of by Ribera Walker, Bp. and portion Wandesford, Sir 6 ing portract Picture by ward. Watkins, B.C. Pictures by him to be bought - do rection by Wattian drawings by Portrait of L. Lawrence Watts A.A. do Portrait of Mrs Norton Willister, Margins. Crayon portant by Lawrence. Bronze but do do Wellington, Duke of. Brist Wirt, R.L. Portrait Westmorland, Earl We Portant Whately, Arch ing portant wheate, Picti Girl & dog Wicklow, Earl of Act by Wild, 8d Portrait of Macken Wilkie S. Picture peep or day boys William III Portrait by Kno as ye do as a boy Portant W.C. Pritant Wisemen, Cardinal Wouverman Petty do drawingly Portion Wogan. 6. Portrait of William I wick, Jan. wick, Thomas Piction by Pictly wynants, I 82 159 149 25 113 235 244 194 24 129 91 149 85 19 162 278 190 81 11 67 113 80 143 82 129 194 191 80 262 90 X